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File: ATV-OFF-RD4-P2.jpg (136 KB, 600x600)
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So ive been playing this game for a month now and noticed that i cannot get the sponsorship challenge for the bike for the prototype exhausts no matter how good i perform in a race. is this shit bugged? Anyone knows? Surely someone has played this greatest hits title....
what version do you have
i think its 1.00. the vanilla one form the lair...
i finished every race in 1st place in the story mode and most of the same in classic mode, got gazzilion points doing stunts too and still nothing... got 9 out of 10 sponsorship challenges but this last one in Viejo park doesnt unlock for some reason....
anyone have any info on what was fixed in the patches?? if there were any at all? maybe this has something to do with the unpatched vanilla release...
honestly i played the everloving fuck out of this game growing up and still never beat it. so much content. great soundtrack too. its a shame nobody cares about it
redump only has 1 revision for the game not counting regional versions
OP here. i had it as a kid as well, but back then the game was too hard for me. the content feels like padding though, running the same races only with different classes of vehicles...
maybe thats why i remember the campaign going on forever lol. though i mostly just played classic mode. never got as far on replays on pcsx2
without that sponsorship challenge this game cannot be 100%ed. feels pretty bad...

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