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the greatest game of all time
Why can't modern consoles achieve such sovl?
Too bad it has a glitch that prevents you from getting 100%. It also crashes at certain points if you have the Expansion Pak in the console.
both solved by playing on an emulator like any sensible person
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I have fond memories of being a a fox with wheels instead of legs, hiding from a bear patrolling some high tech hallways. That sense of being chased by a semi intelligent beast was amazing. Still chasing that high
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I Fixed this glitch by changing resolution from 60hz refresh rate to 59hz
works on my machine
I'm pretty sure they made a revision for later prints that fixed the crashes. I always keep my expansion pak in and have never had a crash. Still can't get 100% though.
My dad let me choose between this or rocket robot on wheels for a birthday present.
I chose rocket, and im glad i did.
i rented silicon valley later on and i hated it.
is there a hack to restore it? Does getting 100% even does anything?
I know they fixed it for the European version.

Dunno if you get anything, but there is a gameshark code that fixes the glitch.
I think you need all the trophies to unlock the really shitty bonus horizontal shmup minigame after you beat the game but it's not worth it in the slightest, I think there might be a code to unlock it anyway.
There's Game Shark cheats, plus a patch if you just want to do that.
my nigga
Is there a hack that allows this to work with an expansion pak?
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It broke the immersion for me, i played for hours to get to that point. Glad it was fixable.

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