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Name good games for this system that aren't fighting games or Metal Slugs:
I'm still getting into the library but so far I've tried these.

Blazing Star
Sengoku 3
Aero Fighters 2
Shock Troopers
Shock Troopers 2
Last Resort
Strikers 1944

I've hear good things about Neo Turf Masters, Windjammers and some of the puzzle games like Puzzle Bobble 1/2 and Magical Drop 2/3. Ghost Pilots was okay, not great but okay.
I meant to say tried and liked these, I like those games.
Puzzle Bobble
technically a fighting game
Shock Troopers 1 and 2, Windjammers.

All anyone needs to say.
Not the best of the best but I like Neo Drift Out, most, and Over the Top and Riding Hero is a good copy of Hang On.
Metal Slug
Magical Drop 3.
Blazing Star
Neo Drift Out
Puzzle Bobble
Shock Troopers
Metal Slug should not be played because Metal Slug 2 exists and Metal Slug 2 should not be played because Metal Slug X exists.
Twinkle Star Sprites
Spinmaster's one of my favorites, although it's a bit short.
this, easily
spawned an entire legacy of cheap mobile and pc clones. no neo geo game was more infleuntial
Twinkle Star Sprites
League Bowling
Street Slam
Thrash Rally
Top Hunter
Neo turf masters is the shit
t. MVS PCB and NTM (MVS) copy owner
>Neo turf masters is the shit
Been playing a bit lately, and it's genuinely the best golf game. Absolutely ruined Mario Golf for me.
Zed Blade and Magician Lord are both sweet. Money Puzzle Exchanger is a great puzzle game too.
What's the top 5 fighting games on neogeo?
Metal Slug will always be the best because it was an over-the-top WWII mechoids and gargantuan armor game, and not a stupid "heckin zombies >:O" and "aliems XDDDD" game
no love for NAM 1975 or Crossed Swords?
the only people who owned the AES back in the day were crack cocaine dealers
prove me wrong
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Homosexuals too, either from wealthier families, or lower income families who would forgo other toys for that system.
this is actually true
League Bowling
Neo Turf Masters
-Blue's Journey
-Ninja Commando
-Super Spy
I was a college student who was really excited for KOF94, and found a good deal on a system + game. Then stumbled upon an excellent deal at a pawn shop.
I don't remember the circumstances, but I also came upon a nice deal on the CD w/games. So I actually had two AES systems + CD.

But yeah, shit was expensive. I think I only ever bought 3 games brand new.
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>blazing star

Don't forget its prequel

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