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Playing this for the first time, well into my adulthood, and it's just as good as all the Nintendo youtubers said it was. It's not nostalgia.
When you step back from it, it becomes apparent it's a lazily designed and shallow 3D platform game.
yea but you cant unlock dragon kazooie with the ice key in this version
lets see you say that when you get to rusty bucket bay & the big tree one that sucks
It's fun, though I'm getting filtered hard by Clanker's Cavern, specifically unlocking the chain at the bottom. Maybe I'm a fucking retard or maybe my N64's stick is going but the swimming controls feel like garbage. Which in honesty is a recurring theme with early 3D games.
Well? Stop liking it. Stop liking Nintendo already, or else
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Hold the R button while swimming to gain more responsive and greater control. Thank me later.
Thanks anon, will bear that in mind. No pun intended.
RBB is my favorite level.
>and it's just as good as all the Nintendo youtubers said it was

The tier of taste in video games we should all strive for
If it had come out on PS1 no one would care much about it, the reason it's remembered is because it's one of the dozen titles N64 fans could play that didn't suck.
If it had come out on PS1 it would have mogged Spyro, not to mention all the other C tier scotformers like Gex or Croc.
You're such a fanboy loser
Absolutely based console warrior.
I only just learned the R button for flying controls despite playing this game for over two decades.
Didn't even stop to think it could apply to swimming too.
What the fuck, I don't think I ever knew this.
Based anon making tendies seethe in the replies
It's good but coming off M64 it does feel a lot clunkier. Still top 3 N64 platformers but goddamn would I kill for a one punch basic B attack or a smoother Z slide attack.
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CCW is the comfiest level in the game. How could you possibly hate it.
The tree level is great so good job in exposing your shit taste.
Lot of unskippable cutscenes, sluggish movement, and there's nothing interesting about collecting the McGuffins unlike the actual fun tasks you had to do in Mario 64. I don't like it.

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