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Did you play arcade games at Chuck E. Cheese?
Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games at Showbiz Pizza?
All the ones near me had the TMNT arcade game which would get all my quarters for what seemed like years.
I played the fuck out of this game where you shot balls from a tube you could aim at holes. The game had fighter planes as the "targets". I got really good at it, getting fuckloads of tickets.
I swear it was called "Top Gun" like the movie but I can't find any pictures of it.
>Did you play arcade games at Chuck E. Cheese?
>Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games at Showbiz Pizza?
>All the ones near me had the TMNT arcade game which would get all my quarters for what seemed like years.
tmnt is the only game i even remember, aside from the ticket games like skee-ball.
All of mine had TMNT until one was remodeled and for some reason replaced it with the Taito Superman game, which isn't bad at all...but it's not TMNT.
I remember the very last time I ever went as a kid they had the Sega Jurassic Park game with the moving seat, which was really fun to play.
I never went to Chuck E. Cheese but living in suburban New York we had tons of independent Arcade/Pizza/Lazer Shot places to go to that I definitely remember fondly.
I remember playing the matching game in the OP pic. My local one actually had that Sonic fighting game.
OT but have you ever looked up the Showbiz Pizza fandom? There are guys who buy old animatronics and reprogram them to play different songs, there's meetups where fans watch taped shows from Showbiz. The guy who made the Showbiz animatronics was some wunderkind who had a hot bimbo wife. I guess he's a bit of a lolcow now.
i preferred skee ball and that stupid game that spun around and gave you tickets
i went to a local competitor called Circus Pizza
Ours was Circus Playhouse, which may be the same thing as I'm reading they tried rebranding as Circus World Pizza at a later date
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>the only one local to me was conveniently located right next to an abortion clinic

I wish I was making that up. I played some games there. I mostly remember Turtles In Time and Simpsons: Cupcake Contest (which seems to be largely forgotten about)
I've never seen this Simpsons game. What do you do? Just mash the button as quickly as possible?
Lisa drops balls (cupcakes) and you have to make sure that Homer/Bart's mouths are open when the balls slide down
The Bucky ohare arcade game
>Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games in a specific location?
That's not the way time works
I was absolutely a Ticketfag
If a game didn't have tickets (which a lot of the retro arcade games did not) I was not interested. I needed to conserve and get best value for my tokens
Which thinking about is a lot of traits I carried onto adulthood
I remember before they had a machine that you could feed tickets into, they used to have a scale. I remember kids bringing in garbage bags full of tickets to weigh. I don't think I ever got anything more than an eraser or a stick of gum.
I mainly focused on the slot machines. Won $300 once.
damn i remember this
>Did you play arcade games at Chuck E. Cheese?

>Are you old enough to remember playing arcade games at Showbiz Pizza?
Vaguely but I didn't have one near me.

>All the ones near me had the TMNT arcade game which would get all my quarters for what seemed like years.
Yeah I remember TMNT, Simpsons, and X-men being popular. Had a 6 player X-men near where I lived.
I liked going to Showbiz and later, Chuck E Cheese but I was fucking terrified of the animatronics and would just stay in the game room and even close my eyes to avoid looking at them.

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