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File: wl_syrup.jpg (68 KB, 850x695)
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Which of the classic Wario games are best?
Super Mario Land 2. Wario is a game thief. I refuse to play his games because they stole a proper Super Mario Land 3-6 from us.
Bold of you to assume the people who decided they wanted to do Wario games instead would have continued to work on Mario if they couldn't get the OK.
I'm glad they innovated and tried something new instead of just making more mediocre Mario 3likes
I enjoyed Wario 2 and Virtual Boy Wario Land the most
WL3>>WL4 > SML3 > WL2
WL3 is not for everyone, but it has peak puzzles and pushes the gameplay to the limit, it's basically Wario + Metroid + a bit of SM64
WL2 is all about collecting useless coins and breaking walls and nauseam
WL4 is between those, puzzles but also pointless collecting, though the graphics are great it's also a tiny bit style over substance
SML3 is alright, it's much more of an action/platformer though
Haven't played VB WL, they say it's ok
VB WL is SML3 but with much smoother gameplay, legit great game stuck in a eye exam console

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