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Blatantly not a picture of the time.
That had to be taken before 2004 tho.
What's wrong with corner desks? They're peak performance.
Yeah that carpet's more insulting desu
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it's weird, back in the 90s I never dusted my room and my shit never got dusty, now if I don't dust every couple weeks everything gets filthy
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Anon, your mom was cleaning your room while you were at school...
Let me guess, you moved from a little town to a big city in that time. Cities are dirty, it's not a meme
Kids are idiots and don't realise how dirty they let shit get
>believing in imaginary creatures that clean your house while you're away
> pic date isn't correct
what makes you think that? there's a ton of Xbox / Gamecube games there which suggests it's a built up collection. Also there are no flatscreens, they started becoming prevalent in the mid / late 00s. Nor is there an xbox 360, wii or PS3.
I think that 04 / 05 is probably a correct date for this picture, and everything in it seems to suggest that as far as i can tell.
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I used to have something very similar to picrel 20 years ago
You just know this nigga knows exactly where everything in this room is.
>not one game
This is a goon cave.
>printer on the top shelf
Why would anyone do this to himself?
Operating a keyboard and mouse on that sliding drawer was a nightmare and I'm glad they're gone in favour of monitor stands now.

I thought it was just some moon wizard's place of zen and peace until you pointed that out
>Operating a keyboard and mouse on that sliding drawer was a nightmare
nobody complained back then, you just don't like them now because a lifetime of computer addiction has left you overweight and ruined your posture
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A lolicon's goon cave.
>Japanese books

Yep, the absolute shithole pile of crap literally everywhere makes sense. My Japanese wife and mother in law can't tidy a fucking house if they had guns to their heads, just piles of motherfucking random shit everywhere until they know company is coming over.
Why not? Printers arent turned on 90% of the time. They just take up space. Best to put it on a shelf that isn't important or used often.
You've clearly never had to change the ink cartridge in a printer on a high shelf.
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Actually, you retards, you probably had responsible parents that took care of your central A/C filtration system so shit like dust build up wouldn’t happen.
>implying i live in a mcmansion with one of those
this but vacuuming

I think the world just got dirtier
It's not just a nip problem, old programmers, professors and engineers do this a lot. Piles of reference manuals for out of date dogshit that they haven't used in two decades. All for show.
>All for show.
Or more likely, they never know when they might need those materials again, especially given the nature of their jobs requires referencing older materials. Not all people are hopeless normalfaggots trying to show off for no reason than to placate their egos.
My house got way dustier after my father bought a new (used) dryer, and the dust took on a distinctly laundry-like scent. It gave me such a severe negative Pavlovian response to the smell that to this day I refuse to use dryer sheets, and only use a small amount of detergent for clothes.
>pc sitting directly on carpet
Do you live in the same house as you did back then? If you live in an area with more pollution/traffic or if your house has different ventilation etc then your house can get more dusty.
>there's a ton of Xbox / Gamecube games there which suggests it's a built up collection
What the fuck does this even mean?
Computer cases weren't designed to cool from underneath back then.

That subwoofer makes me very suspect. That looks suspiciously a lot like a model I had myself that Amazon started selling in the 2010s
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my desk right around circa early 2005, browsing the WoW forums for my server.
>implying that only rich bitch houses have central ac as if it's some kind of luxury only feature
>implying i lived at a residence constructed after the 1950's with fancy vents/ducts
How many games come out at a consoles launch dummy?
About the same
That...is actually a great setup. I wish I had that now. I'd spend more time retro gaming with it.
>I think that 04 / 05 is probably a correct date for this picture

It's fun to disagree with people on the internet but yeah, but I'd probably concur with with that estimation.
That’s John from Digital foundry’s old setup, it’s early 00’s.
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i had one
Vents/Ducts in a house that is almost a century old are not "fancy", they also are not limited to mcmansions
>Actually, you retards, you probably had responsible parents that took care of your central A/C filtration system
That doesn't make the filth your skin produces every day disappear magically.
Y'all bitches just got bespok'd
we call them fireplaces
You're talking to the same people who make snarky comments about urbanites. These things probably are fancy by the standards of the podunk town in the middle of nowhere that they live in.
>t. lives in a suburb built during the 80's
It doesn't matter when the consoles are from.

The desk itself was from the 1990s
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>tfw his Mom goes into 'clean' and puts everything out of place
Contrarianism for its own sake
The overuse of commas has gotten really out of hand over the last few years.
>PC on the carpet
Video games are not important.
This was shockingly close to my setup back then.
Thats just how it was done back then. Fuck off, zoomy.
*The overuse of commas, has gotten really out of hand, over the last few years.
Did you have a black Slipknot wristband to match the monitor keyboard cover?
Based and K'NEXpilled.
I still do this.
No it wasn't, my computer desk had a little base for the PC case.
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A japanese porn game dev desk from 99. Ail-soft.
I am very confused about the Brain doll
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That monitor looks like its going to fall and crush your head.
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>that doesn't look so dangerou--
it clearly happened before, look how flat his face is
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My edge phase was near-terminal.
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actual 60 yr ole /vr/ era desk comin' through
>monitor keyboard cover
i have 0 idea what you're talking about. there was neither a cover on the monitor nor keyboard there. also i hated slipknot then. they were not "real" metal
damn that room is a time capsule from the late 70s/early 80s
>blurring the face
>arr rook same anyway
>kya still posts here
peak comfy
pic is from geocities, take your meds skitzo
>gamer paneling
man I should get one of those mini stereo systems again, I've still got a box of old cassette tapes and CDs with no way to listen to them
Meant 'color' this dang autocorrect
Dell Dimension 2400
4600i motherboard
2.8Ghz P4HT
AIW Radeon 8500 (ik weird card choice i got it for $5 boxed so i used it)
Sound Blaster Live! Dell OEM variant
2 gigs of DDR2
Original 30gig(iirc) boot drive and an 80 gig i got from china
The person who used this set up was a cool mother fucker.
Anon, he lives in a first world country, he doesn't have retarded outlets that have wildly fluctuating wattage flowing through it that could cause his PC to burst into flames at any given second.
holy crap its john linneman!
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I tried to buy vintage gamer paneling on Amazon but they just don't make it anymore...
What OS?
I don't know what that means
What operating system does your setup run?
??? what? its a computer
go ask your handler
Ah... the stacking technique. I know it well.
I still have this desk, but I had to nail in a block of wood to support the weight of a singular GDM-FW900. It is not rated to support the weight of two, so I am looking to replace it once I can save up enough for a place and a new desk.

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