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Why do people dislike RE0 so much?
I really, really don't like not having item boxes!
Honestly, the way /vr/ works I'm not surprised there isn't daily threads about how it's the actual best game in the series and blows RE2 and RE4 out of the water.
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>I really, really don't like not having item boxes!
There's a mod for that
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>sold as a prequel to RE1
>everyone wanted to see the Bravo team in action
>They are barely in it
>Becky more or less falls through a portal to a completely different game and for some reason she never mentions this adventure to Chris or Jill
>she finds a parnter who was just random there, rather than being an Umbrella researcher or security guard (lost chance to see the other side
>She defeats a Tyrant but tells no one
>First game strongly implies she just arrived at the mansion, things went to shit, so she hid out in the safe room until Chris found her the next day
They are weak and can't handle a true challenge. Just kidding, I just have a lot of nostalgia for it because I was a huge scaredy-cat as a kid, and it was the first survival horror game I braved my way through. Rebecca best girl though.
>best part of the game is the first zone
>not enough variety
>cheap enemy placement
>bad boss fights
>tank controls, but somehow awkward and worse
>story makes no sense, even for RE standards and contradicts/hurts RE1
No one really plays a RE game for the story but 0 is still one of the worst written things I've ever seen. Even by video game standards. Billy and Rebecca are your supposed protagonists but they never really do anything to move the plot forward. They just bumble around while Birkin, Wesker and Marcus have this pissing match in the background that's mostly directed at the player themselves vs. the actual player controlled characters in the game. It's just shit on a very fundamental story telling level.
Doesn't make sense even by old standards, the least they could have done was have Billy be Forest.
Took all the worst aspects of backtracking in REmake and made it even worse, lots of unnecessary backtracking and total boredom after the train.
The fucking dumbwaiters taking 5 minutes to use each round.
Final boss was kinda shit.
Everyone that says they like it never plays it.
>it was never finished
finish it, this shit sucks ass
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I played it for the first time recently and liked it more than 7 (which is basically Outlast for pussies and gets progressively worse as it goes). Cope

The fact that people bitch about the item box is proof that these people didn't play Chris in the original RE or REmake, because that nigga has SIX FUCKING ITEM SLOTS
The story in relation to the other games is a complete joke and even on it's own it's piss poor and barely works. The actual gameplay takes one of the worst playing RE games and makes it worse. Everyone feels like they are running in molasses, the enemies are piss easy or annoying, the puzzles are just odd even by RE standards. Every single boss in the game is just plain retarded including the leech queen. Which is another thing, who in the fuck thought leeches were a good thing, people rip on RE4 for introducing plagas but 0 beat them to the punch with the faggot leeches.
The only saving grace this game had was is that it was very pretty especially for the time and the guns look good and feel good.
The removal of item boxes I don't actually care that much about it really wasn't a deal breaker for me but it is kind of odd if you played the previous games. The 2 player characters also wasn't awful but definitely could have used a bit more refinement, would have been better off in a side game like Code Veronica tho.
The n64 and saturn not having their own exclusive REs is a shame
It tried to do too many things at once and failed at all of them. The story doesn't make sense and the REmake of 1 didn't even try to go along with 0 as canon. Creature designs are incredibly boring and also some of the most annoying the series has ever done. Genuinely the only thing it has going for it is it still looks great to this day, and Rebecca is a cutie.
This wasn't captured from the gamecube version, go away.
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It's a shame that pre-rendered backgrounds were abandoned so quickly.
>bottles moving on their own is... le spooky
>finish it
How? With the N64 devkit?
Those prerendered backgrounds are just low quality plastic looking 240p garbage. They only exist because the hardware was too weak to do real 3d environments.
So basically 'we' went from beautiful handcrafted 2D of 4th gen to this prerendered trash.
Thank god we got over that phase.
The best part is the train which is amazing and after that each section is worse than the one before, culminating in the two factories at the end, which couldn't be more visually boring and uninteresting to navigate.
Why no item boxes? You just drop all your items in a room of your choosing, probably the mansion hall or a safe room, so at the end It's the same as having (not linked) boxes! It doesn't change anyhing! It's just annoying because instead of using a nice menu you just drop them on floor like an animal.
Plot is bad even for RE standarts, who thought a Final Fantasy dude that sings opera would look scary for the players?
The music has a lot of good tracks.
>pissing match in the background that's mostly directed at the player themselves
well that's just rude
I don't miss pre-rendered backgrounds but I do miss static cameras that gives a cool atmosphere to the places.
theyre on a moving train
zoomers are so embarrassing
People dislike RE0 because its a crap game
The lack of item boxes really isn't an issue. It was nice being able to drop things wherever, unlike in previous games where if you made the "mistake" of picking up a key item that's not useful until later, you need to run your ass back to an item box just to free up inventory space. Or simple things like if you come across a green and red herb, in previous games you'd need to have two slots open to mix them, then use, but in zero you can just temporarily drop something to free up spot, mix and use the herbs, then pick your other item back up.

I think it just filters people because they actually have to think about where to drop stuff. Really there's only like a one or maybe two times in the entire game where you might need to take a few grocery trips back and forth to transfer your loot to a new 'hub' (like after the train crash). But that's more than worth the overall convenience that it gives everywhere else.
It’s so bad that people can’t even be ironically contrarian about it, which is saying something
Posts like this>>11066996 are actual pure /vr/ contrarianism, just in a different way where we get constant threads about how a mediocre game is actually the worst thing ever released. I suspect also since it really isn't that popular of a game, most the people like that haven't even played the game. I mean you have people literally not knowing the OP is from a moving train in this thread. It might not be the best RE, but it's not irredeemable like DMC2 or something.
I've been thinking about this and I really can't come up with any similar examples from the other games. For the most part the player only knows as much as their character does through talking to other people or reading files. Code Veronica has a few scenes of the villains cackling at monitors off screen but at least they actually interact with the characters prior to the final boss fight.
It’s pretty obvious that someone at Capcom REALLY wanted to do zombies on a train and then they just kind of reverse engineered it around that.
ignoring the gameplay, is RE0 the peak in pre-rendered backgrounds? i think CRAPCOM went 3D after this one
>game is all fucking greenish brown. RE used to look like a normal world with different colors
>switching system fucking retarded
>no item boxes, so dropping shit all over the floor is what you have to do
>storyline is too goofy even for an RE game. If RE 1-3 were like horror b-movies, 0 was like a student film
RE7 is what people thought silent hills was going to be like but the devs just said fuck it and decided to do a rehash of RE1 but in first person and with a shitty chapter on a boat at the end.

they should've stuck with the supernatural feel of the demo.
It's kind of dumb. And not in the regular kind of early RE dumb but just like really stupid.
You can actually soft lock yourself if you put the wrong item down before a certain point
I don't like the puzzle in this one, too may of them, The combat can be fun when you get the hang of controlling both character at the same time, but still, most of the boss are bullshit. Also the lack of box, that doesn't add challenge, just some tedious backtracking to the hall were mist people dumb their shit, especially when playing for the first time
It's really just the premise being very stupid and lame. people would find an excuse to forgive the item boxes if they liked the basic idea of the game.
>Rebecca was at another laboratory right before arkley where she fights a tyrant and she uh never talks about it for some reason
they clearly wanted to give Rebecca a game and a prequel to re1 was the most convenient way to do it but 0 was an idea you throw in the wastebin that they just decided to bruteforce.
>>First game strongly implies she just arrived at the mansion, things went to shit, so she hid out in the safe room until Chris found her the next day
I thought in the original game Bravo went missing in the afternoon and the game takes place that same night. Or maybe I'm misremembering things.
What was RE4 supposed to be? Lore wise
I still contest that RE4 was some non RE project they had in the works that they renamed into one when the actual RE4 process was going to shit. Sort of like a reverse Devil May Cry.
I love it and think it’s grossly underrated. It’s a 9/10 at worst. Yeah the no item box is weird but it does pretty much everything else right and has some of the most oppressive atmosphere in the series
I would rather play Code Veronica again rather than play through RE0 again
What item and is this a Gamecube only thing?

See: >>11066287

I really liked how busy RE0 felt. I was constantly flicking through my items and making quick decisions (fight or flight). That leech man theme told me everything I needed to know in a nanosecond.
Nah, the RE4 we got was always supposed to be it. It was so different because REmake and RE0 didn't sell very well.

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