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is this pure genesis saturn S0VL or lanky janky hedehog cr4p?
>Sonic 3D: Fuckin’ Island
The Saturn version has a top 3 Sonic OST: https://youtu.be/QfdT7NbJgfg

Hope it gets a DX version one day.
It was ok for a genesis game. I’ve never been a huge isometric platformer fan. It also just seemed like it was released a little past when it should have been. If it was a 92 or 93 genesis game then it was as good as any isometric platformer. Still not gonna have the appeal of a good 2d sonic just because of the type of game it was.

By the time the Saturn was out, it just wasn’t cutting it as any kind of graphical showpiece and isometric 3d platformers in general aren’t fun enough to enough people to keep rereleasing. The game didn’t get worse, but its basically a game with few innovations over Snake Rattle and Roll (a decent, similar game on NES) being masqueraded as some big release. The new bonus stages were cool, but it didn’t fix the problem.

Again, imagine if nintendo rereleased Snake, Rattle and Roll on the N64 without graphical updates. Would it have competed with Mario 64? Then why would the Sonic version of the same game?

What Sega needed on the Saturn was something that looked like Sonic R with less drifty controls and the racing circuits replaced with linear stages. Now add some enemies and good bosses, keep the collectathon elements throughout the levels from Sonic R and stick in the the bonus stages from Sonic 3d Saturn. Make 10 levels or so and there you go, add more levels if theres time. Focus on good Sonic momentum based physics, multiple paths and making it fun to speed through levels. Make a simple story (like Mario 64), no voiceover, no 5 playable characters, no chao farms, no fishing, no “Tails’ Panzer Dragoon Jr.”, no Amy, no weird overworld. I think Sega got way too ambitious with Adventure and most of their ideas sucked. This concept would have at least competed with the big 3d platformers of the day. The sad thing is they basically prooved they could do it if you look at Sonic R, the Sonic 3d bonus stages, Burning Rangers and Sonic World combined.

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