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Any Ghouls n Ghosts fans here? Playing the Genesis version for the first time and I can't tell if this is a softlock or I'm missing something.
>reach boss with sword
>sword hitbox with down thrusts is just barely able to destroy the far left and right weak points, way too short to reach the rest
>magic attack only goes above Arthur
>fuck it, accept death and hope I'll respawn in a position to get a new sub weapon
>respawn next to the boss, no areas to get a new weapon
>maybe if I game over I'll restart at the start of the stage
>game over, select continue and I'm next to the boss again with my sword
I've tried googling but no one mentions anything about a softlock. Might just be because the Genesis version is less popular though.
its not a softlock
Yes it is and a pretty famous one too, console versions added checkpoints (not sure if they're there on the harder difficulties though) and didn't think this through
It's the version with retarded checkpoints on bosses? If so yes you are soft kocked.
The US arcade had those dumb checkpoints too iirc
you playing on practice mode?
git gud it doesnt actually change that much desu
normal mode, or whatever its called, doesnt have that problem iirc. frankly youre lucky you didnt get to the end of the entire game then realize you played on practice mode and literally cant beat the game
You're fucked son.

Anyway the game is like 30 minutes long, just restart it's no big deal.
Why do zoomers immediately want to call everything a glitch or softlock? Use your brain and try to figure it out.
supergrafx version is signficiantly harder than the genesis one. no "practice mode" and no boss checkpoints, you basically restart the level. with cheats, you get a max of 9 credits
There was a thread about this very thing a couple of months ago.
Start again and pick a more appropriate weapon for this boss next time.
Yeah checkpoint right before the boss that kinda screws you over. There is no boss checkpoint in the Japanese version which can be accessed with a cheat code on the Genesis version though.
Watch a play through on YouTube, don't bother playing it

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