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Good text-based game?
For me it's Zork (1989)
I've always wanted to get deeper in to text games, but circumstances and attention always got in the way. Last one I played was LostPig, which was fun.
I really liked Spider and Web
>start in room A
>north takes you to room B
>south from room B takes you to room C
How did anyone ever figure this shit out
They mapped it out like normal people and didn't expect instant gratification. You can use the look command to see where you are.
Trinity and Hadean Lands.
How do you map out non-Euclidean geometry
non-Euclidean graph paper
I disliked it because the core puzzle revolves around violating genre conventions. It makes no sense to hide information the player character should know.
That's why I liked it. And the game actively hiding the information from you was all the information you needed. Plus there are adventure games where you as the player know more than the character and where that information even is necessary for solving puzzles. And I don't mind that either. If the puzzles are good I don't mind a little disconnect from the character I'm controlling.
there's a pretty neat docu on youtube that has some of the people involved in early text adventures giving their insights. I'd like to see a modern version, no limits to vocabulary or anything like that these days. The only limit is ostensibly the human limitations of the author, and even that is becoming less of an obstacle with AI(hurr) so I am curious if there will be some crazy new game made in the future with this text input/output system
Leather Goddesses of Phobos
What's Zork (1989), sounds way too late
You use directional branching, using lines to branch to every other box instead of just drawing boxes right next to each other. Easy.
Zork came out in 1980.
With the advent of AI, I imagine text adventures will see a resurgence, due to being able to comprehend and adjudicate every single possible word combination and context. As it currently stands however, it's extremely limited, and has not been implemented in a way that actually works. I've tried playing "roleplaying" tabletop with AI a couple times, but it just ends up recycling an endless loop of what it feels like the player likes to hear.
would love to recommend the hitchhikers guide text game. the BBC has it on their site and it is a lot of fun if you are a veteran text adventurer. It is absolutely tough as nails however so fair warning to anyone thinking about giving it a go.
You can draw a line between rooms. What if you could draw...two lines?

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