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Underrated multiplayer games
Isn't that just worse You don't Know Jack with a license slapped on?
I've never played any of the You Don't Know Jack games; do they have you play blatant knockoffs of early arcade games between questions?
the Pressure Round is basically ydkj's Dis Or Dat, Wheel of Fortuitousness is exclusive to chef's luv shack but just there as a wheel of fortune joke, and the minigames were a staple of most other party games
it's still a fun game but basically does every other game's shtick at once
>Dis Or Dat, Wheel of Fortuitousness
I'm European, is this what you call AAVE?
This originally had a mini game where you threw waterballoons at cars from a bridge. I assume it was removed because it was considered too easily imitable
I never watched south park as a kid but had this game for some reason. The minigames were fun but I had NO fucking idea what was going on with the quiz questions.

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