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Share your top 100 charts and give recs!

It was kind of difficult to think of my top 100 favorite games, but it got me thinking about games I haven't played in a long time that I really want to replay again now.
I'm not sure there are even 100 games that I truly love. Yes I understand that isn't really how it works but still having a top 100 list where like half of the games are
>eh, I guess they were good, whatever
feels retarded. Top 25 is probably the optimal variant for most people unless you are a big fan of a fuckload of games
I get what you are saying. I mostly wanted to do a top 100 to think back to games I loved but forgot about and give me an excuse to go back to.
As well as see other peoples charts and get/give recs
Nah it's pretty easy considering how many long running series we have in gaming. Mario, Zelda, FF, RE, those alone would add up to 25 titles for most people
I think you could also include games that you aren't necessarily a fan of, and replayed a bunch, but played through once and felt it was very impactful and memorable.
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Cool list, lots of great games here.
Various games from series that you like + specific games that you like + games that you are fond of because of their charm = you end up filling the list.
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A reminder of what /vr/ voted to be the objective top 100 of all time passing by...
>All that console slop
>specially weeabo console slop
>Zero PC games
>Zero Arcade games
>Some 2010/2000's games
Still better than current year slop but it's shit taste regardless
make a chart

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