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Happy Independence Day /vr/,
Today let's celebrate the greatest games from the greatest country. What are your favorite American games? I'd like to salute Maximo produced by Capcom Digital Studios.
interesting cover, looks like a fun game. is it actually a fun game tho?
Maximo is a difficult game but has lots of little touches that make it fun. It's not some combo driven action game like many games that followed in the generation but puts an equal focus on the platforming as well as the action. One of my favorite little details is how the camera gradually develops a Dutch angle which gives an uneasiness that fits the look of the game. A big detail I like is the size of breasts on all the women.
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Still the best American game of all freaking time.
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yea buddy
Gotta be DOOM
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Defending our great nation against nuclear threats is as American as it gets.
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