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File: pc engine.jpg (99 KB, 640x480)
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You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the NEC PC Engine. What games are you recommending? For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.

>no supergrafx allowed
>hard mode: no rondo of blood

my 3 recs
>ys iv dawn of ys
>soldier blade
>parasol stars
Tengai Makyo. Tengai Makyo 2. Linda Cube.
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Ginga Fukei Densetsu: Sapphire
Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams
Super Air Zonk

I never cared for Rondo
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legendary axe
legend of valkyrie
cotton fantastic night dreams

plus a pack of benson & hedges premium soft pack
>console with a bunch of shmups
>controller is ass for shmups
What did they mean by this?
Devil Crush
R-Type USA
Ys I and II
There is an arcade stick you can buy iirc
Gate of thunder
Lords of thunder
Rondo of blood
you prefer the default 3 button genesis controller with that dogshit giant hard-edged dpad with the comically large buttons?
>Devil Crush
that said...i always thought devil crush was overly hyped, and its better on genesis. improved bonus stage graphics and a new final boss so the game is legit beatable instead of maxxing out the score after 30 hours of playtime
>Super Air Zonk instead of Air Zonk
please explain...its worse than the first one in literally all aspects. even coryoon is also better
>You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the NEC PC Engine.
No. I have all the games.

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