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Is it a work of art?
Pikmin 2 is proof they didn't understand Pikmin 1
Big Yellow made a video on Pikmin
Are you retarded?
Pokémon is short for “pocket monsters”, which Pikmin most certainly are not.
it absolutely is. and it is the best out of the series.
Its certainly the only one I like. Really dislike how 2 decided to take place entirely in boring caves. Not retro but I didn't like 3 either and I haven't even bothered to touch 4.

Even then I don't think the first one is an amazing game or anything, it's extremely short, way too easy and has basically no depth at all, but its charming enough for a couple hours to enjoy. They shouldn't have made anymore.
it may be easy for experienced players, but you always gotta put yourself into the shoes of someone who'd play the game for the first time. viewed from that angle, the game isnt easy at all.
i wanted this and a gamecube as a kid but my dad said it looked like a game for sissies so he bought me an xbox and halo instead
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>Are you retarded?
No, I'm not retarded.
It's jank and only really has 3 maps. But it's not bad at all. It feels like they were trying to make something that's like a hybrid style of console and computer games, and I think it worked out pretty well.
>take a reset day to scout out the area and note down any gates/bridges/etc which should be your priority
>divide and conquer according to what you learned
The game literally only requires basic reconnaissance in order to play well. It's retards who charge in blind and get wrecked by shit they didn't see coming which causes them to think the game is hard.
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2 > 1
gamecube held it back
if you drew maps in order to solve it, thats good for you, but im guessing almost everbody played it more intuitively instead of planning ahead.
>drew maps
Not at all - anyone who has played an RTS before knows to scout shit out before doing anything. Even the young me of 2002 knew this from playing StarCraft and Age of Empires.
I like the ambiguous relationship between Olimar and the Pikmin, how he wonders if they view him as a leader or a parent. Losing pikmin due to some catastrophe is heart wrenching, and you develop a real bond with the cute little guys. The Strawberry Flower songs accompanying the game do a nice job of putting these feelings to words.
yeah you worded it really well. you feel so sorry for the pikmin when you dont take enough care. it is amazing how a game thats over 20 years old still manages to make you feel those feelings towards blue-red-yellow polygons.
>anyone who has played an RTS before
99% of the people playing pikmin have never touched a rts or pc game in their life. Even baby's first rts is normalfag repellent.
Why aren't there more games like Pikmin? Like an RTS but you're on the ground with all your allies.
Overlord 1 & 2, Brutal Legend,
Your father is a faggot

Also correct>>11067542
>en then I don't think the first one is an amazing game or anything, it's extremely short, way too easy and has basically no depth at al
You should really play 4 then.

Olimar is probably Nintendo best written character. His diay logs are a great read.
I was going through some old games to sell, including Pikmin and I was testing them all out first. My six year old sees me testing this asks to try it and immediately became obsessed with it - though he struggled with it. I'd say it's pretty tough for the target audience.
Also I don't think there's anything wrong with a short, easier experience that leaves you wanting more. Most modern games do the opposite.

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