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Good less-known/obscure horror games thread
That's the real scary part.
you may fool the clueless /vr/edditors but not me, i played this slop and it's a 6/10 at the very best
the museum level was decent but once you leave it the game goes downhill
Why can't you post any good horror games?
Hell Night on PS1
i'd post RE4 but you contrarian faggots will sperg calling it ''not horror''
You should post a lesser-known survival horror game not something like RE4


You'd definitely know Curse if you've ever browsed Steam or GOG with prices low-to-high. This shit's constantly on sale for literal pennies.
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well the cover art is atrocious

it never had a chance desu
It looks good to me: hot librarian, dashing adventurer, and an appropriately creepy mummy.
Fucking control scheme is awful.
>hot librarian, dashing adventurer, and an appropriately creepy mummy.

that's great sadly the green stink cloud ruins it
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