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Is this game worth tracking down? I started watching the anime and love it, and I've heard the game is pretty decent, but it's not exactly cheap. Not insane prices but still more than impulse-buy territory (though for once being a britbong paid off as it was released over here). I know I could just emulate it, but it'd be nice to have it on proper hardware if possible (especially as PS2 emulation still seems to be a bit of a crapshoot).
one disappointing thing about the game is that there are no new renders. all the cutscenes are just scenes from the show redubbed with new lines.
>tracking down
Use opl or burn a disc you coomlector fucking shit
Fuck off, poorfag.
pirate it first and play it, if you end up liking it then go ahead and track it down, if not then you would be saving your money
don't be a retarded coomlector
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Says while posting angry garbage. I always associate "coomlector" shitposters with emuvegans, but since there's no emulation related talk here I'll associate it too to Piratevegans.
Nah. It's poor third worlders that can't afford things and can only emulate on their second hand Dell Optiplexs from 2009.
as if pirates aren't apex predators
There are 2 types of pirates. The chads that simply pirate, and the vegans that can't stand the fact some people buy stuff and will scream retarded names at you.
The game was enjoyable until it introduces some kind of sanity meter which slowly yet constantly goes down through the level/chapter.
Timers like this really break games for me. I just want to take my time and enjoy.
And as a based anon said: burn the iso.
I'm in a weird camp in this whole "to buy, not to buy," thing. On one hand, it's neat to own the things you like, on the other, after having a NDE... it's not the end of the world if you don't as in those last moments you realize you ain't taking that amazing vidya collection with you. Since then I've tried to sell a couple of the rare games I own and can just download and make copies of.
Basically, Matthew 6:19-21. At the end of the day, you only own what time and tragedy let you. I remember I had this old friend who had this retro gaming collection that would have made anyone here cry. He kept then safe in his own private museum... and what happened to that glorious collection? His house flooded ruining tons of retro boxes and artwork and the water got into so many of his games that there were to many to test and see if they worked.
Majoras Mask was my main childhood game, so it got me used to time limits... but you're right, in almost every case I prefer games without them.
You own the fucking disc you burn you insane hoarder. Who the fuck is gonna take it away huh?
Its for a specific kind of gamer, ones who value personality and soul over the raw moment to moment gameplay. Its pretty much identical to Chulip just condensed down a good bit, so if you've played that and liked it definitely check it out.
I own my USB/HDD/SD card/DVD-R containing the game and no one is going to take that away lol

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