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To all the absolute mongoloids who were still using the ANCIENT 1.6 version of PCSX2, because they were too stupid to download a nightly version, and are on here complaining about how much it sucks. (it does suck, that old version is still using a plugin system)

Download it. For the love of god.

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this is the new version
PCSX2 still has many glitches despite being more convenient and often the best way to play PS2 games.
Compatibility was also updated with this update. Seems like they are trying to get the last few games working (obscure architecture and games with addons no one had) before ironing out any kinks, which honestly, most of the big games people care about anyway work 95-100% fine anyway.
mgs still has glitches i bought a ps2 not just because of the controls (but because it's cheaper than the expensive ass controllers), but because games like mgs and onimusha dawn still have graphical glitches
is this version better/different than the current nightly version?
Finally I can play Burnout 3 and Ratchet & Clank on it. Took a small eternity for them to fix these games.
No, at this moment they are the same. but that will obviously change soon when a new nightly is released.
In the software renderer? Or in the hardware renderer using upscaling hacks?

Which problems exactly, can you check if there is an issue open for it on the github? if the devs dont know they cant fix it. https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/issues
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If i have to choose between..
Significantly higher resolution throughout the entire gameplay experience, but maybe a few graphical bugs poping up briefly.
Vs. low res blurry output throughout the entire experience, but no graphical glitches atall.
Then the decision is pretty simple for me.
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any way to add decent CRT shaders?
built in are kinda crap
Newer versions of PCSX2 require windows 10 and I'm a retro 7 user
No, only thing is to nag the devs to add LibraShader (https://github.com/SnowflakePowered/librashader) support.
>stable 2.0
oooo! unironically based op for bringing this to my attention
just take the linux pill already
I mean you /could/ use the Retroarch PCSX2 core, and use retroarch crt shaders that way. No idea how good the core is compared to the standalone emulator tho.
I hate having to make trade-offs when playing a game but its the way it is.
>ANCIENT 1.6 version of PCSX2
works on my machine
>Newer versions of PCSX2 require windows 10 and I'm a retro 7 user
same. i'm comfy with it, but the whole world seem to pushing me to switch to some linux version.
Or asking to add duckstation shader framework, which is receiving new shaders lately. At least the dev is the same on both emulators.
ofcourse it works, but 2.0 works better.
Just don't complain about issues if you are using an outdated version of the emulator like some morons here do all the time.
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I'm still hoping for LibraShader support in MPV so i can watch anime with crt shaders.
Name of game? Some Mana?
Does Tourist Trophy work now?
Almost every PS2 game worth playing has a PC port or newer game that's better.
Depends on if you have a toaster. Low specced hardware performs better on older emulators in some cases
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kek, it's already outdated. Don't use the stable release, quite surprised this is news to some
they don't look blurry on a crt
everything looks blurry on a crt
No...the games look pretty nice with RGB SCART cables plus the UI elements don't look out of whack
>Then the decision is pretty simple for me
hardware of course
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zamn! looks hella nice, now that i've refunded all my steam sale purchases (fuck AAA slop) i'm ready to go deep dive into PS2 emulation all summer and rot away indoors (because of the heat)
>pcsx2 offers stable 1.6 version or buggy nightly version
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>buggy nightly version
nightly has better compatibility, for example Burnout 3 now renders all effects perfectly at any resolution in hardware mode while in the stable 1.6 it does not
2.0 is better
and the retard i was talking about showed up. So now use the new stable version.
you do realize the previous stable version was FOUR YEARS OLD, right?
do you think in 4 years they wouldnt be able to surpass the 1.6 version? and then one day suddenly a nightly magically turns stable like some kind of a flip of a switch? are you a nigger who can only think black and white?
Can your UPDATOOD version play yu gi oh libra romhack? I think not, therefore i will stick to the superior old version.
Can you not read? OP said there's a stable 2.0 now
have they fixed the issue of the devs being absolute bitches?
oh cool so they basically copied the Xbox Series X devmode port
This isn't /v/. Everyone who use pcsx2 was already using the nightly builds. Your "stable" version is already outdated. Also, it's still has input lag out the ass so it's useless.
>Also, it's still has input lag out the ass so it's useless
if they surpassed the old version in those 4 years they would have released a new stable version
>>11088401 not everyone, ive seen many posts where people admitted they used 1.6 because "it works on my machine" same people who still use ePSXe.

see for example >>11088256 and >>11088420
>dark theme by default
i hate this aggressive ux
at least they didn't go retroarch route
If the nightly didn't have bugs then why would they need to continue updating it?
it's not perfect but it's better
NTA I never go nightly build for anything, I give devs the benefit of the doubt that they can put out solid stable releases in a timely fashion.
which PS1 emulator do you use?
2.0 stable is the current nightly release though
>definitive statement
>couldn't be further from the truth
only a zoomer deals in absolutes
still the same punk ass bitches
see >>11088443
retarded reply. we are talking about before 2.0 released
Duckstation like any sane person.
>Your "stable" version is already outdated.
work on your grammar
>only a zoomer deals in absolutes
That is an absolute
But I like the old interface better.
Yeah, use a CRT.
I have hardware for that.
If I have to emulate something for one reason or other I don't have slightest will to set up CRT near pc, since that's counter productive
It took shitamericans a whole decade to upgrade their toasters to emulate huh
i use both duckstation and retroarch with swanstation core for filters
Not him but Duckstation or Beetle PSX on Retroarch if I want shaders
No one cares, is cheaper to buy an old ps2 then emulate.
Also pcsx2 is quite bad no matter what people say main issue is having to change settings for each game and that speed hacks got removed years ago despite performance being shit.
Compstibility is the same as 1.1 version nothing has changed.
>says compatibility is improved
>japan game marked as working since 1.0
>still doesn't sork and you need to edit ini files to get it to even run on latest nightly version.
>utters completely false insanities
I truly believe that being able to speak English is some great filter in evolution
>main issue is having to change settings for each game
this is not true for any recent version of PCSX2. They have a very large 'game database' that automatically applies fixes, patches and settings if they are needed.

See: https://pcsx2.net/blog/2024/pcsx2-2-release/#simplifying-configuration-with-automatic-game-fixes
>this is not true for any recent version of PCSX2
You have to get into the mind of a retard still using PCSX2 1.6 (or earlier; not unlikely) who is going around telling you that emulation is shit. You have to get into the mind of a retard who last emulated the PlayStation through ePSXe. You have to get into the mind of a retard who thinks that emulation as a concept hasn't the potential to be anything more than ZSNES, despite existing in the year of our Lord 2024 where we have 12-core CPUs nearing 5Ghz on stock coolers. You have to get into the mind of a schizo console-warring fanboy who deflects any criticisms about his favourite games or ports as being due to magical cosmic accidents created by emulation, and if you'd only play on real hardware you'd share his limerence for some shitty game.
anime with crt or scanlines will always be comfy
Can you recommend me any obscure ps2 videogames? I spent almost all my childhood played pirated games on the PS2
Zombie Virus is one of the best of the Simple 2000 series.
if they had a stable build between 1.6 and 2.0 why didn't they release it as stable?
I don't think you understand how software development works, anon
not obscure but i will shill this game until the day i die:
"Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future"
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define obscure
Namco x Capcom obscure (for those who never played Project x Zone) or Demon Chaos obscure (until was featured by digital foundry)
The point i was making is obvious. 1.6 is far less accurate and has far more graphical and gameplay glitches than any nightly in the last 2 years. thats what matters in an emulator. theres no reason anyone would still use 1.6 only because "its the stable build" (other than some specific romhack not working on a new build)
Wow. I think pcsx2 just like snes9x is one of the drama-free emulators around. Good to see them progress.
"""""Stable""""" doesn't really mean anything. Its an arbitrary labeling just as much so as version numbering.
Does Burnout just work now?
They've been working for a while, both Revenge and 3
Always has if you just simply ran the software renderer
It's full of bugs but the foundation is rock solid that literally no game will ever break in the next update.
it doesn't matter how accurate it is if it's not stable software, anon
are you just learning English, anon? "stable" means it won't crash, it's not in any way arbitrary
>"stable" means it won't crash
The context is versioning anon... it's arbitrary. Any version can be called "stable", it does not imply its actually stable in the context of stability.
Don't be mad at me, this is English
>words don't mean what they mean
this is a really silly argument, anon.
you're wrong and that's OK, it's not immoral or illegal to be wrong about stuff
anon, look up the word "stable". I assure you it has a meaning.
this is a really weird stance you and the other anon are taking, assuming you're different people. it's OK to be wrong, you know? you don't have to pretend words have no meaning
>(because of the heat)
Lucky, i don't have ac, my pc boil me alive after a while
Wow you are a dumb gorilla nigger. Stable in software development means unchanging. It doesn't mean "doesn't crash". Do you think Organic Chemistry means chemistry that doesn't involve pesticide or fertilizer?
Any way i can put covers without doing it by hand?
Give me one reason I should upgrade from PCSX 1.6 and Windows 7.
>inb4 made-up theoreticals
Looks cooler, just upgraded it just now, did the 1.6 have the library? I'm used to run games by hand
Use Linux and you can use whatever PCSX2 version you want.
They really need to stop fucking with savestates, for fuck's sake. No, I don't want to watch games load from the memory card.
do i still need to convert cheats to use them or am i sttill better off just using 100% saves for everything?
I don't see how those two are equivalent. It still uses the same cheat format but it has some included by default.
because it feels like a crapshoot everytime i enter a code. either the code works or it doesn't.

why can't i just copypaste the code into the game as is when it's something almost every other emulator does?
Can't really tell you why they use their own format, probably for internal consistency or something. Have you tried using gamehacking.org?
when someone asks me if i like games now i say no, because i think of the people i see on here who know and love 122 different games from just one era that to me look like the exact same game. THAT's someone who likes games.
>You have to get into the mind of a retard who last emulated the PlayStation through ePSXe.

Reminder that ePSXe is only shit if you use shit plugins.
that's a really weird analogy anon, it doesn't make any sense. I don't think you really understand what you're talking about.
You shouldn't have to configure plugins in the first place. Duckstation just works out of the box. There's practically no reason to use ePSXe over Duckstation in the current year
Organic food means food produced without using pesticide or fertilizer. Is Organic chemistry chemistry not involving pesticide and fertilizer?
An arc is a curve. Is an electric arc electricity moving in a curve shape?
If I use software render and play on a CRT monitor... It would be like... a PS2 on my PC?
Looks horrible.
The copy I have on my machine from like 2012 still runs all the PS2 games I ever bothered playing. I have no reason to upgrade to something that looks shittier and probably performs worse.
it auto downloads them if you insert an image database link somewhere in the settings i think, too lazy to look it up for you just google it
because its more accurate, less bugs, games work better.
why are you crying about the UI, when version 2.0 runs faster, less bugs, more games work better, you know... all the things that actually matter
you retards know that emulators are constantly improving and being more accurate right? its not some console fanboy shit where you pic your favorite brand and then defend it or something.
emulators all start out shit and become better each week/month
well this library feature sucks. have my games zipped in a different format than it likes; can't manually add games, and it removes them when it doesn't detect the extracted iso anymore.
>Any version can be called "stable"
>Stable in software development means unchanging

why you guys so dumb
I should be surprised but I'm not. A significant amount of /vr/ posters take pride in being behind the times and it spills over into free software, lol
Savestates are a dump of the emulator's memory. The format changes every time a somewhat significant update is made.
I have never seen an emulator need to change savestates so drastically that they need to be replaced. If it's just a memory dump (there's other stuff in there as well) then this should not be necessary.
tried chud format and gzip, both would bloat my collection by 15%-20%

is cso or zso any better?

Tools > Cover downloader

copy this link into it:


You're fuckin dumb if you're relying on save states as actual saves. You'll lose the saves doing that, it's only a matter of time.


you're really fucking dumb
>I have never seen an emulator need to change savestates so drastically that they need to be replaced.
For sure Dolphin does it too, and probably everything else more complicated than the PS1.

> If it's just a memory dump (there's other stuff in there as well) then this should not be necessary.
Memory locations change nearly every time you compile a program. Unlike an NES emulator which only needs to save the NES's memory, later emulators need to save more higher level stuff that doesn't fit neatly into a standard format.
I can just load the game right where I left it instead of waiting for fucking loading screens and memory card reads like it's 1997. Even if you fast foward through them it's faster to just load a state. You sound really dumb!
i wonder whats gonna happen next year when pcsx2 deliberately drops w10 support because "corporation said move on" despite there being no other reason for them to actually do such a thing.
i got some shader off this board and it just doesnt fucking work and im too retarded to fix it.
Yeah it's Dawn of Mana and it's pretty bad.
>probably performs worse.
The update blog shows charts with 500% FPS boosts in some games
Yeah, the devs behind pcsx2 are not like the ones who work on mame. They get shit done, for nothing.
Same for me. Turned out to be worth the $60 buying a fat and throwing in an IDE-to-SD adapter in there, because now shit like Twisted Metal Black actually looks like it's supposed to.
For MGS2 I recommend pirating the GoG version that got delisted and throwing in the fan patch. It's a PC port that actually looks like the PS2 version in nearly every way save for being able to run it in high resolutions. Only real downside after patching it is that the PC version doesn't have the skateboard minigame for some reason.
Jogos is in portuguese, not in *nglish
It wasn't necessarily the corporations telling people to stop supporting windows 7, people just moved on.
The dolphin blog wrote an explanation when they dropped support saying that there were no devs left using windows 7 and an extremely small amount of users were still using it. External libraries they depend on dropped support and it was no longer feasible to bend over backwards to make it work.

If windows 12 is actually good and has new software features that are useful for emulation and 99% of users migrate to it then we could see a similar situation where they drop 10 and 11. But that's not going to happen by next year.
where did you get one that cheap? looking into getting some for soft modding
don't care, didn't read, because PS2 games are not good
it always amusing when some anons try to blame evil corporations or some other fucking bullshit just cause they don't want to hear inconvienent truth that no one gives a shit about old software or OS, at least actively.
Demand of never ending support of new software for old OS is hilariously big contradiction
Did the spec requirement go up or down? Can I still play FFX on my potato??
Trying to support old software on a new system (be it hardware or software) is an absolute pain in the ass. Why do you think M$ is trying to drop support old Win32 software like they did for Win16?

Unfortunately, the whole reason why the IBM-PC, MS-DOS, and later early Windows got so big was because of it's painless support for older software that a company my have invested thousands or even millions into. Said backwards compatibility heavily hamstrung those platforms (PC's arse-about memory management, early Windows' stability due to MS-DOS compatibilty, etc.)
>nooooo you have to updooot to my shitty bloated QT version
fuck off
qt bloated? do you even know what are you even talking about? Fentanilo is a hell of a drug.
I'm not updating shit, go back to your discord and stop shilling this everywhere
also this shit doesn't work on win7 for some reason, fuck off
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They finally fixed burnout revenge on the ps2. Unbelievable.
What does your barking have to do with: "qt is bloated"?
Thank you bros
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Potato as in? I'm playing on my 1060 6GB just fine with upscaling even
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Hell yeah, added covers on duckstation aswell while i was at it, very good
Morons still not understanding that emulators arent released as finished products, and the actual emulation accuracy is improved in the new version, its not just a new UI.
1.6 is completely outclassed by nightly builds in every single way it should be a certification for retards who use it instead of night builds
Is this thread telling you to dump all your PS2 hardware?
2.0 outclasses nightly builds
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the currenty 2.0 is 99.9% the same as the newest nightly.
2.0 is just a nightly rebranded as 'stable'. thats how that works.
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Anyone know how to fix this ghosting thing? I haven't updated my nightly in about a year, so I don't rember how I did it last time.
For niggas like you Dolphin-Emu dropped that "stable release" for "rolling release" now. Who knows how many dudes where on 5.0 for YEARS. https://en.dolphin-emu.org/blog/2024/07/02/dolphin-releases-announcement/
What's still broken with TMB?
upscaling the resolution is a HACK and will cause bugs that cant really be fixed because they are in a sense accurate.
Either use the software renderer or deal with it.
but you can rightclick the game in the main windows, choose properties, go to the graphics tab and then the 'upscaling fixes' tab.
try toying around with those options, 1 might fix it.
either native scaling or half pixel offset are most likely to fix it here.
i forgot to mention that you have to go to the graphics>rendering tab first and check 'manual hardware renderer fixes' first for the 'upscaling fixes' tab to show up
if you give me the name of the game i can try to find a fix.
Except I did fix it a long time ago, I just forgot how.
I'll try that
Budokai Tenkaichi 4, a modded version of Tenkaichi 3.
>any obscure ps2 videogames

any ps2 games release after December 2005
505 games
SIMPLE 1500 and simple 2600 games
medium budget games

I mean almost every European and Japanese game that got a score lower than 7 in every printed magazine back then.
these arent games, these are words you use to describe games
Play vib-ribble, or thrillville
no, stable means they dedicated a bunch of time and effort to ensure it's Stable. that's How that Works.
I'm still on 5
There is no way you are on 5, they released 2407 «current "stable"» a week ago.

Emulators are rolling release by nature,
I haven't downloaded Dolphin for a year, so I totally have 5.0
I think he was talking about honest to god 5.0 (stable), released 6-7 years ago. not Beta version 5.0-21460 released 2 weeks ago.
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jesus christ fucking FINALLY, what is taking emufags so long to make decent progress?
they doing it for free
/v/ tourists are the worst
is your video supposed to mean something?
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the only game worth emulating is probably gran Turismo which has no chance being emulated on my shit laptop anyways
what do you mean, theyve been making progress each day, if you were using the developmental builds you would have known.
Theyre extremely carefull not to break stuff, and changes are tested before they are merged and become part of the development builds. So the whole stability argument is dumb
You could have just been using the nightly build for years now instead of being a normgroid summerfag.
>an extremely small amount of users were still using it
according to analytics that users can opt-out of, and users who care enough about privacy to not install win10/11 also care enough about privacy to opt-out of analytics
>according to analytics that users can opt-out of, and users who care enough about privacy to not install win10/11 also care enough about privacy to opt-out of analytics
so there are literal dozens of them is what you are saying
How fucking poor are you?
Kill yourself
there's a couple of simple solutions for all the big issues.
Can't complain about not being represented in poll if you don't vote
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>there are actually trillions of us windows 7 users but they are all very schizophrenic and never make their presence known
>what do you mean you're dropping support because stats shows nobody uses windows 7 there are literally trillions of us
I just have a really old Dell notebook

It's an amazing computer tho
buggy dev builds don't count, anon
are you mad because i'm not shilling your shitty emulator.
everyone knows that is better to buy a used ps2 then trying to use pcsx2 (specially modern versions).
keep lying pcsx2 team member, i hope you keep crippling the emu year after year saying "we fixed this".
I wonder who would buy a thousand dollars cpu when you can get 10 ps2 for a hundred bucks, is clear who the retarded is and is not the one buying a used ps2 to avoid wasting hours setting up one game on pcsx2.
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>No one cares, is cheaper to buy an old ps2 then emulate.
Anon, PS2s are cheap, but when you add the cost of peripherals and such, it's gonna add up. Especially when you consider how many of these PS2s are on the verge of breaking.
>generic UI
looks like shit
>(specially modern versions).
what do you retards mean by this? its more accurate than older versions. why "especially modern versions"?
You are a nigger and it's impossible to buy a broken PS2 for $10, let alone a working one.
I have 2 Fat PS2 and I use them as a stand for my PC.
muh real hardware autists should be granted disability income on the basis of their immense retardation.
sorry pcsx2 doesn't run well on your chromebook, retard-kun
They're not actually very buggy. I've had them crash a handful of times in years of use. The only issue is that maybe sometimes an update might make your old savestates unusable. That's why you should use memcard saves too.
I'm guessing this will big break my P3FES mods?
1.6 has never crashed for me ever.
you can take your chances with beta versions, I'll stick to stable releases
only played the dreamcast version, but I respect and commend your love for the game
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Ticking nearly all of your boxes, it's Street Boyz featuring some of the worst cover art known to man
It might look like the most generic western garbage but it's actually glorious nippon trash folded a thousand times over. A 3D beat em up featuring loads of japanese high school delinquents with increasingly insane haircuts and very little justification for their actions.
desu all I care about is wheel support, always have issues with it.
PCSX2? Man that sucks, literally the ZSNES of PS2 emulation.
My computer that was running a low end Intel I5 from a decade ago performed 60fps on all PCSX2 games. The fact you are using the 1k strawman proves you are a lying retard.
>why are you crying about the UI, when version 2.0 runs faster, less bugs, more games work better, you know... all the things that actually matter

old version already runs everything I play and doesn't have bugs. none of your points are relevant for me.

>you're really fucking dumb
I'm sticking to what works, and not wasting effort on something new that may or may not. So from my point of view I just saved minutes possibly hours of my life, that I otherwise would have wasted on something I don't need.

>The update blog shows charts with 500% FPS boosts in some games
All games I play already run at 100% speed, and since then I upgraded my PC like three times, so my old copy probably runs at 500% speed as-is without upgrading. So this is again irrelevant.
not watching whatever faggot shit that is
It is your song, my child.
That's not Let's Get It Started by Black Eyed Peas
>old version already runs everything I play and doesn't have bugs. none of your points are relevant for me.
- Game you have never played on real hardware has a graphical effect missing, or enemy behavior is wrong or simply doesnt spawn, or an FMV just doenst even play due to a timing bug (all these things are known bugs in 1.6)
- you dont notice because you couldnt possibly know it was missing.
bugs arent always obvious. you might not know something is wrong when it is.
>my song
>never heard of it
considering you've posted it twice, it's a fair assumption it's your song.
yeah 1.6 is king always will be. All New versions suck my fat nuts
yeah and that why nobody gonna use 2.0 is just a shitty nightly while 1.6 had never crashed me once.
i play thru all of parappa 2 on 1.6 your just retarded and slow reaction timed
your lying
no 1.6 is better
yes they are
>yes they are
they aren't. You wont know that 1 enemy type wont spawn in (not gonna name the game cause u will just say "that game is shit so it doesnt matter") because you never played it before and its not unthinkable that there just wouldnt be any enemies there.
either ur trolling or ur retarded
I had 1.6 crash on me a lot especially while having to fight with the shitty plugin system to make certain games work whereas the current 2.0/Nightly it Just Works. Consider reddit, mass replyfag.
well, thats because your ESL third world potato PC just sucks, mohammed.
No, it's because a lot of games in 1.6 only work in software or with specific settings you have to tinker with and you're a normgroid who only plays Gran Turismo 4 and sportsball2k3.
1.6 is better, you are just coping. 1.6 has SOUL and 2.0 has NO SOUL, the UI is the proof.
I'm am better and smarter then you, know your place fag
works on my machine
Nah, all the games I played were fully enjoyable, playable from start to finish, and had no or almost zero bugs, especially in software mode. I think Katamari required the FMVs to be patched out and Gradius V had a problem where the motion blur in a cutscene glitched out, but neither of those affected actual gameplay. That's 2 bugs in total over years of playing games, and dozens of games completed with no complaints whatsoever. But feel free to come up with more imaginary scenarios.
Yeah this obvious samefag >>11091759 >>11091782 is insane rambling about invisible bugs or some shit. It's really funny how mad xe gets when you correct xer. BTFO tranny samefag
theyre not imaginary, theyre bugs that are in version 1.6, that alot of people never notice because its not a glitched out graphical bug, its just entirely not there and you wouldnt know if you hadnt played the game on real hardware.
its not that hard to understand
again, game was playable and enjoyable from start to finish. if it had any bugs it did not affect games in such a way that i care about. and no, i don't care about shit like "fmvs need to be skipped", I can watch that shit on youtube.
so why did you call it "imaginary scenarios"?
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You shifted from "1.6 doesnt have bugs" to "it had 2 bugs" to "i dont care that i might have experienced 100 bugs that i just never noticed"
Newer versions don't support my CPU.
What, do you have a Phenom 2. Shit supports even Sandy Bridge
Core2Duo E8500.
point is that games still work fine and are 100% playable. I don't give a crap if there's a buggy background once in a cutscene, games played on a real console can have glitches like that too.
and the fmvs are auto skipped so I experience nothing of it, and even if they played I'd skip them anyway.
Bro, come on.
People throw out Haswell level computers anymore as tech waste.
For the love of god can someone tell me why Ace Combat Zero and ONLY Ace Combat Zero has culling issues in cockpit view now? Does the supplied WS patch simply not work? AC5 uses the same engine and doesn't have the issue with the same settings and patches applied.
These posts are designed to spread disharmony and controversy. Don't fall for them.
My Core2Duo can emulate Dreamcast and GameCube at native resolution but not PS2.
It seems PCSX2 supports .chd Chapeau
In a world where you can get a notably better PC for FREE, no one cares
>uses hardware until it melts instead of tossing stuff that still works
I kneel.
I used to run PCSX2 on my Athlon X2, then Core 2 Duo, then a 2500k. I know I played Disgaea 1-2 and Gradius V without a hitch even on the Athlon X2, and God Hand on the Core 2.

I remember back when they added dual core rendering and the athlon x2 got a straight up 2x speed boost, getting Disgaea to be the first game that reached 60fps.
works on my machine
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its been fixed for awhilr
Looks kind of shit. Not 4k sharp. De-interlacing issue?
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They don't even call it "beta" anymore, just "releases"
They even removed the "stable" section in the downloads page. Pic related
They cut off "stable" because it was autistic and stupid. Lot of idiots where on 5.0 without SDL2 support, without gyro as pointer, without sampling, without MGBA integration and only God and ners that check the long changelog knows how many features those boomers missed during 4 damn years.

I hope PCSX2 do the same.
>I hope PCSX2 do the same.
Yeah. If they plan on keeping a stable release they should at least release a stable build every month or two. So tired of seeing retards complain about an emulator being shit when they're using years old builds
As in Intel iGPU
anon theres people here who say they are still using CPU's from 2006 (>>11092470), you need to be a bit more specific as to which CPU model so we can tell which iGPU.
But generally the requirements went down, as long as you dont play games that require 'blending' to be set to High, which now happens automatically btw, before you had to go to the wiki to see which games needed that.
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>people saying pcsx2 is bad are using computers from the fucking bush presidency
You can't make this up. You seriously can't make this shit up, this is a cosmic comedy only God could have written. From now on whenever someone disparages PCSX2, you can just tell them to upgrade to a first-gen i7.
Did they fixed the disappearing faces issue in Soul Calibur 3?
Shit gave me chills
i3-3000u or something like that I forgot, but it has intel hd 4000. maybe I'm forgetting or something but that's it.
Who are these /v/tards who come to /vr/ of all places to laugh at people for using old hardware?
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What is your problem with my Core2Duo, consoomer faggot? My machine can run Floorp, LibreOffice, Dolphin and more stuff.
the U at the end means its a low-powered CPU. So its probably fucking shit. but it might work fine at 1x resolution, idk i dont have shit hardware
They're not going to change their release model. There was a discussion recently when Stenzek suggested making AVX2 a baseline for PCSX2, which brought about kvetching about the effect it'd have on turd worlders using CPUs more than a decade old. Refraction's position was that it wouldn't even be considered until this major release was out, so that the brown people would have something to use for the next several years until the next stable release. Even then it's probably going to be watered down to baseline AVX so that people still using Sandy Vag in 2024 aren't cut off, if it even happens at all.
Fuck you talking about? You can run it if you have an old CPU w/o AVX2 but with worse performance as happens with RPCS3.

I can run dolphin-emu 2407 with a Core2Duo.

They should go rolling release as Dolphin. What you just said makes no sense.
>t. boomer with an E8500
My bad, I didn't understand what you have said when I replied (>>11094054).

Stenzek is right:
"[...]For x86 machines (most systems), you will need a CPU that supports the SSE4.1 instruction set. This includes all CPUs manufactured after 2007. If you want to use DuckStation with a CPU that is older, v0.1-6995 is the last version that does not require SSE4.1."
~ stenzek/duckstation

Fuck brown people. Fixed releases for emulators are damn retarded and if PCSX2 is doing it to please fucking brown subhuman... is retarded and woke as fuck.

If they drop support for my old E8500 I couldn't care less, I have an AW 17 R3 more than capable, but I like to play on my old optiplex due personal and irrelvant reason, not because I am a Starvin Marvin brown faggot.

It's doggone to know they’re doing it solely to please broke ass subhumans. Shame.
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Brazilian AMD users ruining it for the Aryan Intel masterrace.
This retard sounds like someone who has never been in Brazil and just throwing out wild numbers because le undeveloped country.
He should release a Planet of the Apes edition!
seems weird to me you MUST need a last gen PC to emulate a 30 years old console, and the weakest one of its gen (if we dont count the dreamcast).
Products Formerly Haswell were released in 2013. It was "last gen" over a decade ago.
So PS2 wasn't weak so much as it had a unique CPU architecture that many developers didn't use to its full potential.
Writing code to use multiple threads/cores is complex and a pretty new concept at the time, whereas it's a lot more commonplace these days.

This does make it more complicated to emulate correctly due to the tight timings of multiple processes. This is where having a CPU capable of multi-threading with strong single-thread performance comes in useful.
The CPU used in the GameCube isn't as complex and why a Core2Duo is enough for Dolphin emulator; it only needs to handle emulated CPU and GPU. You'll want a good GPU if you want to do graphical enhancements like internal resolution increases and post-processing, but that's it.

iirc the rain effects in Metal Gear Solid 2 are a good example of how the Emotion Engine was used well, and why other ports of MGS2 have less impressive rain effects.
Also the MIPS CPU in the PS2 using floating point numbers that no normal CPU understands/allows, makes it hard and unique to emulate.

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>haswell cpu
>$300 usd

Where the fuck is this dude getting these numbers?
Blood Will Tell
Chaos Legion
Way of the Samurai
>bend over backwards to make it work
You make it sound like it was actually hard for them to make it work with older systems. They could just compile a build with 7+ support and offer no support for it.
You can't even compile it if your dependencies have already moved on.
Not 100% true. The PS3 has optional support for this float format, which is why it punches above its weight in PS2 emulation.
doesnt the PS3 Phat just have PS2 hardware inside?
It took more than 30 years to achieve a cycle accurate emulation of the NES
Is that down to processing power requirements or just the level of reverse engineering and programming work needed?

The Ricoh 2A03 is by no means a powerful processor, granted only one component in a system that could be extended by mapper chips and other on-board hardware in cartridges.
pcsx2 works flawlessly as dolphin now
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the existence of plugins has been a shitshow from the very start. They need to all die in a fire
Worked on my machine.
How powerful a console is, only weakly correlates with difficulty to emulate. The dreamcast for example, is actually incredibly costly to emulate correctly due to its order independent transparency.
If you're that paranoid then get a privacy-minded Linux distro, it makes more sense than using a deprecated OS that no longer gets security updates and that is made by a company that you don't trust anyway. And most emulators are always up to date on Linux.
Woke asf
>not software
>internal res
>not native

I'm Brazilian and this isn't even slightly close to being true.
>they're not imaginary
>they're just not there
uh, anon...
It puts the option to cvhange the color scheme in front of you before even letting you play a game.
Hey nerds, I have a question for y'all.

I have a 17" laptop with a rtx2080m. Why would I need to use software renderer? Another concern: On DuckStation I have internal res by 16x with downsampling by 1x plus crt-royale and scanline-abs... Does PCSX2 have a downscaling option? I can't find it. I want to upscale that shit then downsampling. Software have no artifacts but shit man it looks blurry af.
>le mobile phone tier UI for retards

And they want me to upgrade?
Yeah but the Slims can emulate the PS2 very well
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>the Slims can emulate the PS2 very well
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The PS3 has support for the PS2's float32 format which allows for the seamless translation of many operations. As pictured, about 84% of the PS2 library will emulate without issue on a PS3. with a further 11% exhibiting minor issues.
I played Persona 4 on a super slim PS4, anon.
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>without any NOTICEABLE error
schrodinger's defense, el clasico
By this definition PCSX2 has been better than "very well" a decade ago
I only got one question
Is PCSX2 capable of outputting surround sound now?
Ok, which games in the blue or green do you experience compatibility issues with?
yes, the enemies didnt spawn, the graphical effect didnt appear, hence: they are not there, but they are supposed to be there, hence the emulation is inaccurate on 1.6 and its fixed on 2.0.
this explains so much about this board
>enemy didn't spawn
lol what? you're making shit up, that literally does not happen
>pcsx2 from 2012
All I know is that ratchet and clank wont work well on it
>no longer supports windows 7
I sleep.
How do you sleep knowing your computer is infested with malware
>I use a old OS that no longer gets security updates and is made by the biggest data spying company
Why are you not using Linux at this point? You know a indian hacker will make a malware for windows 7 that exploits a security issue sooner or later
Explain how viruses work anon, go on.
All it takes is one autistic script kiddie and you visiting one site
A script kiddie sprays-and-prays packets that exploit an unpatched (on Windows 7) security issue all over the internet and some Windows 7 users get their ass split open. From there, he probably installs a crypto miner, that's all the rage these days.
Works great on Linux using Flatplak
t. never heard of a firewall
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You better be careful. windows firewall has always been dogshit
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You can also be attacked through games or videos
I don't play online games and only watch subbed anime.
From where?
From the subbers.
What, do they drop by with the episodes on DVD for you?
technically it spawns, but its supposed to leave its starting point, which is inside the wall, but it just stays there as if its stuck or something cause its vibrating rapidly too.
there was a zero day in webp, where simply visiting a website that had an image in the webp format (alot of websites use this now) would allow an attacker to run its own code on your PC.

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Pretty rad thread, OP.
This. I'm sticking with the old copy and you can't change my mind that the emulator sucks.
Is SCPToolkit still needed with the 2.0 release?
weak bait
piss off tranny updooter
i will NEVER update
but i was using 1.5 for years
>They think that my throw away gayming computer and my actual secure work computer are the same machine

Always and only game/torrent/sail the high seas on a computer that you are ready to factory reset at any moment.

git gud
His Intel Atom CPU.
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>Have old thinkpad for desktop use
>Run new PCSX
>Emulates 3D games at full speed with little to no slowdowns,
>I even have web browsers open draining cpu resources
Very nice.
>people just moved on.
People moved on because microshit dropped support for 7 and introduced all sorts of planned obsolescence measures.
>If windows 12 is actually good
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>program sucks when I intentionally use a shitty outdated version
oy vey
OP really is a piece of shit.
wdym what did he do
Steambot Chronicles finally runs in an acceptable way using the software renderer
That has nothing to do with windows 7 specifically though.
bump for question
No. and until someone shows up who cares about surround sound and also knows how to program, its not gonna happen any time soon.
That's a good question
Absolute dogshit
You've got gamecube emulator than can output surround sound
Fuck me PS3 software emulator does surround sound perfectly.

Thanks for answering anon I am just salty about lack of love in the sound department.
it literally does because actively-supported windows platforms get protection from this kind of shit while you're still vulnerable.
PS2 games don't really support true surround sound ingame. The best you get is Pro Logic II (like game cube) and that should work if you feed it to a decoder.
The problem lies with how applications deal with webp not the OS.
based autist
>If windows 12 is actually good
Windows is pajeetware now. It's all downhill from here.
>PS2 games don't really support true surround sound ingame. The best you get is Pro Logic II
Thats surround sound though. For Dolphin you don't need a decoder to have surround sound, they decode that shit for you. Jump gipsy! Jump!
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>she doesn't play on original hardware with a crt display
indeed because i am a male and have no illusions about it
Better to train yourself to get used to a CRTless world
Only thing im missing from CRTs is the motion clarity, and that is solved sufficiently (imo) in modern displays using BFI.
lots of people hate the BFI flicker, it doesnt bother me personally.
gotta get those CRTs
I was looking for something like that. Thanks.

Do you have a similar link that works with Duckstation for PS1 covers? I found some links on google but none of them seem to work,
instructions are on this page, should work
meh let me know when they have proper netplay like dolphin
but i know it will be never ever cause pcsx2 devs are retarded and dgaf
Dolphin devs are working on PCSX2 lil bro
ReShade + CTR Royale
What game?
>Ugly squares
>Too dark
Anon, that looks like trash...
Maximo vs Army of Zin
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>Ugly squares
You're probably viewing it resized which makes it look odd. Also there's such a thing as turning up your display brightness, often easier than messing around with gamma sliders.
That one worked. Thank you!!
Is that crt royale? That doesnt seem right.
Brain rot.
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I thought people using 1.6.0 was a meme until I've seen someone using it in a video that was uploaded 1 month ago. And then of course complaining about how bad the emulator is in the same video.
Unfortunately, people are way too fucking stupid to update their software unless you force them to. They'll grab it once and then be amazed that it remains in the same state for years. There is a reason why Windows now forces you at gunpoint to update, because tons and tons of people went without basic security updates for a decade.

People also do not understand the idea behind nightly builds and progressive development and how stable those builds tend to be while having major improvements.
People don't update because all they see is that their software is getting different (worse) for no reason. Windows is being actively developed backwards too, W10 took a decade to get passable and then they instantly axed it in favour of something that has half the core rewritten to be slower and missing half the features.

Case in point PCSX2 2.0 has an ugly new UI while 1.6 just works.
>something that has half the core rewritten to be slower
The fuck are you talking about? The "core" aka "kernel" is the same...
>1.6 just works
Said no one ever
Bruh windows sucks because its written by pajeets and microsoft is lead by idiots, not because we live in the future.
>People also do not understand the idea behind nightly builds and progressive development and how stable those builds tend to be while having major improvements.

What I understand that the rapid update cycle of software development has been absolute cancer software stability. Why do you think people keep shilling LTSC versions of Windows or give chrome shit for updating every week?

Rapid updates are why Linus from LTT was turned off from Linux after nuking his desktop environment trying to install Steam cuz his chosen distro pushed a bad update. It's why new games are released in broken-ass states requiring a major patches every femtosecond.

Why should I subject my sanity on a nightly release that could be riddled with major bugs? I'm not a beta tester.
the distro didnt push a bad update, linus just followed an outdated guide and didnt read the warning message.
he didnt know what he was doing and just typed in commands he didnt understand.
>Why should I subject my sanity on a nightly release that could be riddled with major bugs?

Why would you use a version of an emulator that 3 years old and the newer versions are far more accurate to real PS2 hardware? because muhhh stability.
You are far more likely to encounter bugs in 1.6 than in the nightlys. sure there are regressions, those are negligible compared to the bugs caused by inaccuracy of 1.6 being far older. Its an emulator not a videogame.
No anon, it was those evil updates. If they never updated anything, the guide he blindly followed would have never gone out of date either!
Oh noooooo my nightly build crashes once in a blue moon and I lose a few minutes of gameplay, this is unacceptable.
I've been using PCSX2 nightly for a long time now and the last time it crashed was September of last year. It's pretty stable desu and a lot of games that used to require fucking around with plugin config bullshit, usually having to look up a specific set of options in older versions are now just plug and play with no issues.
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Windows 7 chads literally can not stop winning.
I don’t believe there’s a built-in ProLogic decoder like Dolphin has, so you can’t get native surround-out at the OS level. There are a small handful of games that technically supported DTS 4.0 (SSX Tricky and Vice City both come to mind) and a few others that supported DD 5.1 in cutscenes (as SPDIF audio-out could still pass a compressed DTS/Dolby bitstream over its limited bandwidth) but these games required toggling that audio option explicitly in the game’s settings… the console itself could not detect if you were using the optical audio output, and you’d risk damaging your speakers playing back the bitstream otherwise. Unfortunately, PCSX2 doesn’t have a bit-perfect audio setting to pass these through something like WASAPI to a receiver, so you’ll have no luck getting full surround on those. If the intention is to use a surround system for games supporting ProLogic, all modern receivers still support decoding it from a 2.0 signal, so as long as your OS is set to output 2.0 rather than 5.1 you’d be set. If the intention is to use 3.5mm analog multichannel out from a motherboard/USB sound-card (certainly more rare today given the receiver industry’s shift to all-digital/HDMI), the software suite there may have its own ProLogic decoder as well.
I get that you're just scared to update.
i'm getting black artifacts with red dead revolver, google gives me nothing.

Yeah most of the machines effected by this jeeted update bluescreen problem were corporate machines, because they don't run Linux since most of their """"tech workers"""" are retarded midwits who can't even use very easy to use modern Linux distros.
this is true of any kind of maintenance in general. it's too much for a lot of people to manage.
Time for some R-Type Final
PCSX2 when upscaled and deinterlaced don't need crt stuff
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I makes 2D elements look better, but it is at the cost of expunging some of the model detail.
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If you watch anime on a CRT, you're legitimately retarded.
Expansion here means it just sends the stereo signal over all speakers. there is no real surround sound going on.
Why? Due to persistence blur on modern sample and hold displays, panning shots of anime look horribly shaky.
CRTs dont have that issue.
Interlaced 2000 anime
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>persistence blur on modern sample and hold displays
What blur, the blur that's worse on CRT?
lol @ filename
but yes there is some ghosting going on there. but the aliens eyes are still more clear on the CRT, you can see the 3 eye pixels clearly as opposed to how blurred they are on the LCD despite ULMB
CRT users in 2024 are retards by default
>using dogshit encodes instead of primary sources remuxed by hand
I just played some GT4 with it set to 5.1 in the emulator and Pro Logic II in game. Sounds of cars behind me were only coming from the rear.
So, no, that's not all it does.
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Oh no, he made a typo!
Brain rot neuron activate: "ESL"
why is this shit thread still up
The letters E S and L are so stained by your greasy fat american fingers that they can barely be read.
amazed by how much people are mortified of updating. 1.6 won't go away, you gain nothing from complaining. People who want constant updates will always push for them and 1.6 fags just want to stay on buggy software in silence.
Literally just be happy
be happy with broken skyboxes and slowdown on 1.6 KEK
they tend to screech whenever anyone fixes the problem so it seems they are happy with 16 frames per second\2 crashes a month.
strange group
Why is it not easier to save your favourite Controller settings under different profiles (possibly even adding graphic icons to remind you of a preset)? It looks like they constantly have to be re-entered unless they're more recent bluetooth-based Dual Shocks.
Recommendations fora cozy neet fren?
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peak comfy
Thanks fren, I appreciate it.
Fucking up every single attempt at use of plurals and your tenses is a sign of being ESL or illiterate, pick your poison.
Does Valkyrie Profile 2 still have graphical issues in hardware mode?
I bet you are op and use windows 11 like a faggot.
based, will try with splinter cell
Is there any way to not get a modern California UI in 2.0?
Can you play ntsc games on burned discs if you have PAL ps2 with freemcboot? My computer is too shit for pcsx2.
>My computer is too shit for pcsx2
Anon, is your computer literally from 2012?
2013, the problem is that most every game runs worse on my PC than it does on original ps2 hardware, especially if it's a later hardware intensive game.
Jesus. Are you a literal third worlder? Are you Brazilian?
Yes, just ESR patch the roms before burning
I said I had a PAL ps2.
You mean based and true opinion for your UPDATOOOR tranny brain ?
I know emulators have gotten more intensive to run, but it still feels crazy that this situation exists when I was emulating FFX in like 2009. One of my friends has a 2018 MacBook air that literally can't handle Dolphin outside of a reskinned Melee iso that has about 5 polygons on screen
Thanks nigga
Win7 winrar reporting in
>inb4 enjoy your zero day
I emulate all day, everyday, on Win7. It just works.
bought a hdd and adapter for my fat some years ago cause this emulator ran like dog shit. just testing now it seems to be better. good for the devs
actually my pc is from 2012 and never ran this emulator well but now it does lol
>armored core 2 is still fucked on scaling or interlacing or something, resulting in 2D elements broken even in native res and becoming garbled with camera movement, plus incorrect scaling
man i played this last year, so i shouldn't have expected it to drastically change but it's like the only game of the series that does this i think
Was just playing Lifeline. https://youtu.be/FrtmMlk7YT0
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Played Disaster Report and I know it kinda seems like a non-issue, but i couldn't view the control scheme unless i used software mode. Checked the wiki and it says the game hasn't been tested since 1.1.0
>check Raw Danger
>same thing
Wish people cared enough to maintain the wiki.
You can already do that anon with mpcbe/hc and reshade.
No, if you have only watched modern cgi anime and think it's all there is, you're beyond legitimately retarded
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You haven't watched Lain until you've watched a shitty VHS copy on a CRT.
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it's all you need
just use pcsx2 2010-2011 build. It works in my machine from 2010 on win7.
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>muh cgi anime
Retard alert.
Most anime in general look better in HD, older anime especially with a good remaster (which yes, most anime remasters are, I don't care about how Funimation molested the unwatchably long Dragon Ball anime (and even then, unless you're buying the absurdly expensive initial JP home releases or the even more expensive Dragon Boxes, it'll still look shitty on your CRT, just even more so).
>Most anime in general look better in HD
Not really, because you can easily see that the background characters are blobs most of the time.
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And on a CRT the image is also distorted, covered in imperfections, made blurry, and has various other additions.
>b-but muh other CRT
Consumer grade or you're a fucking poser. Older anime look better with the added level of clarity.
Thats exactly what I'm saying.
If you didn't receive your anime using a yagi antenna on your roof from the local station and watch it on your crt then you didn't truly watch it. That is the way it was meant to be watched.
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>That is the way it was meant to be watched.
That is merely the channel it was forced into. The vast majority of anime creators would prefer you watch their shit and admire all the intricacies of the art.
Fuck, if you watch HxH99's OVA on a CRT, you would not be able to tell that there is rain in the ED.
No really. There's a lot of standard def shows that were clearly never meant to be released in hd. And I'm not even talking just anime. The creators put less detail into the backgrounds because they knew you wouldn't be able to see them. Nowadays though they just do that because they're lazy.
Here's an example. You're not actually supposed to see that the ladies faces in the background are so simple. You're just supposed to get the impression of a face.
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It's all abstraction and cost cutting that is still done today.
Anime is a medium built on cost cutting. Backgrounds being more a serviceable feature is a part of that.
Yes but I'm saying they cut that cost because they knew you wouldn't be able to tell the difference on your tv.
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You absolutely would most times this is done.
It simply doesn't matter because anime is not a medium that is in pursuit of verisimilitude or true to life realism. Abstraction is a base part of it.
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Bro its not even comparable. In your pic they actually have definition to their heads. They were meant to be seed. These ladies were not.
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They lack any defining facial features beyond lifeless holes where their eyes should be. It is abstraction.
What is occurring in the other pic is also abstraction.
It is no different from this >>11110330 which recycles the same 5 or 6 character designs across a crowd of hundreds. You accept it as it is and are meant to be distracted by foreground or attention seeking elements (in the case of the Kinnikuman image, it is Kinnikuman's over the top reaction, and in the new Kinnikuman image, it is the literally glowing signs overhead).
You're confusing two things. One is stylistic, the other is a cost cutting measure.
They're often both. What you posted in Kinnikuman is done for the same base purpose as those shots in Ace wo Nerae or modern crowd shots they purposefully draw attention away from.
It's all cost cutting.
In ace you can tell that they are meant to be seen and that some effort was put into them even if they are undetailed. Whereas in kinnikuman they don't even look good because they knew you wouldn't be able to see them on a crt.

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