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Urban Champion bros... the wait is finally over
>what is emulation
do zoomers really?
Isn't the entire NES library like 237 Mb total?
Now that it's on NSO I can play it with my Switch friends and they can see how much time I've spent playing it
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fucking forgot to quote, damnit
Was Urban Champion the first fighting game?
The second, months after Karate Champ.
Im looking forward to play these classics on my comfy Switch
and not one game worth playing
Already played it, I don’t wait for nutendo to drip feed me like a zoomer

Based contrarian retardo, here’s your (you)
Or third, Yie Ar Kung-Fu came before Urban Champion. There's probably some more obscure ones that came before.
ACKshuwally, the first fighting game was Warrior from 1979, an arcade game with vector graphics. Here's an article from when this site was still good:

That's fine, dumbasses like you keep the price of NES games low which means people like me can pick up absolute gems like Kabuki Quantum Fighter for $10 or less.
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That looks sick as hell.
Lol Atlantis first time in the west
>just spend all of your time at your desk, bro
No. You’re unironically a loser if you do this. I will continue playing the console games from my couch like a functioning adult and reserve my desk for PC gaming and work. I furnished my living room for a reason. No, I will not build a Pi machine, fuck you.
lmfao the whole NES library is like 800mb or something
It's 2000+24. Emulation can be whatever you want it to be.
what is this even supposed to mean? You need to buy roms (again) to play them from your couch? You know you can own more than one computer, right retard?
I fucking hate what the Xbox 360 and its fucking "friend list" and "achivements" and "time spent" did to gaming, holy fuck.
What wait? It's been around since 1984
As a self-confessed casual, I agree. I just want to play games for fun and relaxation. I don't want to be enrolled in pointless online dick-measuring contests.
When is that site ever going to fix its SSL certificates?
HG101 was never good.
>I AM a functioning adult and I WILL play my fisher price gameboy on the couch like a big boy.
rent free baby rent free
Heavy projection
Just hack a Wii if you're going to be a normie

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