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What are some of the best games that aren't associated with any larger franchise? Its not a big series or anything.. maximum one sequel. Bonus for not associated with a big company either
Doesn't have to be some undiscovered gem
everybody cums all over themselves for this game and I don't get it. it's mid at best
It's an action game where you play as a cute girl, so people have to pretend it's good.
idk if I'd call that thing cute
I had that game and was weird as fuck, I exchange it for Pokemon Stadium 2 + Transfer Pak back in 2003, no ragrets.
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I actually enjoy Mischief Makers, but I'll admit this is not a bad trade.
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The controls are insanely good, you have a lot of freedom and the skill ceiling is seemingly endless.
But I don't really see poeple fellating it as much as you guys say.
How many MM threads are there per year? OK now how many mario/sonic/doom/final fantasy, etc threads are there per year? Yeah.
Stop being salty ablut people liking things.
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>The controls are insanely good
This, the robot girl design. and her voiceclips are good, but it wouldn't be enough with just that, the way she controls gives the game actual substance.
It's worth mentioning that if you're emulating this game then you might not grasp the controls that easily since it uses the N64's C-button unity as a sort of secondary d-pad to use the directional jets. Even if you use a 6button controller, the disposition of these 4 buttons will not feel as natural outside of a N64 controller.
>The controls are insanely good
absolutely 100% disagree. you must not have played it on original hardware
I played it on a rental back in the day and the n64 d pad is just ass, made this game a chore
nobody is salty about people liking your favorite game, chill out
It's just a classic cross shaped d-pad. Works perfectly.
thanks for confirming you have never actually touched one and only looked at images of the controller
>the n64 d pad is just ass
works on my machine
see >>11067796
The in game characters call the robot cute therefore autistic people think that means the robot is cute. Pro tip, it isn't.
Thank you - it's one of the only games I know of that uses the n64 dpad, and I understand why - it feels like shit. I remember getting finger soreness from all the double-tapping
snowboard kids
destruction derby
body harvest
tyrian 2000
Destruction Derby has like 5 games
The dpad is great
see >>11067796
yeah but the ones after 2 don't count because they were shovelware and had nothing to do with Psygnosis.

You could argue 64 counts and thus there are 3 games (interestingly, it was developed by Looking Glass) but it doesn't feel the same.
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I've played with the N64 controller a lot.
Mischief Makers, Goemon's Great Adventure, Bangai-O, Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2.
Many hours poured into all of those games, d-pad feels great.
In what way did it bother you? I'm curious. It's just a regular Nintendo d-pad like on SNES.
I know some people think it's "stiff", but that's because most people never play games that use the d-pad, so the d-pad is essentially brand-new, without "curation" of usage. Use it for a few hours.
>inb4 I'm falling for bait
I know, but I'm bored at work kek. I love Mischief Makers so much!
>It's just a regular Nintendo d-pad like on SNES.
It's not and I'm surprised you haven't noticed. It has variable elevation based on the direction and this absolutely influences how it feels as well as keying for its orientation that provides more friction points. Do you also think the GC controller has a GBA d-pad?
haven't played it but it's a nintendo exclusive so that's probably why
Only middle schoolers talk like that.
It's one of the best games for the system, it's not mid at all.
busted. nobody played this shit.
you absolutely did not use the n64 d-pad.
why do you know how middle schoolers talk?
Holy fuck no it is not lol. it's not even top 20. it's a mediocre platformer that plays like shit thanks to the n64's garbage dpad
Because you all infect my board.
Bangai-O is amazing you faggot. Go play the DS one.

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