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>top /vr/ composer of all time
>lent his efforts exclusively to trash shovelware for his entire career
wtf was his problem?
He was a loyal employee of his company, Software Creations, where both of his brothers (Geoff and Mike, not a composer) also worked. He did not leave Software Creations until around 1994, when he worked on Time Trux and Ultraverse Prime for Malibu Software. He did manage to gain some independent gigs later in his career, most notably Ecco the Dolphin for Dreamcast, but by that point he was already losing interest in a composer career.
He worked for Western "games". Imagine if he could've been hired by some Japanese projects instead.
>Ultraverse prime
Is it really that bad? I see it every so often when skimming the Sega CD library and the name always catches my eye

The world will never again witness such nuclear autism applied to chiptunes. He came and went, but when he left the industry he slammed the door so hard as to shake the foundations of the universe
His NES Pictionary tracks are computers as fuck, yo.
I prefer to think that he left to seal his own chiptune powers for good, so the said universe wouldn't shatter apart from another banger.

Gigachad of retro tunes, really sad that he lost a brother.
he was getting paid weekly and had reasonable job security, a rare thing in the 1980s / 90s game industry in the UK
Solstice is great. Too hard for zoomies, though.
Rob Hubbard did manage to escape England though.
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makes no sense when David Wise exists
I wonder if anyone out of the US ever tried to poach him but he was too brothered up.
>>top /vr/ composer of all time
not even in the top 20.

geoff was a composer, retard faggot.

>he was getting paid weekly and had reasonable job security
not how it worked.

they poached far better musicians such as rob hubbard and martin galway.
>geoff was a composer
Mike Follin wasn't a composer. Learn to read.
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Equinox is decent

>Learn to read.
>"(Geoff and Mike, not a composer) "
> geoff and mike
> not a composer
>Learn to read.
it's no wonder this board has become a home for lolcows of the retro gaming world.
>not how it worked.
Yes, it is. Do you want to elaborate on this or are you gonna keep making vague responses while implying you’re super smart.

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