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File: WizardryLS_title.png (95 KB, 640x480)
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Have always had an interesting in these games. I tend to start series by playing in order. What's the best way to play through the first games? Is it worth seeing where it all began on the Apple II or are the QOL changes in PS1 and similar version that essential?
Im super curious of the new wizardry port, itd be my first chance to try yhe series. I already like dungeon crawlers so like i said, really curious about wizardry.
I've only played the NES/Famicom versions but I've heard good things about the PSX version. Most versions, even Japan only, have the option to be played in English .
PSX version is best unless you're a turbo autist who insists that automaps and being able to reload previous saves is cheating. The games are still challenging even without the pure masochism of OG Wizardry.
Wasn't there a way to play every single Wizadry game modded into one of the later ones or am I thinking of a different series?
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land and the sequel which is still untranslated called Busin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo. Those are peak.
Play the original for an hour or two first, then give the remake a try and see if you want to switch to it or not. In the case of Wizardry 1 I'd say you're probably playing the game for historic value so skipping the ones with the actual historic value is a bit silly.

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