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You HAVE unlocked all the special attack sequences on Neon Genesis Evangelion 64. Right, /vr/?
Nobody played this meme shit.
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lol go back zoomer
I keep getting graphical glitches with retroarch. Halp
This game sucks. Every EVA game sucks. Stop shilling garbage.
Rebuild of Evangelion 3rd impact for PSP is cool. Developed by Grasshopper Manufacture, scored by Akira Yamaoka.
no, he's right
i never once even so much as heard of the Evangelion game as a kid who sperged out for the n64 with friends who did same
>i didnt hear of it as a kid (because it never got released internationally) so it doesnt belong on /vr/
this board in a nutshell
I didn't get past the second fight. I started focussing on the shooting range, but the apparent lack of S rank disappointed me and I haven't returned.
nobody said anything about whether it belongs here or not
It's not meme shit. It's just not in English
Go back.
I accept your concession.
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Game is unironically too hard. By pure luck I somehow have a save file past level one, but I'm too intimidated to try again at level two. I don't know nip so I couldn't figure out the controls anyway or understand what's going on so I'm waiting for a patch. The training is also somehow insanely hard and even despite my best efforts I get an F grade. The game looks beautiful for N64 but controls lile fucking SHIT.
>Too hard
I think they intentionally reduced the responsiveness to make you feel like you can't control the Eva, much like Shinji's experience. I wonder if the controllability improves in later missions. One thing I really liked, which was unexpected for me, a lot of digital samples of the music from the show.
BTW, it wasn't too hard to get A rank with practice but I didn't fully max the score. It's cool that you get a different character reaction for each rank.
give it up dude
Because making a game out of Evangelion is fucking stupid but since it's an immensely popular anime they had to do it
>Because making a game out of Evangelion is fucking stupid but since it's an immensely popular anime they had to do it
No it's not, they could have just made a pretty cool scrolling beat'em up (eg. a belt scroller). Except those weren't very popular at the time and they take a fair bit of effort to create. Back in the NES days they just made fun 2d platformers and slapped the licenses on them... no reason why this practice couldn't continue, but making a decent 3d platformer would have required a huge amount of effort. If Eva had come out during the NES or SNES era then we could have gotten a nice 2d game out of it.

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