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Favourite Final Fantasy: II and VIII
Favourite Dragon Quest: 2
Favourite Resident Evil: 3
Favourite Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge
Favourite Final Fight: 3
Favourite Ninja Gaiden: 3
Favourite Mega Man X: 3
Favourite Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
2nd favourite Zelda: 2
Favourite Crash Bandicoot: 3
Favourite Donkey Kong Country: 3
Favourite King's Field: 3
Quake 2 > Quake 1
ActRaiser 2 > ActRaiser
Parasite Eve II > Parasite Eve
Favourite Silent Hill: not retro

You'll never get on my level
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Favourite Final Fantasy: 12
Favourite Dragon Quest: 7
Favourite Resident Evil: 4
Favourite Metal Gear: Acid 1
Favourite Final Fight: all garbage
Favourite Ninja Gaiden: all garbage
Favourite Mega Man X:all garbage
Favourite Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness
2nd favourite Zelda: Majora's Mask
Crash Bandicoot is garbage
Donkey Kong Country is garbage
Favourite King's Field: 4
Quake is garbage
ActRaiser is literal who? garbage
Parasite Eve II is indeed better than Parasite Eve 1
Favourite Silent Hill: 3 or 4 depending on my mood
>Favourite Final Fantasy:
>Favourite Dragon Quest:
3. or maybe 5 idk
>Favourite Resident Evil:
>Favourite Metal Gear:
>Favourite Final Fight:
>Favourite Ninja Gaiden:
>Favourite Mega Man X:
3, but without the X
>Favourite Castlevania:
3, but 1s the one i can beat every time
>2nd favourite Zelda:
>Favourite Crash Bandicoot:
>Favourite Donkey Kong Country:
>Favourite King's Field:
dark souls 2
>Quake 2 > Quake 1
>ActRaiser 2 > ActRaiser
lol nah
>Parasite Eve II > Parasite Eve
>Favourite Silent Hill: not retro
youre right cuz its 3
>Favourite Dragon Quest: 2
you are either a liar or you have never played this and it sounded good to you. this i categorically the worst dragonquest ever made.

fuck you and may god have mercy on your soul
>t. got raped by baboons
you either love or hate bullshit difficulty in dq2, mainly nes version
remakes are too easy
Its storyline, is somehow worse thsn dq1
The game is hard, but its cheap hard, you could skip 2 and the dq universe is unaffected if anything its improved
2 isnt that hard compared to other JRPGs of that era. Theres a ton of cheap shit but most of those games had that.
nta but DQ2 is the best in the series. I also prefer Mother over Earthbound because it's basically another DQ2.
I like more than 16 game series.
Dragon Quest 2 is one of the most influencial jRPG of all time. DQ clones and what we associate with the term jRPG only started appearing after DQ2, DQ1 didn't do this, and all you need to do is look at what Famicom RPGs were like before and after DQ2. Wikipedia knowledge will tell you DQ1 sold as much but a good half of its sales were after 2 and even 3.

What I like about it:
- Every character is put on an equal pedestal. it's not "the hero and its companions", the games goes out of its way to show the other 2 characters were either already preparing to fight or have equal reason to join the fight.
- HUB like world design, you find a base of operation and do several quests from that base before moving on to the next base. This makes the world feel a lot more organic than the linear "one town, one dungeon/quest, move on to the next"
- The goal is to find a series of key items but said key items aren't just token medals for completing a dungeon, each one is acquired in a different manner which again makes the world feel organic and real.
- Some of the best musics in the series
- Perfect ratio of world exploration, and the progression is logical
- Spot on balancing for the NES version

A lot of the supposed "flaws" of 2 people always meme about are actually worse in some of the sequels. Like how people complain about the insta death in the end game, but in terms of insta death or "fuck you " traps DQ3 is a lot worse and starts throwing chest-enemies which are highly likely to kill party members long before the player has access to reviving means other than backtracking and paying the high price.
favourite FIFA
favourite ISSPRO
favourite ridge racer
favourite gran turismo
favourite colin mcrae
favourite tekken
favourite soulcalibur
favourite nbalive
favourite worldcup
favourite uefa euro
favourite champions league
favourite f1
favourite wipeout
favourite moto racer
favourite TOCA
favourite destruction dery

I don't like any of those series.
favorite super mario 64 version: n64
favorite snes controller color scheme: either
favorite megadrive/genesis add on: neither
capcom or konami: namco
arcade games or handhelds: depends on the game
boxers or briefs: boxers
>2nd favourite Zelda:
Do you even like video games
Love them

I kneel
BTW I forgot to mention that my favourite Fire Emblem is Gaiden. I'll keep you updated if I can think of anything else.

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