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GBA ports (no remakes) that are actually good. Pic related.
looks cool, gonna try it later this week
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Douk is more of an original game than anything, while it shares sprites from 3D and added new ones. I wish the Wolf3D one were better, its lack of music and overall lack of polish kind of ruins the experience.
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People shit on the music, but I think it's not that bad, not as good as the original of course but still pretty much the recognizable same ost with a thinier sound.
The actual game looks the same, plays better (run button works without making the NPCs speed up) and has cool new feats like the EVE chip, which balances the game much better than the fan-made easy ring hack.
The lack of music in the GBA version of Wolf3D just kills it for me. It's a serviceable port in every other respect, but being as simplistic of a game as it is, not having music makes it feel bland and boring.
>Only for Game Boy Advance
What did they mean by this
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i played this and only this for a long time
>GBA ports (no remakes)
Where do you draw the line between a port and a remake on the GBA?
>weird AI companions

ill stick to the 16-bit port on the pc engine cd that also has kickass redbook audio
SMB3 has exclusive levels, though I am not sure of their quality.
>That box art
Man, the 2000s was quite a shit time for graphics design.
It's got a Newgrounds/Pico's School aesthetic going on, it's interesting. It's no Mega Man.
Link to the Past is definitive on GBA
Doesn't Yoshi's Island have more levels on GBA?

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