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File: Ataxx.png (24 KB, 640x480)
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This game fuxx.
It's like reversi on crack. The moody atmosphere of the arcade version fits the ongoing mental battle perfectly. The game was so good that Capcom even picked it up for distribution in Japan.
The arcade at my university had this
I played it once, but I was mostly reserving my quarters for SF2 at the time
I found it pretty neat though and made a game for my calculator (TI-81) that mostly copied it
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I love this game but the credit-feeding nature of the arcade version kinda puts a damper on it, thank god for emulation. It also had a pretty interesting development history so I'd reccomend checking it out if you're interested:

The Japanese version of the arcade game does not demand credits for 100 seconds of play, it only limits your turn time. You can 1cc it.
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That's good to know, I'll lookout for that, though beating the last opponent on one credit would still be a daunting task.

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