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redpill me on worms
i never met anyone that talked about it but would constantly hear about it in magazines and growing up
Almost every entry in the series is great fun. Just not to play by yourself.
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just pirate it and play against some slavs to see what it's all about.
but avoid shopper lobbies, that's got a steep learning curve.
I played the demo for Armageddon quite a bit for a demo. Got Worms 2 shortly after but it wasn't the same exact thing so I kind of discounted it as inferior and never played again.

It was a pretty good series though, with a good rep for being a fun game. Didn't seem to have any black sheep entries, except maybe for the 3D one.
You start the game with all your worms in shit positions, start playing after both of your friends, and then they call you a sore loser when you point out they started with the advantage.

The end.
/vm/ is too good but I would be down to play with /vr/

Fun simple turned based combat game, best played with friends hunched around the same PC.
>redpill me on
go back
The Worms 2 era of games in particular, 2, Armageddon, and World Party, are FUCKING FUN games, they are goofy and silly with great cartoon violence and little jokes, and they are also very tense and exciting turnbased games with a lot of strategy to them.
Being that they are turnbased, that means that they have full "couch co-op" support, in that you and pals can just take turns with the mouse and keyboard.

It's really regrettable that the re-release of World Party is super scuffed because it had a lot of additional features which Armageddon didn't, but Armageddon is still very good, and very fun, even has a multiplayer scene still.

And I thought the computer players had unreasonably good grenade and bazooka aim.

Stop sucking.
It's a party game really. Used to play it at kids parties all the time
>Didn't seem to have any black sheep entries, except maybe for the 3D one.
The only one I played.
Fun, but I can't aim for shit.
Got stuck on the story mode because I'm not good enough.
Because it's just another crappy Amiga game. It's dross on any system with real games, but because it's an Amiga game they have to act like it's some groundbreaking title.
I enjoyed playing worms 2 with my brother and sister back in maybe '98. Great times.
who the hell ever cares about worms on amiga lol

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