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don't make it too easy
Strider 2
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What's the best thing to play these on? Xbox? Is Sigma or any of the other ports good? Wikipedia lists 360 as a platform but I don't know if that means it got re-released on 360 or it works with backwards compatibility.
Any of the shinobi games. Even the original Ninja Gaiden's are better than "instant while landing UT, The Game".
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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Tenchu Stealth Assassins.
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NGB is probably the best action game ever made, but it's not really a ninja game. I'm gonna go with this shit.
That guy who's all excited because he's about to be killed by a real life ninja always stuck with me.
UT's are actually difficult to constantly pull off in Black. Its NG2 where it became too easy to pull off. The mechanic feels properly balanced in Black actually. You also aren't going to get the huge orbs unless you try to pull the move off for some kills so there is quite a bit of strategy involved with the game.

Blacks combat > the sequels
Best way to play these is Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 on an Xbox Series X. I would avoid Sigma unless you don't have access to an Xbox
OG Xbox plays Ninja Gaiden 04 and Black
Xbox 360 plays Ninja Gaiden 04, Black, and II
Xbox One and onward plays Black and II
All versions are 60fps except II on the 360 which has performance issues in some areas.

Black > Sigma 1, but Sigma 1 is still fine
II > Sigma 2, and Sigma 2 is an abomination
I love this game so much. Booting it up and playing it I just feel pure joy. And it has such great replay value which I appreciate.
IFF Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is an abomination, Ninja Gaiden 2 is an abomination. They are for the most part the same game.
>UT's are actually difficult to constantly pull off in Black
ha ha ha
you are a funny guy
While landing UT is a fun technique to pull off though, why say the game is bad because of it?
I Want To Be Ninja- Choo Chow Down Deluxe

The button mashing when you chop Chow down in the Chinatown level is a bit extreme I’ll admit.
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REJECT Izuna Drop
Tranny lover logic, fag
>noooo this version is completely different enemies take 4 hits less to kill and there are 2 more enemies per encounter
Both are fucking garbage. Thank god they take up the Nioh formula, you negroes don't deserve anything good in life.
You are extremely retarded.
If you're going to say some inane shit like muh blood, it's only further proof that abandoning such a retarded fanbase was the right move.

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