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What's the rarest drop you have ever achieved?
I got all the rare drops in EarthBound; I think that's the only game I cared to try.
pretty sure ive done this, or at least attempted to. nothing else really comes to mind. i did try for a pink tail for a while in ff4 but never got it
I got all the EarthBound equips and a full party of Adamant Armor in FFIV. It was like a slot machine, only it didn't ruin my life.
I gave up then cheated one once with debug mode then the very next enemy was a legit drop.
In Dragon Quest VI I got the duplicating hat (normally a post-game item) without trying on my first battle with those Mudo pallet swaps. The rate is 1/256
Farmed 5 pink tails for 5 adamant armors
It was not worth it
Dark Magician Girl in Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories (GBC)

1/2048 drop rate... I had to do it for my waifu though
>pixel demaster
I can see why.
Actually it was in the ds version i just used google images but youre a gay fag for this post

(Ds version has proto babil so theres actually a use for the armor)
Nah, kill yourself, paid shill.
I somehow got this without trying for it
I got all the Mother 2 equipable rare drops as well.
Honestly the Sword of Kings wasn't the one that took me the most time. The absolute most time consuming ones are the Magic Frying Pan from the chomposaurs and the Gutsy Bat from the Bio Kraken, simply because it's rare enemy.
SoK has a reputation but I think mostly due to being the only weapon Poo can use and also because it's in a part of the game you can't go back to (at least not with the Starmans spawning).
One time replaying the game I got the SoK without even trying, good times
got all the 3% equipment (as well as the good stick in chapter 4) in mother 3 multiple times, not as annoying as the 1/128 ones but some of those enemies can be a pain. apparently though the angel's ribbon gives you 3 speed, thus making getting two goddess ribbons off love walkers kinda pointless.
You really think Square would bother shilling to the 12 people who use this board?
Never, I play the game once and just see what happens.
The only shills here are 8shitdo and retrotwink/shiTSTER-types but even the emu-hardware shillers have contained to hhg or rarely post now. 8shitdo are relentless.
Any of the rarer dragon warrior drops like meteorite armband
Maybe the Spelunkers Hat in FFXI, probably something rarer, I did collect every item in XII so something there was probably extremely rare but I couldn't tell you what the rarest was.
The Pixel Remaster of IV is the best version of the game.
I've played through EB probably a dozen times and always spend an inordinate amount of time fighting Starmen Supers and NEVER got the sword. The plus side was that I'd be really overleveled at that point and the rest of the game was a breeze.....until my last playthrough where I got the sword on the very first try.
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Get on my level
A shiny female combee by headbutting a tree in Soul Silver
Who cares loser
I got Paula's rare frying pan on my first playthrough without trying.
I know you. You are the guy who thinks if something is liked that you do not like it's a shill comment.
Looks like hacking
Kaiser Dragon from Forbidden Memories took me over 1000 duels to finally get.
I've probably found rarer in some other game at some point.

Sword of Kings grinding is a problem because you can't return to this area to try for it again, and the process of grinding for it can make you overlevelled for the rest of the game.
All for the sake of getting the single weapon that Poo can equip in the entire game.
Item drop rates are also flat in Earthbound, there's no modifiers like luck stats or special equipment to try and improve the odds.
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Drake of the south winds from throne of the four winds. 1% drop rate. I’ve had it drop for me twice. I gave the mount to a friend the first time it dropped then it dropped for me again later on. I also had both firelands mounts drop for me on a single run. But i still cant get that god damned taeschalch sword to drop.
I never bother looking in to rare equipment/items like this, but if shiny Pokemon count as kinda the same idea, then I caught Golbat and Ponyta back in the 4th gen days.
i got feebas on my literal first try fishing as a kid. didnt even know about the weird "only one square" mechanic. i just went to the place where my friend said it was and cast my line. first try.
played emerald again not too long ago, trying to get a good save file to pick up and play frontier in my spare time. really wanted a milotic, because shes basically unkillable. knew about the mechanics this time and was resigned to a couple hr grind. happened again. first square, first cast. nothing astronomical, but certainly very lucky

not retro, but i think the absolute worst ive ever actually grinded out was a pure bladestone or whatever the DEX scaling one was called in demons souls. took like 4 or 5hrs just farming the same couple guys over and over
thankfully that game has a really easy dupe glitch, so i never have to do it again.
I spent time trying to get all the rare drops in Earthbound as well. It was that experience that made me never do it again.
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If you're not familiar with the game, naming a character gives you a specific "Section ID" that determines what rare items will drop for you once you get to Hard mode and above.

I didn't have the "best" ID for this drop, but I got a Lavis Cannon, which is apparently a 1/18332 chance of dropping from a relatively uncommon encounter.

I used to be super autistic for those rare drops in final fantasy games. I remember FF2 (4) on the SNES being full of them, most notably the Pink Tail which had a 1.5% drop chance from flan princesses which were a 1.5% appearance rate in a specific area, so it was like 0.02% drop overall. I spent hours grinding that as a young sperg.
Not at all. I don't actually mind the 1 8shitdo controller I've used (the snes clone), so you can make as many assumptions as you like about me, shillerman.
I got an s-parts ver2.01 on my very first run through mines in PSO on GCN. It's 1/10639
I got that my only time playing the game.
One of my friends was very mad, becasue they've beaten the game 10+ times and never seen it apparantly.
Probably a few shiny pokemon but never the cool ones i would want to use. I'm sure I've gotten some very rare drops but i wasn't aware of the drop rates.
it is really funny to me that you accuse anon of shilling a DS game from 2007 simply by bringing it up in a relevant conversation.
I got Sword of Kings in my playthrough last year, and it only took like 15 minutes. But this was after many attempts in many playthroughs since childhood

And yes, it felt good. Achievement unlocked, you might say.
>Probably a few shiny pokemon but never the cool ones i would want to use
only cool one i ever got was gligar, but it was in gen 2 so hes completely fucking worthless. one gen later and at least i couldve transferred him up to a gen where he had a fucking ground move or could evolve

i guess girafarig is """cool""" in the "oh yea thats a pokemon, isnt it?" kinda way. certainly not useful tho. also one of the most underwhelming looking shiny forms ever
Probably some "shiny" pokemon from outta nowhere in G/S.
I got the Sword of Kings the first time through the game, not realizing rarities of anything and all that.

Just remember being super stoked that I finally got a weapon for my Starstorm spammer.
Not retro but on maplestory in like 2006/7 I got a maple spear to +8 with 10% scrolls which gave like 5 dmg and str and 3 dex per scroll where a 60% only gave +2 dmg.This made the weapon as powerful as a lv 90/100 weapon at only lv 42. the odds of doing this is something like in the hundreds of billions. I did this over a few weeks too it was fucking insane. I could have sold this for hundreds if thousands of dollars. There was like only a handful of perfectly scrolled weapons.

I got all the items in FF6 that shit is a nightmare even with grindin so much RNG in the colosseum
since you cant control your dude fighting and if you lose poof the item is gone reload the save.
>Sword of kings
Why is Kings not capitalized? Is this an amateur game?
Ashes of Alar
I got it first try on my last playthrough. It's the one time I wish I was recording because nobody on the planet would ever believe me. My entire life has been downhill ever since.
A legit shiny male gastly in pokemon gold, on a legit cart.
I was playing Pokémon Crystal for the first time recently, and I think it was on my second or third encounter in an area when I found my first Chansey (1% encounter rate), and after catching it I realized it also happened to be holding a Lucky Egg (2% chance from those 1% encounters).
I was playing via Retroarch, so there was actually a set achievement for getting the Lucky Egg, a feat which usually took people like 10+ hours and was widely regarded as the worst thing in the set. One in a hundred encounter rate, followed by a 1 in 50 dice roll (or 0.02% per encounter).
If anyone knows, when is the loot rolled for so to speak?
Yeah overgrinding irks me, I was wondering if you could save scum till you get it? If so when do you need to do that.
Amulet of Perfection in Oblivion. Damn near impossible to get that without outside help. My greatest truly random win (I believe) was to accidentally Fire3 into Dark Knight Cecil's Magic menu (*that doesn't actually exist in game) while glitching FF4.
>ring of perfection
From memory it's actually not possible to get with no cheating required, just the likelihood of lots of reloading when entering transcendent sigil rooms and opening the high level reward container. Probably need level 30+, but sooner or later one will spawn.

Getting most of the ultimate weapons for companions in BOF2 without cheating can REALLY hard. Done that but many hours of grinding required for that MeowST etc.
*it's actually possible
How long does that usually take? Tried looking up talk about it online but couldn't find anything.
Idk how rare in the grand scheme of things it is, but I got a tsuchinoki my first time ever using a cage trap, shortly after I got to the part where you are kidnapped and never got another one...the camo eludes me still...
I also got a shiny geodude one time so that was like whatever
mental illness thread
It is now.

Are you trying to make someone feel bad for being pleased about scoring a low probability item just out of spite?
spite? no I feel sorry for you

just kidding I just don't want to spend this much time doing this kind of thing, because i see it as nonsensical. it's kind of cool, though. chin up
It’s considerably uglier than the PSP version.
You could possibly argue that the PSP version has extra content that wasn’t in the original, but you can simply not play that content as it is optional and comes at the end.
PSP seems better to me.
??? It is a random drop brag thread. Completionists maybe but that's not the point. They don't have much to brag about.
(grinding 100+ hours for x item, I mean)
Right, because if you have enough time to burn trying to get these unnecessary items, you didn't have a life in the first place.
>white board
>not a synchro
Goblin summon in the After Years on Ceodore's route. The chapter breaks and I start Rydia's route. Got another Goblin summon in the first area.
Same. during summer breaks in high school, a couple friends and I used to do a "let's get all the rare drops!" run of Earthbound.

It was one of the few good memories I have of the period
Sword of kings is something that justifies cheating to get a critical item.
I got all the summons on my last playthrough of FF4 without trying. That's never happened before. I remember spending hours trying to fucking get those years ago.
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I did this too, also got with the dragon whip and spear, and the Bomb/Goblin/Mage/Cock summons, and min-max Edward for the fun of it, all this on a classic atomic purple GBA as a kid
It was not worth it
Diablo 2 holy grail.
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I tried to get the Gutsy Bat, but I was using the official strategy guide, which gives you misinformation, and leveled Ness up to 99 in Magicant before giving up. That disappointment has stuck with me for actual decades.
I happened to get a sword that was not supposed to be in the drop table in some obscure location in an almost unused zone. It was so slow (slow swing speed=bigger damage per swing) my Shadowblade could kill any non-tank in one hit.
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I ‘member
anduran shield from a shipwreck survivor in a random heroes 2 map
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Getting the Orb of Mastery in Everquest required multiple rare drops, including rares from god-tier bosses, plus a multi-day raid in Plane of Sky to farm death-touching Sphinxes on Isle 7 for a Crown of Elemental Mastery.
Definitely the biggest pain in the ass quest I've ever completed in a videogame.
I assume you used sirens
I believe when the encounter starts
Checking for enemy items is what Jeff can do with his spy function
What is a rare drop weapon that becomes basically hit button to win all battles? Though its not a drop, its the most expensive thing in Little Ninja Bros. II, the Hypnoblow defeats everything
based everquester
i got bladestorm on project 1999 if you ever played, only 3 ever dropped so im pretty lucky to have one
Don't the original SMTs have ridiculous encounter rates for the fiends, like 1/265 on a single tile or something?
Well, if we assume a duel takes about a minute, and you'd need around 2048 attempts to get a copy, in theory, since it's all chance and you can get it on your 1st attempt, or never, then it'd be around 2000 minutes, then it'd take over 30hrs of playing against Yugi, without stopping, it's a crazy low drop rate for such a fan favorite. I'm a lucky bastard to get it after only a few duels too.

It's just the background, it's a full art OriCa, or a Original Card if you prefer, some nice fan work I guess. Dark Magician Girl in general has superb design, can't help but love anything with her in it.
>it's a full art OriCa, or a Original Card if you prefer
You have never seen a vagina.
The Seitengrat bow in the IZJS version of Final Fantasy XII is effectively 1h kill easy mode, though bosses in the game reach up to the millions of HP so it's not THAT effective. Never got Seitengrat without RNG manipulation but I did manage to grind a couple Zodiac Spears in the Henne Mines and Danjuro in the original version. I hated farming chests because of having to zone away twice instead of one screen. On the other hand the speed up button of the remakes trivialized the feeling of achievement.
it worries me that i may die before rolling up all of the objects in katamari damacy
I have a GF and we have sex pretty much weekly, often more than once a week, stop projecting, if a woman's into you, then having autistic hobbies and interests won't stop that, and if it does, then you dodged a bullet.
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does she cosplay bmg for you
I’ve gotten quints on 4chan like three times now (1/10000 chance)
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No, a cosplay like that sounds fun in theory, but seems like a pain to setup and would cost more money than something more simple. A couple of weeks back she wore a bunnygirl outfit I bought her and let me fuck her in the ass for a few hours, we usually go for quickies that last minutes, but that was a special occasion, and we drank a bit to it so we were more excited and into it than usual.
>shilling the pixel remasters
>on a board that overwhelmingly hates them
the title of the game isn't even translated properly
I really like rare equipment that's gated behind multiple difficult, but segmented steps to get the item in question. When it's something like, "You have a 1/65535 chance of getting this item," it's entirely a diceroll to find what you want, and even though less rare items are still the same, you can get each piece in steps so you don't feel like you're making zero progress on the whole thing.

Also, your post reminds me of the time I spent in MMOs doing multi-day grinds or loot runs, there was something magical about farming dungeons over and over again to complete a set of gear for your character.
I still remember grinding out a delsaber's buster to go with my shield. Only for my brother's friend to delete my 200 hour save when he took the memory card for a sleepover.
wait, the krakens can respawn?
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Every non-boss enemy is the game has 1/100 chance of dropping them--as they're used to learn special moves--so they're not rare in that sense, but getting two from a single random battle is something I've only had happen once. And I've played this game like 6 times.

The only time I've ever obsessively hunted rare drops was in DQ9 (I know, NOT RETRO), and it doesn't really count because I used an online RNG calculator to force them.
Rarest drop of any drop?
Probably Ashbringer in vanilla WoW, I think it was a one-time drop per server and the chance was very, very low. If I remember right, equipping it got you a special cutscene when returning to the Scarlet Crusade HQ.
I always grinded for the Sword of Kings because it was easy to ambush-kill the Starman Supers as they teleported around. Never tried for the other gear.
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Stole the Fairy Flute second try. I didn't know how rare it was at the time.
I dont think you remember it well. Corrupted ash bringer was a normal drop off an end game dungeon. It did have a special effect when you went to scarlet mon.

But yeah ratest drop will be some 1 time deal. I heard a guy in vanilla wow got a legendary necklace that was bit supposed to be on the drop table. After that they patched it off the table
The Crissaegrim in Symphony of the Night.
Dropgen cheat for the PSP version of FF4 (US region) because it's the best version of the game, from >>10366757
The Big Love Rocket in WoW like a decade ago. A 0.03% drop chance from a fight only available for two weeks per year, with a once per day per character lockout.

They buffed the drop rate last year though and also gave it a faggy new name because the old one was "offensive", so it's not special any more.
lookin' good
It makes sense, that bow, the Trango Tower/Great Trango and the Gendarme shield are basically debug weapons. Baltoro’s seed and Dark Energy are also very broken, they’re probably the best buffing and offensive items in the entire series.
As a kid I genuinely stumbled on the fishing lure on Ocarina of Time. I spent the rest of my childhood trying to figure out what the fuck I did and how to get it again.
I'm realizing now that that's not really a "drop" but I already typed this out.
Objectively untrue. The PSP version looks like a shitty RPG Maker project.
I got the super rare gold banner in the first season of Splatoon within the first week of playing.
it takes like 5 hours tops

wow, such a life destroyer
I could coom in my wife for 5 hours instead
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Dunno how rare it is but I remember getting really lucky finding a Nameless Urn in Suikoden that I didn't even have to grind for it. I just got it during an encounter and when I thought of going for all 108 stars I already had it in my inventory.

A non-retro example would be Demon's Souls for the PS3. Grinded around 2-4 hours for a Pure Bladestone.
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Statistically not the rarest (like 1.2% drop) but I swear I ground this stupid fucking dungeon in WoW to get a raven mount at least 300 times before it finally dropped. Think I quit shortly after, my journey was complete (sometime during burning crusade)
I miss BC so bad
They are normal enemies in Magicant. You go back to "town" and then re-enter the enemy's area. I can't even imagine how much time I had as a child.
>Dunno how rare it is but I remember getting really lucky finding a Nameless Urn in Suikoden that I didn't even have to grind for it. I just got it during an encounter and when I thought of going for all 108 stars I already had it in my inventory.
not that rare. it drops from the fairies that can be seen with the little leaf dudes. you probably saved yourself a ~20 minute grind.
>A non-retro example would be Demon's Souls for the PS3. Grinded around 2-4 hours for a Pure Bladestone.
finding that that quickly is EXTREMELY lucky. some people have grinded for days and not gotten it. it makes no sense that such a normal upgrade material is no rare. especially considering that game had multiple patches and it was never addressed. i remember trying for it myself, and im not even positive i ever got it. i usually had someone drop me one.
>DOS/Amiga Space sims out of nowhere
Dark Magician Girl is sexy! SEXY!
1/256j on certain tiles plus a 1/256 chance to drop their respective weapon
Funny thing for the Pure Bladestone was that I grinded for it like a week ago. Was connected to the archstone servers too so I was able to see two other people grind for it when I was doing it. I put a summon sign down to see if they'd summon me and I'd drop it for them (after I duped it) but they didn't which was a shame.

I initially did it in 4-2 before learning of a slightly longer, but higher drop rate route in 4-3 instead. Was so shocked when it dropped I literally stared at the screen for a good 10 seconds mouth agape.

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