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I like that it's almost an old school action RPG. You might not explore dungeons or an overworld, but traversing the map gives that effect, and you do get the option at the midway point to tackle certain levels in a different order. You have merchant gargoyles in every level to buy weapon ammunition from. You might not level up, but you do find life bottles that extend your life and you can farm for money if you need to.
The game is mid at best, CV64 is superior
>not explore dungeons or an overworld,
let me guess, you never played medievil 2
I'm 33, I certainly played MediEvil 2 when it came out. It's not as good, there is even less of a sense of exploration in it because the levels progress linearly.
i just played the first 5 mins of banjo kazooie and it moggs midevil into oblivion.
Wait til you're collecting you're 100th note in click clock wood then we'll talk, or are you one or those who posts steam reviews on <2 hours
>last level is tricky
Oh no what a shit game
>BK gets hard later in the game!!!!!!
So are you saying Sony fanboys only like easy baby tier games?
>I don't know how to read a full sentence
Your rhetoric is as weak as your ability to read, try harder
>weakest response possible
I accept your concession
I really do love this game, must have played it all the way through a dozen times by now. I was disappointed with MediEvil 2 even as a young teenager, and the MediEvil Remake on PS4 a few years back was a completely missed opportunity to reimagine the game somewhat in the same vein as the Resident Evil remakes or even the Final Fantasy 7 remakes. They were never going to recapture the charm of the original, so they may as well have shaken things up.
by the time your at click clock wood, you no longer need any more notes
i just started playing this recently. really fun game but holy fuck the load screens are ruining it for me. also kinda annoying to have to go back to old levels to heal but i guess that can be considered punishment for fuck ups.
>really fun game but holy fuck the load screens are ruining it for me.

Anon they're hardly 10 seconds between levels.
I feel the same way.
medievel was the best thing ever in 1998, it was pure magic.
Yeah, it's called an action adventure game.

They're not exactly similar games, but you're free to have your favorites.
I think they were afraid to because Resurrection sucked so bad. I really liked the remake, personally, despite its flaws (which I consider minor). Shame the comic that used the original idea for 3 or whatever blew.
The one with Tranny Tim?
It probably has the best 3D melee combat of any 5th gen game. What else comes close?

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