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A thread for everything involving hacking your PS2.
I have a question, I usually use OPL 1.1.0 for everything but it doesn't recognize ZSO games, I tried one of those "nightly" builds (the Jay-Jay ones) and they recognize and play ZSO files but some of my games dont work on that build (like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Crash Nitro Kart for example), I tried disabling PADEMU and other settings but it still doesn't work (games freeze on a black screen).
What can I do?
>the Jay-Jay ones
Use the official ones from the github.
That's the one I usually use (1.1.0), the issue is that it doesn't recognize ZSO games and I have some games in that format.
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1.1.0 is from 2021. Download the one from "latest" (click on assets), those are the nightly builds. I believe those already have zso but since I don't use the format, I can't confirm.

>"As of version 1.2.0, compressed ISO files in ZSO format is supported by OPL."
Yeah, the nightly builds support them.
Tried that version, MvC2 still freezes on boot, the game is a iso file btw, I'll try converting it to zso and if it doesn't work I'll try the japanese version.
zso doesnt work either, tried disabling pademu from the cfg file too and it didn't do anything.
I'll try a different version now.
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Running fine over here, USA version, default config except pademu which I have disabled globally for all games. I use the old partition method for installing games though, no idea about the iso/zso thingy.
Freemcboot is coming in saturday, I had another one but the guy who was selling it had installed a bunch of extra shit and arranged things in a strange way and I'm just not tech savvy enough to deal with it, so I got a new one that just has freemcboot.
I already got a MX4SIO card, 2 in fact, with a couple SD cards, so needless to say I'm ready for gaymin.
But I'm wondering though, how would one go about playing PS1 games? I've heard you can play burnt discs with OPL, but I don't have a disc drive, and am not able to spend a lot of money, thus why I went with the MX4SIO option and not just go full harddrive.
you have two options:
POPSTARTER, a lot of games dont run well or have graphical glitches but they're playable still, some need hugopocked's fixes to run better but still not that great (also the guy apparently has more fixes locked behind a paywall).
DKWDRV, much better than popstarter but still in an early state, most games have audio/fmv issues or dont boot, you also need a ps1 memory card (vmc support will eventually be added at some point).
There's also a ps1 emulator for ps2 but it runs so bad its not worth trying it.
it isn't working for whatever reason (neither the JP version), I can only think its because its a bin file converted to iso via OPL Manager, tried Street Fighter EX3 and I also get a black screen.
Well, it's unfortunate they aren't more developed but what can you do?
I did consider emulation but like you said, I've heard console emulation in general is pretty shoddy (minus the wii, I hear wii emulation is pretty good).
I might just wait for the mStation, and try and find a cheap PS1 in the wild.
went back to 1.1.0 and both games work so im gonna guess 1.2.0 has some issues with bin/cue games so I'll use that version specifically for the big games that i cant put on my usb drive.
does snes station not work on ps2 slim? i tried playing starbound and everytime i when got to starman it would slow down and stutter a lot
snes station has always been not a good emulator, if you wanna play snes on ps2 find an iso of snesticle with loaded roms or learn how to make one yourself.
Oh, you're running from usb? Yeah, can't help that much with that one but I read many games are hit or miss compared to internal hdd.
Yeah I know but its weird that these games work on 1.1.0 but not on 1.2.0 beta.
Gonna give this drive a cleanse, its giving me "game is fragmented error" in some games I have installed lately (like Nitro Kart and RBR)
i gave installing snesticle a try but the only guide i had was in portuguese and i must have done it wrong because it wouldn't run
I love popstarter
I found a 7001 by accident I just need a new crt and burn some cd's
Can you elaborate on why?
just download a premade iso
I want to put romhacks on
Can't you download the iso, open it up with Ultraiso, magiciso or whatever and drag n drop the roms you want added in?
OP here, I updated my opentuna build and now i can use exfat drives but I still cant get bin/cue games to work, tried a different iso converter and still get a black screen on boot.
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OK I fucking got it to work, had to download a OPL build by grimdoomer.
bincue games don't work which is retarded, they must be converted to iso with something like opl manager.

also grimdoomer's opl is great
Is Snesticle 240p?
What are my options for burned PS1 & PS2 games? I have an original fat model.
Is it a PAL system? This matters
I did that but it didn't work, tried another converter and it didn't work either.
Maybe they fucked up something with their update, Grimdoomer's build is from 2023.
Got the freemcboot card in the mail, set it up to work with MX4SIO and the newest version of OPL, ran Dr. Muto, shit was flawless, then I start up Kingdom Hearts and the opening cutscene is abysmal, super laggy. I understand there's gonna be some lag, that's totally fine, but this was a little much. Is there a way to mitigate FMV slowdown?
This isn't a major complaint, as I knew what I was getting myself into and also I'm just happy to play console accurate PS2 ISOs.
But like is there alternative settings?
I know OPL has like multiple modes right?
afaik the only way to avoid fmv lag is using the hard drive or ethernet mode, the reading speed of the memory card slot and the usb ports are too slow to play FMVs.
The extra modes are there to fix some games that will not boot, like the Jak, Ratchet and Sly games.
The memory card slot has a read speed of 2 megabytes per second tops, which is more than twice as slow as the DVD drive
Don't quote me on this since I haven't tried it but if you want to run games from SD card or USB, the new ZSO format apparently runs much better than regular plain iso.

Also, as an alternative, if your PS2 has an ethernet port, it's a hell of a lot better than usb/sd card. Ethernet is the middlepoint between usb and hard drive in terms of speed.
So with slow transfer speeds in mind, your best option is to use ZSO files.
I'd recommend SMB if you have a raspberry pi or something otherwise not connected to your network.
Hmm that's a shame, that's why I chose the MX4SIO over playing straight from USB, I was under the impression it was a significant difference when it came to FMVs. Which like I'm sure it is, just sucks to hear *exactly* how slow it is.
I'll look into ZSO, hopefully it's not a pain in the ass.
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To convert iso to zso, just download OPL Manager. It's a software mainly to download cover arts, but it has the function to convert file formats.
What software should I use to edit isos? I want to put a complete USA romset on a SNESticle iso I downloaded that's missing a lot of games.
Nice, saved me a lot of time, thanks. I'll probably mess with it later, gotta do some stuff today.
Enjoy scrolling through all that shit
I've beaten earthbound on snes station, but I also agree it is not a great emulator. After a while playing any game it would start stuttering, so I had to save and restart the game.
Also it couldn't run any game using special ships (SA1 and Super FX)
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converted Kingdom Hearts to a ZSO and it doesn't boot, perhaps I'm missing a step? I was able to successfully convert MvC2 from .bin to ISO.
Then you should be able to install mechapwn as long as it's a 50k or higher (but don't get a 90k)
nah it's an old SCPH-39001. guess i'll have to try to find a 5000+ Can FreeMCBoot play from burned discs? I only hear about the HDD/flashdrive/memory card loading.
For fats you need a preloaded memory card or hard drive to use FreeMcBoot. If you patch your PS2 games with the ESR method then you'll be able to play burns, but this isn't an option for PS1 games
Right, thanks. Honestly the drive method is better but I would need there to be no tells that the games weren't legit. I've heard there's faster loading times so that could be a tell.
why would you need there to be no tell?
Mine is a fat PAL system, 50k, what are my options?

I tried installing mechapwn, but it's not working with my legit PS2 games. Is there really no way of making them work?
>Mom noticed that I didn't swap magic the NTSC game into the PAL PS2
It's over...
>I tried installing mechapwn, but it's not working with my legit PS2 games.
That's how it's supposed to work. You need to rip the games and burn them again with a master disc patch. PS1 discs need the same, but with the region string patched.
The "forced unlock" patch technically fixes this, but causes other problems in the process. Don't use this.
what opl theme are you using?
You have to patch your games into PAL before burning
>it doesn't recognize ZSO games
Works on my machine
Why is the PS2 so awesome sauce?
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This one I found on YouTube.
damn this is my first time hearing about game booting from sd cards, how well are loadtimes versus playing off disc and hdd? might just order myself a mx4sio too if its comparable to discloading
heard its only slightly faster than usb loading.
It is from what I've seen, I commented earlier saying I was dissapointed, but after experimenting with a number of games (Ace Combat, Hitman Contracts, Ape Escape, MvC2, Metal Slug, Soulcalibur 2, Devil May Cry just to name a few) and I have had literally 0 problems EXCEPT with Kingdom Hearts. It's FMVs were abysmal, but I didn't test gameplay, which I'm sure is fine.
No slowdown, lag, FMVs are extremley fluid, no complaints, no graphical glitches, I think I had 1 audio glitch the whole time and it stopped shortly after it started, and it was I think on Crazy Taxi.
I got 2 cards, one for arcade compilations and multiplayer, and one for single player.
The MX4SIO was literally on sale for $1 like 2 weeks ago, so I got 2.
I'd reccomend, the SD cards, Freemcboot, the 2 MX4SIO, and even a SD card reader to go along with it which you may not even need, cost me $37 all together.
oh I forgot to add, loadtimes are slightly higher than normal, nothing you couldn't explain away as a particularly longer loading screen, never waited too long. Saving takes longer, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm using a virtual memory card or if a real memory card would save faster. Either way it's definately worth it, loadtimes that are like 1-5 seconds longer is not ruining the time I am having with it for sure.
It's twice as fast as USB but still half the speed of DVD. For most games you won't have any issues whatsoever with MX4SIO but games like Kingdom Hearts which have very high bitrate FMV's will have some hiccups
how the hell does anybody get mx4sio to work? OPL doesnt seem to recognize mine even if there's no other storage devices connected my ps2
Worked for me, maybe it's a bad dump
Are super slim (90001) PS2 models stuck with Opentuna for homebrew?
might have something to do with how you formatted your SD cards?
You may also have to go into OPL settings and set it to not ignore MX4SIO.
Follow a youtube tutorial, heres the one I used:
There is no super slim but yes
Pajeet thread.
anyone has tried gba emulation on PS2?
I heard its actually good
I'm wondering for all the people that use MX4SIO out there:
What brands of SD card and what size do you use? They have some 128-256gb SDs at my local slopping center, but it's the shitty Onn brand and I'm wondering if that's worth it, they have sandisk but those are obviously really bad for compatibility.
OPL is honestly a pain in the ass, I'm launching POPS from uLaunchELF from now on, I can't keep updating these fucking config files.
i think you have to use gps2 kai
>filtered by specifying a path in a notepad document
I am specifying disk swaps in notepad thoughbeit.
I have a phat and FMCB using a Memcard Pro 2, I've been using an old clunker hard drive with a SATA adapter to play off of for the past several years but I want to do a new, bigger hard drive from scratch.
Do I still have to use that winhip shit or is there a new, better way to set up the hard drive? My SATA adapter doesn't have an ethernet port, but I use a HAF X so I can just install the games to the hard drive using my computer's hot swap bay.
Also which version of OPL do I use now? Apparently there's a ton of forks of it now and they all do different things, I'm not sure which one is correct for simply playing PS2 games off the internal drive.
There's disc combining kits for most multidisc games anyway
I'm looking to make more esoteric use of my PS2. What are some of the weirdest things you've used your PS2 for?
"esoteric" you say? idk about that, but there have been a couple cool things to come out of PS2 homebrew, check out Tyracraft, essentially a minecraft port/clone for ps2 being worked on right now.
I have an issue with gran turismo 4, the game opens and loads normally but when I get to the screen to choose the language I can't scroll or select anything
Yes, I forgot to mention it
Enable mode 2 and 6, disable pademu, if everything else fails you can still play give it input through the USB ports: so either a wheel or re-enable pademu and use a compatible usb controller.
iirc some older versions of OPL worked fine with it but it's been a while so my memory might be fuzzy.
on OPL 1.1.0 i had to unplug and plug my controller back in but then it played fine
what version of opl are you using?
if the latest stable isnt working try the grimdoomer build
It worked perfectly, thank you so much

that was the first thing I tried but it didn't work
I'm booting from an SD card adapter; I bought it a couple of months ago
I'm using FunTuna 1.0.10
np, have fun with the driving missions
yo is it just me or does the OPL Manager link on their website to download the latest version not work? Sucks cause without the latest version you can't add art from the server anymore, all the art is in like a new format.
yes,use retroarch gba core
I used a homebrew app to play MSX, specifically Dead of the Brain, but I can’t remember what the fuck it is

It wasn’t Retroarch, and I’m pretty damn sure it wasn’t fMSX. It allowed me to use save states. It had some sort of text config where you could put a “run” command to be entered automatically when starting the emulator.

Actually, any working way to run MSX games on PS2 would be fucking great to have recommended, but this one has been driving me nuts
Is there a way to configure or manage Virtual Memory Cards?
I want to delete some date on it but not others, is that possible or is it all or nothing? Either through OPL or OPLManager
yes retroarch core, you forgot to mention it wont run fullspeed at fullscreen, looks shit fulscreen anyway, you need to turn of integer scaling and adjust ratios maybe use 1:1 i forget, you will basically have a small window in the middle of your screen like a super gameboy, at that it looks great and runs full speed, tho i only tried metal slug advance and minish cap.

you must have used fmsx emu it works but it is fucky, the retroarch fmsx core is a massive improvement and very usable, ive played aleste2 (picrel) and metal gear works great, for multi disk games u need to make an m3u file and load that, then set hotkeys for ejecting disk and one for next disk and one for previous disk, it can take a bit of fiddling to switch to the right disk but you'll get the hang of it eventually
bumping since thread is picrel
also game gear core is pretty good
some metal gear?
how about sharp X1 core, still haven't managed to get PC-88 games working tho
Come full together.

(16 bit demake) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S726qJGjwO8
Tried GBA Crash Nitro Kart and it froze.
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Literally JUST realized some dude forked OPL to read exFAT hard drives. I never bothered with APA because the entire thing is such a drag.
Well, I tried the exFAT thing and it works flawlessly. It's so easy and fast, it's nothing short of a fucking miracle. Makes me wonder why this feature wasn't part of mainline OPL all these years (I know it reads exFAT USB, but who gives a fuck about slowdown town USB).
Playan' Ape Escaperino, the Third. My God, Yumi is so cute.
I have an external hard drive with nothing but games. I usually plug it to my PC so my PS2 can read the games over wifi. Could I just use the HDD itself with this fork? Does it have a specific name?
>Could I just use the HDD itself with this fork?
If you have the HDD adapter to connect it directly to a fat PS2 (through IDE or SATA) as you would normally, then sure.
Since you use SMB method, I'm guessing you have a slim though, in which case, no. You could use the better UDPBD network method if you aren't yet. (You could solder IDE interfaces to most 7000x slims, but that is besides the point).

>Does it have a specific name?
It's grimdoomer's OPL fork.
prob depends on the game, the only ones i tried were 2D, 3d ones may struggle as well as larger roms
i have a couple mod chips, soldering experience and professional equipment. is there any reason i should use freemcboot on my ps2 slim rather than a chip if i know what im doing?
You're gonna be loading OPL off the memory card anyway, so may as well put FMCB on said memory card.
Is this new? What is the deal, I thought you could do this for years
how does pademu work? Do I simply turn it on and connect using a usb cable?
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you can run gentoo on your ps2
I wanna play IIDX 12th with Freemcboot, the game has sync issues with HDD so I use flash drive but the game is slightly over 4GB so it doesn't work on FAT32 filesystem, I use USBUtil "Create game from ISO" option to split the game into 1GB chunks, then OPL complains the game is fragmented, so I turn off "Check game fragmentation" option in settings, then the game starts and mostly works but some songs still get stuck loading and softlock the game. Halp >.<
How the fuck are games supposed to be stored for the newer OPL that supports exfat? I kind of just dropped them onto the door and it doesn't even let me go to the game list, but I haven't seen anything about it expecting a certain structure.
Update your OPL to a build that supports exfat so you can transfer larger isos and format your flash drive to exfat.
Try either this build:
How do you even update the browser to support HDDs nowadays? I get it's proprietary but everything seems vague
>19mb / 22mb
>the Jay-Jay ones
Stop reading there.

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