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I came across a detective game that is 40 years old that has an unsolved mystery in it.

This is a J.B. Harold Murder Club Thread.
The playthrough is here:

Here is the Summary:
It's a solve the murder type game.
but the game gets a bit deeper because there are multiple crimes uncovered, ultimately It's about a group of mystery novel enthusiasts who conspire to pull off the perfect crime. They decide to rob a bank, as one of them is a bank teller. After the bank robbery, they will burn down the house of the Bank Teller, using a fresh corpse from the morgue as a standin.

One of the group is a Doctor which allows this to be possible. The bank teller also has a loving family so its more convincing that he would not fake his death. After faking his death, he comes up with a fake identity, and actually marries back into his same family, after using plastic surgery.

The person who is murdered is an extremely intelligent and good looking guy, who is a womanizer and most people dislike because he runs a successful company that isn't even his own family's. He is adopted.

He marries into the Bank Teller's family, and upon hearing the story of the burning down, he makes connections to the Mystery Novel group and figures out the mystery, they murder him for it and believe they can get away with it because almost everyone in town hates him, including women he used.
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However at the start of the game there is a reference to an unsolved rape case of Sara Shields, who is one of the games characters. It is said that she is concealing the identity of the rapist and knew that person. Sara Shields is also a fantastic singer

To date there is no one that has solved this mystery and no indication of it being solvable in game.

So who dunnit? Who raped Sara Shields?

The 2nd game starts with Sara Shields being murdered.
You can read through the game here:

However I do not recommend it because it doesn't have anything to do with this mystery of the rape.
It's also a much more tedious game than the other, and the plot isn't as good as the others, and is a little bit confusing, so Manhattan Requiem is worse than Murder Club just from an enjoyment perspective.
I'm into this sort of shit, but is there enough information in the game itself to solve that mystery?
>Murder Club
Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turn into a door.
Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit.
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You gain access to a number of people to interview. I think it would be odd that the developers put that mystery in without it being solvable.
I believe there should be enough evidence to indicate who did it.
I don't think the culprit is the victim of Murder Club, even though he's a complete asshat and the entire town hates him.
The only clue is that she knows the person who did it. Meaning that no one who went to the bar is excluded. I tried to see if someone says they never went to the bar, but it's clear that they did.
It's possible that the doctor did it, but that's just my gut feeling, no real evidence on it.
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Just to make sure that it's clear, the game doesn't resolve around this case, and it's not meant to be solvable. But it's very suspicious that they put it at the very start of the game and not have it connect to anything else in the game.
Which to me indicates that you can solve it, just not through the game mechanics.
fucking LMAO, where is this from? i'm 100% sure i've seen it somewhere before, years ago

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