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Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga really paved the way for Top Gear on the Super Nintendo.

Also, during gameplay on Lotus Esprit, the bottom half of the split-screen has a couple of guys fixing the red Lotus Esprit Turbo SE vehicle while you're driving it on the top half.
what are y'all's thoughts on Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga?
Lotus2 is the game to play. But it's trailblazer on c16 which pages the way for both, I enjoyed that game a lot.
those who already did play Lotus Esprit on the Amiga must've joked about how the two guys on the bottom half of the screen doing something while fixing the red Lotus Esprit Turbo SE.
It's my favorite 2.5D racer.
I prefer it over Top Gear, OutRun, and even Lotus 2.
Loved those.
3 was also fine, had both time trials, and position racing.
Also a track randomizer.
Which one had the fucking kick ass music, was it II?
I never used it in Top Gear though. I was always picking the white car, a n F40 I believe
All of them.
The espirit has to be one of the sexiest cars lotus has ever made.

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