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Sorry, i mistyped SOUL. its simply better that carmack was capable at the time with potato powered computers and im tired of contrarian retro purists wanting to stick with original versions.
What are vr opinion on refinements of old games? also tried HL ray traced and its cool but i had to pay for it to work so i just tested it 1:30 hs and refunded it on steam
yes i got a 300 dollars gpu today and the only thing i played are remakes or remastered versions of old games
>tfw 300 bucks is literally entry level GPU price now
You might as well stick with old games at this point
The original versions objectively look better. Modern graphics are nothing but Vaseline smears.
Quake 2 wasn't that good to begin with. FPS graphics age like milk, didn't help that the original was grey tech base or more like a crate warehouse.
The issue with most remakes is that they're pointless. What you want to remake is flawed games to make them better. But they only remake big successful games instead. Those are good because they were made by good devs who had good vision. It's all about A teams showcasing talent in everything, from game design to art, often involving big names.
But then they remake those with B grade teams on shoestring budget, going for cheap soulless modern assets akin to mobile games, ruining half the ideas in the process, and just missing the mark altogether. It's like playing a clone game at this point.
Remakes absolutely can be good, but the way things work, they rarely are. Good remakes are the ones like DQ where they clearly put effort in and didn't outsource those to some shovelware studio.
a regrettable turn of events indeed... but it's not just the games' fault. ray tracing turned out to be a bit of a meme itself

In most cases absolutely.
It's often painful how some people see tasteless additions as an improvement.
Original models and textures with updated lighting usually looks good imo. It adds to the original product without changing the original design.
It seems like it’s only when you start changing the models and textures that it detracts from the original game, without providing any real benefit.

As long as they don’t take it way too far like modern AAA shooters do to the point where some areas are impossible to see people in, then multiplayer is fine with updated lighting as well.
it looks off because it wasn't designed to be lit like that
Im trans btw if that matters.

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