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File: 1703943734284029.png (939 KB, 921x654)
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best controller
looks like shit
if it looks like that imagine how it plays
did you shop that second stick in
even worse
Why can't we have this /vr/? I want this, now!
Shill thread. The sticks on this thing are an abomination. Flimsiest shit I’ve ever used.
>asymmetrical analog sticks
into the trash it goes
Is...this real?
Why a 2nd analog if only 1 Saturn game uses twin sticks and like 5 DC game have support for one?
fake image
the vmu is not built in

Is there a Dreamcast controller for pc that works with a Dreamcast emulator to also emulate the VMU in the controller?
I like it.
That C button is ready to slide right off
But no DC games use dual analog, DC doesn't have dual analog.
Right analog can just be a clone of the d-pad for if you dont want to use the d-pad
No, the extra analog stick needs to be either a clone of the DPad or have a switch that once toggled transforms it into the main stick while making the left stick become the action buttons so you can play shooters properly.
sure, but in 1999 the Katana would not have asymmetrical analog sticks.
What does the second stick even do? Dreamcast didn't have that to start with.
>he doesn't know
>an actual 6 button layout
The fact that "retro fighters" didn't do this has proven to me that they don't play video games
Or they have better motor skill than you do.
Not having two sticks makes zoomers anxious.
Are you a retard?
Would have played it more if this was the controller for it
No, it makes most games play like crap

These all emulate great and the controls the original all suck. Proof they effed it up
They should've just done what Sony did, take the already good controller you have and put on the analog sticks it's missing, that's it. What a pain...
Seriously, why didn't the Dreamcast controller have bumpers?
I like it(would like to see how you would look on a model 1 controller) buy could Sony sue for copying their dual analog design so blatantly?
>you would look
*how 'IT' would look. I'm a retard that needs to proof read before posting.

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