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rules: nothing more recent than 6th gen consoles, because A) this is /vr/ and B) it's all shit anyway

r8, b8, discuss, post your own! hopefully you guys have better taste than /v/
What's the mindset that makes people put 9 pictures together instead of just naming your top 10 games? I don't get it.
Individuals with attention deficits that find it hard to express themselves, they later become obsessed with 'charts' and 'aesthetic posting'.

because looking at an image is nicer than reading a list, and 3x3 collage is a square and even format where as 10 images is a mess no matter what.
i dunno how anyone could consider themselves a patrician and make an image like that. Like damn dude a 3 year old could make a better collage
>no zelda
>no kirby
>no pokemon
>only one mario game
fucking tryhard
>4 final fantasy games
Meh, get out of your comfort zone and play something else
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But OP's image is a mess.
roflmao even

its nerfed in a lot of ways compared to 6-9 but IMO the story+setting+great battle system make up for it, plus I find the sphere grid really fun. ending of X might be one of the best ever, if you actually beat ffx and felt nothing at any point then youre an actual NPC.

any reason to check out wolfenstein if I already played tf out of doom? (ps1 version for most kino ost)
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Making an overall list is harder than I thought (6th gen can go fuck itself though)
LMAO4FINALFANTASY!1 aside, you've got the most bland collection of entry level games imaginable- you're only missing Ocarina of Time.
Though given the "PATRICIANS ONLY" in all-caps I'm inclined to think this post is some kind of satire.

5/6 for having best vania and shitter of the night vania

please show me your amazing enlightened taste then anon
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only Earthbound is a decent game, the rest are shit
only RE1 and Metal Slug are decent games, the rest are shit
only Bloodlines, SOTN and Majora's Mask are decent games, the rest are shit
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Just my recents
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RPG patrician taste coming through
>>no kirby
Kirby games suck, dumb dumb
>no-personality-core list
Fag, post your own then
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Metal Gear Ghost Babel

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>hopefully you guys have better taste than /v/
victory is almost certain
Judging by some of your picks you probably like VB Wario Land because it looks like pic related lmao
nah I emulated it in grayscale, I think the red looks fine but it hurt my eyes after a while
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last time we had one of these threads some guy recommend me to do fanart instead so yeah
Oh, okay. I need to emulate it too at some point. Anyway I don't know what to recommend, Silent Hill 1 and Hellnight come to mind but you've most likely already played these
>some guy recommend me to do fanart
No that sucks
Screenshots of your favorite moments > thematically connected screenshots > box art >>>>> fanart
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I quite like using artwork too, either official or by fans, it looks nice, though I'd recommend using a tool to add the titles if you can, standard text will do, but if you want to be more fancy that's fine, I just think it's good since many times people may be confused if they're not familiar with that title.
>PC-98 version of Corpse Party
Interesting, I've never played any of the Corpse Party games though. I know the original is sort of like a Sweet Home fangame
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I don't think my taste is enlightened though, I just like horror games.
I think my list at least suggests some exploration within the medium though.

In case it wasn't clear, I'm not trying to belittle you for liking entry-level games like Final Fantasy 7. It's a good game.
I just think it's the height of arrogance for you to imply your taste is better than that of other people with the 'Patricians only' nonsense when your list is something I would expect an AI to output if asked to make an entry in this thread.
>Fatal Frame
>Rule of Rose
>Sweet Home
>Yume Nikki
Nice. I wish I could play Twilight Syndrome but I don't know Japanese
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If you (understandably) can't recognize them, the games are:
>Panel de Pon
>Sengoku Rance
>Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom

>God Hand
>Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
>Street Fighter III: Third Strike: Fight for the Future

>F-Zero GX
>Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
>Saru Getchu 3
Get over yourself man. Jesus Im not even OP. You and your dumb entry level dichotomy nonsense.
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>CS 1.6
>REmake 1
>Parasite Eve
>Silent Hill 3
>SC Chaos Theory
>Ocarina of Time
Something like that for my retro favorites
OP's list is literally better than yours lmao. At least OP plays fun games.
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Trying this again without the terrible AI upscaled art included.
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The Legends art has the AI upscaling...
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Jailbaiting is terrifying.
It really feels a lot like Sweet Home, it's just a shame how latter entries went too hard into the whole anime/manga direction, which is fine by itself, but it lost the charm, simplicity and horror that the original offered to me.
>FF tactics
I kneel
Based Zero Mission enjoyer.
I always liked that one too
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I like the early Silent Hill games should I give Fatal Frame a try? I've always been turned off by the camera combat because it's so arcadey
>because it's so arcadey
NTA but Fatal Frame games are genuine masterpieces because they have literally every aspect that makes a good horror game AND they are very fun to play. I think they are mustplays for anyone who's into action-adventure games, let alone horror

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