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I've been playing the Nightdive Quake remaster and loving it, and was considering getting Quake 2 once I'm done. I was wondering what the general consensus on it is though? Would it have been better received if it was called Wor as originally planned? I definitely prefer the weird semi-fantasy vibe of the original (and DEFINITELY prefer the NIN soundtrack) but I don't hear much said about Quake 2's actual gameplay.
Base Quake 2 is really poor. Feels like a huge step down from Quake 1, but the nightdive remaster is much more fun. It still has the retarded progression (which is fixed in the PS1 and N64 version of the game) but it's far more tolerable to actually play.
There's nothing wrong with Quake 2's gameplay. It has the same solid feeling as Quake 1. The reason people don't like it, aside from the really boring aesthetic, is that the level design sucks.
quake 2 is ass. it's generic sci-fi slop
let's just ignore the 2 second long weapon switching and it's exactly like quake 1 LOL
>There's nothing wrong with Quake 2's gameplay
slow weapon switching
>I was wondering what the general consensus on it is though?
All over the place. Original campaign plays different with expansion improvements and its even more different after the recent remaster.
>I definitely prefer the weird semi-fantasy vibe of the original (and DEFINITELY prefer the NIN soundtrack)
You may want to check out Quake 1 mods first, assuming you’re not stuck playing these games on a console. If you end up getting involved with 2 and are missing more “ambient styled” tracks, consider replacing the Sonic Mayhem songs with the Q2 64 ones.
I like it a lot more than 1
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quake 2 single player campaign is meh, its strong suit was great multiplayer mid 2000s, lots of amazing mods at the same time (e.g., rocket arena, gloom, etc...), the ray traced version is worth seeing if you have the right GPU, the PS1 port is actually pretty awesome in terms of the technology, has full PS1 mouse support
I don't really like either of them.
OP listen to this >>11067140 definitely try Quake mods if you need more Quake. Just be aware many newer ones will require a source port.
Quake 2 has different physics, and projectiles are slow as shit.
The Quake 2 remaster is excellent, the AI has been vastly improved and you get Quake 2 64 which is good and Call of the Machine which is incredible.
Quake II's problem is not really bad level design or weapon design, it's that the enemies are not really interesting so they don't create interesting encounters, and there is not enough variety from level to level, with the setting played too straight leaving very little space for creativity (compared to Doom and Quake's surreal nightmare worlds and abstract absurd castles).
So far only ever enjoyed the first one

And, even then I liked unreal and other fps games back then more

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