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What are some lesser known hidden gems of Gamecube? I'm trying to get more use out of my Nintendont loader.
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Gotcha Force
Custom Robo
Sonic Riders
Cubivore also fzero gx may be a Nintendo up but it was made by Sega.
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If you like Platformers give The Hobbit game a try, i expected it to be terrible, but it's actually pretty fun.
Cubivore is pretty fun, but I can get why people might not like it. Oddly enough, the writing is the best part of the game. It's charming. If you're the type to 100% a game, just follow a guide. There's no other way to do it correctly.

Custom Robo is just excellent. Reviews were incredibly unfair to it, and I have no idea why. The gameplay is very fun and engaging and there are a ton of viable combinations for your battlers. The dialogue is also fun, and the story is actually fucking GOOD -- and I hate stories in video games because they're almost invariably shit.

Gotcha Force is campy but fun. It's all game, no bullshit. However, the main game can drag on a bit and mission difficulty is a bit all over the place. Some missions are tedious and easy, others are way too challenging. Still fun, but it can get monotonous.

Those are my picks too.
>Reviews were incredibly unfair to it, and I have no idea why
If a game didn't have blood, godsmack and swearing it was considered outdated and for babies at the time. Journalists in particular were extremely insecure about their profession being seen as a toy reviewer (which it is).
I think the PC port is on myabandonware.com
>If a game didn't have blood, godsmack and swearing it was considered outdated and for babies at the time
That's my take too, desu. It came out in the "edge" era of gaming. It's why something as simplistic and monotonous as God of War could get such rave reviews because it had tits and blood and rage and video cutscenes, but Custom Robo has trash reviews despite having an actual fun and engaging story and varied and interesting gameplay.
Ribbit King, and it's funny that most of you will never understand why
You mean multiplayer?
Billy Hatcher
Lost Kingdoms 1 & 2
as a wii owner with 2 og gc controllers, , i really wish I could say there are enough to warrant a thread about it, but unfortunately gc games are all well known, multiplat, received better ports in newer gens, or just plain bad

here are a couple anyways that you might argue don't count/are shit - but still:

megaman x command mission
robotech battlecry
ff crystal chronicles
goblin commander
future tactics
series of unfortunate events
dark summit
amazing island
gotcha force
star fox assault and adventures
bomberman gneration
summoner 2
wallace and gromit project zoo
tmnt battle nexus
hunter the reckoning
dragon dive
kururin squash
spawn armageddon
lost kingdom series
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Came to say this. Yeah the PC port is good but playing it with an original GC controller feels so good.
I remember being all exited when I installed Dolphin and hooked up a GC controller (using the gbros adapter).
But man was it dissapointing really. I think games wise it is Nintendo's worst system. Sure it has a few good games but that's literally it.
Either the N64 or Wii easily outclasses it.
The Wii has a bigger library but apart from galaxy > sunshine and mk Wii > mkdd, what else comparatively outclasses? As for the N64, see >>11066693
Galaxy > Sunshine
Better Smash title
Hell, even the gamecube games on the Wii are a giant step up:
- Metroid Trilogy with improved controls > Prime 1&2
- Pikmin with improved controls and widescreen > GC
Xenoblade and Pandora's tower also completely mog whatever RPG garbage the GC has
MK Wii is better than Double Dash, what a gay snoozefest that was
GC does have F-Zero & Rogue Leader at least, so that is something

As for the N64 it's not even funny
N64 Zelda's curbstomp the GC garbage
Mario 64 is more refined than that half finished excuse which is sunshine
N64 has the better Star Fox, Wave Race & F-Zero (especially with the expansion kit)
Better star wars games too

The GameCube is a failure for a reason, people weren't buying that shit even when they were giving them away for $99
this is a very Item Bounce - Kirby's Air Ride type of post

I genuinely don't understand how anyone can think that the GCs library is weaker than the N64s. Sure, the absolute cream of the crop games (top 5) on the N64 are better than their GC counterparts but after that GC has the volume.

"Better Smash title" - insane take. Melee is arguably the best Smash game ever - Brawl while still a good entry isn't in the same league.

DD is great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's better than MK Wii but the gap between it and DD is WAY smaller than the gap between Melee and Brawl. It's also better than Mario Kart 64.

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess mog Skyward Sword - I love how you give credit to the N64 Zeldas and fail to mention the garbage that is SS.

Paper Mario TTYD is better than anything the Wii or N64 has to offer.

Animal Crossing is way better on GC than anywhere else.
If you aren't that much into Nintendo games, Game Cube is a much better console than the Nintendo 64. I'm sure that part of the reason why GC failed was because a lot of people didn't want to repeat the N64 experience, just like Dreamcast paid the price for the Sega CD, the 32X, the Saturn's early death...
all true except
>Better Smash title
not even close. there's a reason why SSBM played by lots in 2024
It's tough finding games worth playing on the gamecube, even if they have some theoretical reason to be played you have to contend with the fucking controller or some other crap like two discs or knowing the game was compressed to fit into 1.4gb. time splitters comes to mind, hey it's neat 2 and 3 are on there but why do that to yourself?

The best game on the console is Kururin Squash. It's genuinely fun, a good challenge and gives some good room for mastery and has a distinct look that makes it stand out against everything else.
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>lesser known
I've heard Custom Robo before, I should look into it to see how it plays. I'm looking for really good games.
Nintendont automatically switches between discs as necessary, and there's nothing wrong with Gamecube controllers. except for the c-stick I guess, but who counts that.
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>gamecube hidden gems thread
>get paper mario, smash mario, mario mario and zeld
I am fond of Billy Hatcher. It isn't the best thing ever but it is pleasant, simple, fun and upbeat.
You know a game is a winner when the package art says it is only $30 5 times.
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cubefags only like games when they're both incredibly underwhelming and insanely overpriced
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I had a ton of fun with Battalion Wars.

Probably feels like cheating bringing up a first party title, but I don’t ever see this game mentioned even amongst less popular titles like Cubivore.
This one is pretty good even if it's obnoxiously hammy. Difficulty feels inconsistent.
If you aren't into Nintendo games then you would've bought a PS2.
For the people that do like Nintendo games they were worse off than the N64 and Wii players.
>hidden gems
pick one. the fact that you have people scraping the bottom of the barrel for garbage like odama and wallace gromit tells it all.
I'm not into Nintendo games and I had a Gamecube
I don't think I owned a single Nintendo game
I like Brawl more because the style suits me and I like the expanded content, but Melee truly is a better fighter.
Skies of Arcadia, it's in many people's top 10 games of all time. They replay it every couple years. It's a game that never gets brought up. apply yourself
Mr. Driller DrillLand. It was originally a Japan-only GameCube exclusive, but it did get an HD remaster ages later released worldwide.
There’s 5 different main modes (or ‘attractions’). Drill World Tour is essentially your regular mission mode from the other Mr. Driller games. Star Driller is somewhat similar, but with the addition of items with good or bad results (like getting more air capability, shields, booster. Or stuff like the UFO that takes you back to the beginning of the section if you don’t avoid it). Hole of Duraga is a bit more strategic as you have only 100 digs, goes down by 1 each dig. You can collect different stones to affect the playfield or your character. Drindy Adventure is a full-on parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark. You have to collect a certain amount of golden statues while avoiding falling blocks, boulders, and other traps like fire or spikes. No need to worry about your air meter. In Horror Night House, you have to find holy water to inject i to the blocks to kill ghosts, but don’t drill into spaces with ghosts without the holy water otherwise you’ll lose health.
Overall, it’s a really fun game and easily my favorite Mr. Driller title. There’s even a multiplayer mode (a race mode and a battle mode) that are fun with others.
I actually never played the original version, just the remaster on Switch, but I don’t think there’s much difference.

I disagree with this take.

Primary Nintendo Games:

N64 vs GC:

Mario 64 > Mario Sunshine
Zelda OoT & MM > Zelda WW & TP
Star Fox 64 > Star Fox Assault
Mario Pary 1 - 3 = Mario Party 4 - 7
Mario Kart 64 < Mario Kart DD
Smash Bros 64 < Smash Bros Melee
Paper Mario < Paper Mario TTYD
F Zero X < F Zero GX

Then you got to take the rest of the libraries and really figure out who has what:

N64: Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Rogue Squadron, Diddy Kong Racing

GC: Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Animal Crossing, Pikmin 1, Pikmin 2, RE4, Twin Snakes, Fire Emblem, Rogue Squadron 2, Time Splitters 2

I think where the N64 shines is that the absolute staple series in the Nintendo realm (Mario & Zelda) are flat out better than their GC counterparts. No question. But I think after that it's more debatable. If you asked me which library I would rather have, all in (including 3rd party), it's GC > N64. If the question is purely Nintendo games, I think there is a debate, but it isn't open and shut.
Slide thread.
F-Zero GX
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This one leser known and fun as fuck, if you have the money for it. Each character has unique finisher that actually feel like they rek your opponent.
I'll take n64 instead and I don't even care about Mario 64. I like X and PM64 over their sequels
You can play the PC port with a Gamecube controller. Did so a bit ago.

Same with RE4.
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I like the Hudson games on Gamecube. The bargain price was fair in their day.
1st party and 2nd party overall was worse on gamecube

also, still a number of 3rd party multiplats that looked better or were best on n64. with the gamecube, there isnt a single example

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