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So finally beat Daggerfall after many times of never getting through the main quest and the final dungeon. Do I suck or is it ridiculously obtuse at times and unfair? I had to look some things up because I got stuck a few times.
What did you guys think about the final dungeon, good or bullshit?
maybe you should try a sesame street game next. probably more your speed
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Which one do you recommend?
Yeah it's kind of esoteric without following a guide. I cheated and still found it annoying
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sesame street sports is pretty cool
you get to play as a lot of characters and there's roller skating and sledding and shit
How about magically teleporting red brick walls? Pretty sure it's a texture error and meant to look like a portal. Either way, I don't recall there being any mention of it in the manuals for the game. Along with a handful of wall textures that you wouldn't think react to searches, but do. It is ridiculously obtuse.
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The red brick wall I figured out early on because it looked odd, but as to why red bricks are a portal, who the hell knows. But the last dungeon had shit that never appeared in the game prior. Like pushing a lever causes a cupboard to turn into another lever that needed to be pressed, so when I pulled it and nothing happened it never occurred to me check on the little cupboard again.
Then there were the unattached doors, spinning skulls, skulls for buttons, etc. They really threw a bunch of new shit at you in the final place.
I appreciate the effort in adding new things and switching things up but it was way too obtuse.
It's definitely a product of its time. Did you trudge through the game out of curiousity or genuine enjoyment?
all the MQ dungeons can be rough. the mantella in particular. the one to get the totem was p tough too from what i remember with all the random switches everywhere that id pull and be clueless as to what changed
hell even the regular sidequest dungeons have the potential for you to get hopelessly fucking lost

now you gotta go back and mod tf outta it
DFU lets you change the entire gameloop to be less overly focused on dungeon crawling like it was in vanilla. a much more healthy balance, and clearly what they wanted to do what with all the cut/half-finished lifesim aspects.
i had a bard/rogue character with all speech skills her one combat skill was archery in minor and she didnt even clear a dungeon till she was like lvl10. it was sick

>but as to why red bricks are a portal, who the hell knows.
the answer is far more mundane. they just forgot to replace the default texture and had to ship
>spinning skulls, skulls for buttons, etc. They really threw a bunch of new shit at you in the final place
theres stuff like that even in some of the procgen dungeons from what i remember
i remember getting fucked one time from clicking a skull and getting TPd to a whole different part of the dungeon
>hopelessly fucking lost
best part of daggerfall
i agree but its definitely THE part that filters most people from ever trying/playing DF
its a 90s PC dungeon crawler and it isnt afraid of acting like one
Its dogshit as far as dungeon crawlers go though
Its all randomly generated slop with no rhyme or reason to it
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you dont know what youre talking about cuz youve never played it
the procgen dungeons arent even that bad. its like OP said, its the hand-made main quest dungeons that are the truly insidious ones
the first time i got filtered by this game, back when bethesda released it as freeware, was in castle wayrest. somehow lucked my way through nulfagas castle (arguably a harder dungeon with its zombie spam, esp at low lvl like i was), but then got to the part where you have to go steal shit from castle wayrest and got lost for hrs. never thought to check in the water in that one ditch near the beginning. the next time i tried to play it, i found it no problem as i had learned the glory of making a water walking + water breathing custom spells. felt like an idiot. not even that big of a dungeon after you get past that part

mantellan crux is on a whole different level. if you try to do that on a non-mage character, one that cant fly, youre in for it. big time
he looks perturbed
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Played this game many times, never once beaten the main quest. I usually join a guild or temple and just have fun building a life for the character and questing for a while.
Usually make it past meeting the Worm King(?) and that dungeon in Scourge Barrow (I think). And dick about for ages before ultimately getting bored or finding something better to play (like Morrowind).
I love this game, but its narrative is not what draws me to it.
> t. Never beat Arena either.
yah thats one of the first MQ dungeons. it gets way crazier

you should try it desu
one of the main things arena was criticized for was its cookie-cutter basic-bitch story. ted peterson took that personally, and retaliated with "the most complicated story i could wrap my head around". it lacks a lot of the weird metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that morrowind is now known for, but leans really hard into the whole "court intrigue" aspect in a pretty interesting way imo.

imo it might be the most engaging of the main quest lines in the entire series. the first time youre playing through it, when shit starts to hit the fan, you might not even know wtf is even happening. tho you prolly should, since by then youll have been going around the illiac for several in-game years playing double/triple/sometimes-quadruple-agent for like 6 different factions that are mostly hostile to one another
Daggerfall looked like that? I thought it was all flat.
holy fuck youre fucking stupid
I have really limited memories of the game despite beating it. I must have liked it at the time because I don't finish games I don't like but I've never had a twinge of interest in replaying it for like 15 years. Like a lot of people I have completely lost any sense of glamor in procedural generation.
cope and seethe troon
dude you sound like a fucking bimbo
its literally a 3D dungeon crawler you colossal retard. you "thought it was all flat" because youre a stupid fucking faggot. games prolly been freeware for longer than youve even been alive
you should replay it again now with the source port. buncha mods coming out for it weekly
There's nothing that interests me in it. What is the selling point of Daggerfall beyond the procgen-based freedom I just can't buy into anymore?

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