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When I was a little kid I had this neighborhood friend who owned an NES as well as the infamous SMB/Duck Hunt cartridge and we would often play those games together

I especially liked Duck Hunt because you could shoot things with the Zapper, and not being a video game expert I had no idea that such technology even existed and it fascinated me, but the funniest thing about the game is that if you would shoot the grass area at the bottom of the screen every once in a while the dog would emerge from the grass making an 8 bit whining sound, with his paws on his chest in an "I've been shot" gesture, only to sink back under the grass a second later. I used to shoot the grass on purpose all the time because I thoght it was hilarious.

Fast forward a few years, I find out that the whole "shooting the dog in Duck Hunt" is just an urban legend and you can't actually do it (I've even tried it on my own copy that I boguth a few years back)....only problem with that is that I distinctly remember doing it all the rime as a kid, both because it was funny and to annoy my friend, it's still so fresh in my memory even after all these years, I could swear to God that it happened
>I could swear to God that it happened
But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.
In any case, human memory is hardly flawless. If there was anything the police learned, eyewitness testimony is at best unreliable.
I've seen that one and it's not the version I played

Mine was just regular Duck Hunt except for being able to shoot the dog

And it didn't die or anything, it just did the funny "I got shot" pantomime and reappeared the next round

Only thing was you could only do it once per round and it didn't always work
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You know what? I should track down my buddy and ask him

I haven't seen him since I randomly met him in a gym when I was in high school, but if he still lives in my hometown I'm gonna somehow track him down and ask him if he remembers the dog too
Hey amigo, it's me, long time no see!
Sorry but I don't remember that ever happening, you must not be taking your medicación.
and then you unlocked super player mode, right?

GTFO nerd
Hey, I told ya it was hard to believe! No evidence to back it up either so make of it what you will, I just know that it happened
You probably wasted all your bullets, the dog laughed at you and you misinterpreted it as him whining and holding his chest.
Is it a *gasp* memedela effect ?!
Eeeh.....could be, but I remember him laughing too, me and my friend would curse him out every time that would happen (as everyone else did) or we'd even shoot him in retaliation during the next round lmao

I mean it's a possibility but I highly doubt it, the memory is just way too distinct
sounds like they gave you one too many vaccines my man
Again, maybe!

I've had a couple of those, including this one.....scenes from films or entire films I swear I could've seen, events in my life.....except all the other things could be explained away as either faulty memory or a combination of different memories creating a new one, all of them except this damn Duck Hunt dog, I SWEAR I spent all summer shooting him and then laughing about it

Maybe my buddy had a hacked copy or a mod of some sort.....I don't really remember what his NES looked like or if the cartridge had something weird about it so who knows.

Man, if I knew that what at the time I considered to be just a funny easter egg would turn out to be an entire urban legend in and of itself I would've recorded it somehow. I have a whole damn stack of VHS tapes of me doing dumb nonsense as a kid and no Duck Hunt dog!!! Damn it.
Pft It's nothing.
I still vividly remember playing Ecco the Dolphin on my friend's SNES. Try to beat that.
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What we all wish we could do

Thry even brought that stupid dog back for Smash Ultimate
This. Mortal Kombat in the arcade blew my mind when I was a little kid and I had false memories about it. I remembered geysers of blood shooting out of the characters, like a fire hose.
Well one more detail that I can provide is that if you waste all your bullets and the dog laughs at you he always appears at the center of the screen, whereas if you shot him he would show up wherever you hapoened to hit him, left, right or center
you can shoot the dog in Barker Bill's Trick Shooting, check if you're thinking of that instead
>sounds like they gave you one too many vaccines my man
Only the first injection is the vaccine, and it doesn't work unless everyone gets vaccinated.
>your medicación
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I got a weird one. I dreamed of the future.... in a video game.
>be playing DaS with a friend of for hours upon hours and weeks upon weeks
>we spend days just ganking people and having a good laugh about it
>suddenly get this vivid dream
>I could go into a ton of detail, but suffice to say, it's of the beginning area of the DLC (the one with the mushroom lady coming out of the tree)
>talk to her in the dream
>remember my friend being absolutely floored by the area
Now here's the fun part
>me and my friend didn't know a thing about the DLC and had never seen a bit of it in screenshots or videos
>one day friend finds out about it, calls me up, tells me how to get there
>we both decide to do it that night
>beat the boss guarding the DLC
>get to the forest
>my jaw drops
>It's exactly like my dream to a T
>even the mushroom lady
>friend is freaking out over how cool the area looked
>"... hey anon, why you being so quiet?"

Still one of those super bizarre, unexplainable things. It's just funny it happened for a video game and nothing else. Its also never happened since then.
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Weirdly, I have the similar memory about another NES Zapper classic: Wild Gunman.

I've played it at my mom friends' house when I was like 6, and there was an oddity in that version. In "normal" game, bandits are appearing from either left or right side of the screen (or both), and there are no more than 2 of them simultaneously.
The game I saw, bandits were stepping from left edge of the screen to right, forming a line. You could only shoot one of them who currently stood in the middle, and they were reacting to it by moving their mouths as if they were cursing, then moving in line to the right. I didn't really catch on the point of gameplay then and never saw this version ever again, there's a 99.9% chance of it being fake childhood memories.

It could be your case, too. Or maybe your friend got some weird early clone/bootleg that no one dumped.
When I was a kid our NES was a shitty hand-me-down that didn't always read carts right. One time my brother and I started up Duck Hunt and the cart corrupted, leaving the menu text to say
Pretty much the funniest thing that can happen to a kid. Too bad we didn't have cameras of our own to use back then.
My Famiclone started to get glitchy near the end of its lifespan (i think cartridge slot getting loose is a very common problem, I have that on another clone too), it could mess up graphics and letters randomly, but it was weirdly consistent with some games. Robocop 3 always displayed its title as BOBOCO N at the start screen, never anything different.

This game is BOBOCO N for me ever since.

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