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File: 1000 bucks.jpg (64 KB, 563x420)
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Where the hell am I meant to get the other $300? I retrieved the bee's nest, I helped the bee pollinate the boob flower, I beat the Terminator, I got the manure, I beat the Great Mighty Poo. What else can I do?
Rare really wanted nothing more than to waste the player's time. Just fuck around for a few hours and you'll probably maybe scrounge up enough cash.
Not a lot of people know, but a couple of the devs made a commentary walkthrough years ago.

It's basically just them drinking and talking shit but it's pretty comfy.

you didn't do the bat's tower chapter by the sound of it
Nope. Is that across the uncrossable bridge? Also I'm up to $800 after getting the cash on the top of Mt Poo.
Keep looking around for cash you didn't grab, first world has like 1500 total.
Seems to me like you don't do a whole lot of exploring in general. I've not had issues getting the cash just messing around.

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