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You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

What games are you recommending?

For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.
Streets of Rage 2
Android Assault
Gunstar Heroes
Toejam & Earl
Streets of Rage 2
Rocket Knight Adventures
Phantasy Star IV
Crusader of Centy
Shadow Dancer
Alisia Dragoon
Sonic 2
Monster World IV
ThunderForce IV
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sonic 2
Castlevania Bloodlines


Nice taste, I'll have to try that 3rd one. Also, I'd be wary of suggesting an rpg, no matter how good it is.

Very nice, toe jam may be a harder sell to some though. That's a risky one for your balls.
A lot modern gamers may actually have an easier time getting into an rpg than a 2D platformer.
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Batman: The Video Game
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
yeah but I figured I'm willing to bet my nuts on exposing another person to TJ&E
Beyond Oasis
Shining Force
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure

Also Sanic but that should go without saying.
Shinobi 3
Sonic 3&Knucles
I don't care what other people like. I recommend to muself:
Sword of Vermilion
Buck Rodgers
>For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.
I'll just not recommend any game. The Genesis catalogue's poor quality aside, can't dislike what I don't recommend.
Honorable. Your post got me to do a playthrough of toejam this morning. On the 16th floor and going strong, looks like this will be a successful run.
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Dynamite Headdy
Bare Knuckle 3
Lightening Force
Monster World 4
good picks in this thread lads.

Comix Zone
Michal Jackson's moonwalker
Echo the dolphin
NBA Live '95
Road Rash (any of them)
Sonic 2
Dark Castle
Crazy Bus
I enjoy BDSM so ball kicking is what I’m into
>For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.
You mean I get to kick them really hard in the balls for having such shit taste.
Gonna name three that haven't been listed yet.

Super Fantasy Zone
Snow Bros
you wanted that kick eh? ;)
no faggot the challenge is to pick games with mass appeal instead of just narcissistically deciding anyone who disagrees with you is simply wrong
I fucking hate cunts like you, die slow faggot
Sonic 2
Streets of Rage 2
Earthworm Jim
Streets of Rage 2, predictable but mandatory.
Gunstar Heroes, a treasure game needs to be here but Alien Soldier is too hard and weird.
Jurassic Park: The Lost World, this one is for variety, it's long, ambitious on a technical level, semi open-ended, and is one of the few very good megadrive games that is very very chill and not intense all the time.
castlevania bloodlines
streets of rage 2
>android assault
CD but an excellent pick
Eggman's mean bean machine. Great Puyo Puyo clone.
So is Snatcher. They're both Genesis games. The Sega CD wasn't a standalone console. What are you even on about?
Sonic 3&K
Shining Force
Comix Zone
>They're both Genesis games.
dont see anyone else in this thread reccing sega cd games
Yes it is. Me and my friends call the coals shits.
>>"I'm about to take a fat shit on you, BITCH!.
Next time I go back to my old town I'm fucking these little Nancy bois up
Sega CD games are not Genesis games.

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