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In which I finally, actually have free time to play. Whatever happens, happens. The show must go on.

Previous thread: >>11072176

Last time, before SOMETHING happened that put a momentary pause to our quest, we helped SOOGA literally defeat his inner demons and finally put his tragic past to rest. We then headed toward Jidoor, where we caught a literal rich ugly bastard grooming our favorite artist daughteru, and I think there was a haunted painting involved somewhere in there. We now have very few leads left to follow, but despite all our travels, we've yet to get even the slightest hint as to KALIVA's whereabouts, though I'm sure he'll turn up. We now set our sights on the dreaded Fanatics' Tower, and the team chosen for the task at hand is, well... challenging to say the least. A word on that in the next post.
So, yeah, preparation was the name of the game, and I had a lot to do. First order of business: get my hands on an Imp Halberd, for reasons that I'll go into in a moment. It wasn't easy. There's only two sources to get one: stealing from Mantodeas, or as rare random drops from Tyrannosaurs. The latter are quite formidable, and mostly resulted in game overs due to Meteor, so they were a no go. As for stealing from Mantodea, well... we don't yet have HUNTER, so the only way I could steal anything at all was by equipping PACMAN with a ThiefKnife and Attacking with it until he stole something, but because he can't equip the Sneak Ring and his level is low, the steal rate was absurdly low. Mantodeas are also VERY strong physical attackers, so Vanish was a must to prevent insta-kills. In any case, after a LONG time trying, I did manage to steal one.

So, what's the use of the Imp Halberd? Well, you can then bet it in the Colosseum to fight a relatively easy Allosaur. The prize is a Cat Hood, which is uWu's best helmet, and in fact the best helmet in the game. It has defense almost rivaling the Genji Helm, but also adding +10 MBlock, +4 Magic, plenty of elemental resistances, AND it doubles the GP earned after battle. This was a HUGE no-brainer to get if we're to use uWu.
The next order of business was betting the Heal Rod. Our prize for this is a Magus Rod, which is uWu's ultimate weapon, which adds +7 Magic AND +30 MBlock, so again, a must-have.

The problem? You gotta fight a motherfucking Pug for it. If you hit him with literally anything, he counters with Step Mine, which at my current levels does over 2700 damage, so it's an insta-kill, and there's zero defense against it. Aside from that, he has a very strong Cleave attack, and he also casts Break. These can be defended against, the former with either max MBlock or max Defense, the latter with a Ribbon (or again, max MBlock). But again, Step Mine. It's utterly unavoidable.

So what can you do? Well, take a character with the proper defenses outlined above (I chose SLAVE with her max MBlock setup), literally hold L and R so your character does nothing, and let Pug cast Break on you until he runs out of MP, then just let your character attack and beat him since Step Mine would now be unusable. Problem is, he has a gorillion MP. I believe I calculated he needed to cast Break like 620 times for him to run out. And I did it. I actually fucking did it. It was the most painful shit in the entire world.
But it was all worth it. With those two things, we can now outfit uWu as follows (the Tao Robe being a store-bought armor that awards +10 MBlock). Combined with two White Capes, she can now wield her own max MBlock setup, just like SLAVE (who technically only reaches 127 MBlock with the Aegis Shield, which is 1 shy of perfect, but it's practically there). These two are now untouchable to the majority of attacks.
One last order of business: learning all those crazy new spells we now have, particularly the level 3 elementals. For this, we headed to the desert near Maranda, where we find curious creatures known as Cactrots. These little fuckers are impervious to pretty much all attacks (they have max defense and evasion, both physical AND magical), and if you let them, they unleash Blow Fish (also known as 1000 Needles), which does a flat 1000 damage. The solution? Equip someone with the Atma Weapon (which ignores defense) and the Sniper Sight relic, which ensures a hit. Cactrot only has 3 HP, so he goes down in a single swipe. You get 10 Magic Points for beating it, along with a boatload of money (doubled thanks to the Cat Hood). I exploited this to teach my characters the spells they need, and I ended up with more GP than I know what to do with. Guess I can grab a bunch of weapons for PACMAN to Throw or something.
There's actually one or two more things I'd like to do before tackling this bitch proper, but for now, let's go scout it out and see what we find.
And right off the bat, we find KALIVA! However, he appears to be in a trance, walking around in circles with what we can presume are members of the Cult of Kefka. Normally, if you try talking to him, he ignores you completely. I can only surmise he lost all hope after the end of the world and gave in to this creepy cult in despair.
However, we have someone with us who will surely wake his ass up.
The reaction is immediate.
Ah, that one girl in Figaro did say a loved one could break through to those who join the cultists.
A most touching moment.
uWu may have a potty mouth, but she's just as happy to see him as he is her.
And it's music to KALIVA's hears.
And with that, KALIVA gladly joins up again. He will, of course, help us take on this challenge we're about to face.
Only issue is, I'm not quite sure how best to equip KALIVA. One thing I COULD do is outfit him with all the Imp equipment (which, by the way, I also went out of my way to grab previously). These give him STUPENDOUS magical defense (together with two White Capes, they get him to ten points shy of perfection). Normally the drawback is they give NO physical defense at all unless the character equipping them is an Imp, but in this place, that will not matter at all. Another downside is no real elemental defenses besides absorbing Water. I'll play it by ear, I suppose.

Fun fact: if you equip SLAVE with the Force Shield, the Titanium, the Imp Armor, and two White Capes, she reaches max Magic Defense. MknFuk and KEK can also achieve this. For this run, however, it's probably better to keep her with max MBlock, especially since I only have one Force Shield to spare.
Now let's talk to these dudes and see what info we can glean. As I suspected, these fucks have Kefka literally living rent-free in their heads.
This guy reveals this dungeon's gimmick: only Magic is able to be used. Also, there's something amazing at the top. How good can it really be?
And this nigga... well, he ain't talking for free! In fact, he asks for a small fortune to impart his knowledge. A flabbergasting 100000 GP, in fact! This seems like a VERY tall ask just to hear some pirate-looking ass talk to me about treasure. What could he tell me that I don't already know?

Well, good thing I have almost TEN times that amount thanks to my Cactrot-slaying escapades, so I guess today's his lucky day! Let's pay him and see what he says.
...damn, he actually delivers the good. This we did NOT know. We shall be adding this to our list of leads.
And there's more. So, there's more to do in Narshe after all! Unfortunately, last I checked, the door to that shop was locked, so we'll have to revisit this later, perhaps once we have a certain Treasure Hunter on hand to pick that lock.
However, before we proceed into the tower, there's just a couple loose ends I'd like to wrap up.
Namely, this motherfucker. Time to take his ass down.
Gotta hit him where it hurts.

No, not this time you fucking freak. I am tired of your shit.
Surely now!
And our reward? Magicite!
Awwww yisssss.

Bahamut is amazing. When summoned, he casts Sun Flare, a VERY powerful attack that attacks all enemies and ignores defense. He also teaches Flare, which is a decently strong spell that is only single target, but also ignores defense, plus it's non-elemental, so it's a great spell to use on monsters that are immune to elemental attacks. Finally, he also gives a 50% HP boost upon level up, which is nice, though if you're going for max HP at level 99 with the bare minimum number of boosts, you only wanna use it for three specific level ups (IIRC when going up to levels 68, 69 and 70).
Anyway, while hunting Doom Gaze around the map, I spotted what I think is the old Opera House, all by its lonesome in the middle of this land bridge. Let's check it out. Perhaps there's something interesting to do here.
Uh oh. Looks like there's some kind of trouble here. Perhaps the Impressario will fill us in.
A dragon, eh? Time to save the Impressario's skin once more! But, how do we get to the stage again?
Ah right, I think we fell onto the stage here once by pressing one of the switches here. Let's look for the "wrong" switch, then.
Got it!
And there it is. Let's see what it's capable of.
Dirt Drgn. Well, given that all the dragons up to now have had some kind of element theme going on, I can only assume this one's whole deal is Earth-elemental attacks.

Float time? Float time.
Its weaknesses are Wind and Water. As it happens, Aqua Rake is both, so it's especially effective against it.
Quake? OH NO

What a chump.

Our reward? Another Magus Rod! This one, obviously, is going straight to KALIVA, boosting both his Magic and MBlock significantly.
What do you mean by "we"? This line feels, as USUAL, awkwardly translated.

Anyway, that's literally it for this place. There's nothing else to do here, now or in the future, so off we go. We've put it off long enough. Time to climb the Fanatics' Tower.
This dungeon is, as you can tell, extremely exciting. It's literally nothing but climbing stairs. Maybe at the top we'll fight the Pope or something.
As stated before, we can only use Magic here. Well, with the exception of SNEEZE, because he doesn't give a fuck. All the monsters here are magic specialists of some sort. Some are more dangerous than others. We shouldn't have TOO much to worry about in the first few floors, but I went ahead and equipped SNEEZE and KALIVA both with Wall Rings to help protect them.
There is SOME treasure to be found here, too. This here's a Safety Bit, which protects a character from Instant Death attacks. It's the exact same as the Memento Ring, except anyone can equip it. Nice!

By the way, way back in Maranda, we spoke to a thief who mentioned something about "to the right of the treasure chest". Now, none of those fuckers made it past the first floor, surely. Maybe we can try it here?
Sure enough, check the wall here, and we hear a rumble. That definitely did something.
Indeed, a door appears which wasn't there before!
Upon entering the newly discovered room, we find ourselves facing these very interesting creatures. Magic Urns are strange. They do nothing but throw healing items at you for some reason, and then will randomly flee. They are quite hard to kill, though, as they absorb all elements.
Thankfully, they are still vulnerable to physical attacks, and SNEEZE, zero fucks given, is able to one-shot them. This is a monster we'll definitely want to encounter in the Veldt, as it gives some very good effects to MknFuk.
Inside the chest of the hidden room, we find the Air Anchor, what is supposed to be PEDO's ultimate tool or something like that. It is a single-target tool that, when it hits, puts the monster in a state where right after it takes its next turn, it WILL die. This sounds great, until you realize that it fails if the monster is protected against Instant Death (so it's worthless against most bosses), and that it achieves in two turns what you could've achieved with one by casting Doom or Break. So it's really not that great at all.
I decided to stick around in the Magic Urn room to teach KALIVA some of the more crucial spells he was missing.

Moving right along to the second "screen" of endless stairs, we find another treasure room. This one contains a Genji Shld! It doesn't protect against any elements, and it only gives +20 MBlock, but its defenses are very high in general. This is another great "filler shield", especially once we're able to get more of them.
The monsters are starting to get tougher now. They have a variety of elemental defenses and weaknesses. Some of them have Reflect from the get-go, as well, or have a script where they cast it as a counter. We should tread carefully to be sure.
For example, Lv. 50 Magic here is undead. A Life spell will insta-kill him. Lv. 40 Magic is weak to Lightning, and Lv. 60 Magic to Fire. Gotta exploit these weaknesses if we are to make it further into this tower.
Lv. 70 Magic is one of the Reflected monsters. He is weak to Instant Death, but we gotta bounce it off of one of our Reflected characters for it to work.
We find yet another treasure room, but there is more than just treasure here. A dragon inhabits this room as well. Well, time to show it who's boss.
White Drgn is his name. Most likely its element of choice will be Pearl. We SHOULD be well-protected, but we'll see.
It counters most attacks with Dispel, which is whatever. It doesn't have any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. We just kinda have to beat it up.
Its Magic Defense is decently high, so Flare is probably the spell of choice here.
And just like that, it's dead. The dragons are fucking LAME. Well, the ones not named Storm Drgn, at least.
Our reward? A Pearl Lance! This is arguably the best spear in the game, and I concur. It's Pearl-elemental, has high battle power, gives +3 Magic, and best of all, has a 25% chance of casting Pearl upon use, even when using it with Jump. Best of all, when used with Jump, the random Pearl cast actually benefits from the 2x Jump damage multiplier, so it's TWICE as powerful as a regular Pearl casting. Combine it with the Dragon Horn, and both PEDO and KEK are now potentially capable of dealing some really nice damage.
it's too bad the only english version of this game where you can rename the sword techs is the pixel remaster
Anyway, inside the chest, we find the Stunner. This is supposed to be PACMAN's ultimate weapon. I say supposed to be, because it has competition in the Thief Knife and Assassin, depending on how you're using him. It IS, of course, his strongest weapon in terms of battle power, and it does something neat: it randomly casts Stop after an attack. Thing is, if you want raw damage, you'll almost always want to Throw something instead. That said, there IS a niche tactic where you can give PACMAN a Dragoon setup, which will do good damage AND raise the chances of casting Stop afterwards. It's actually a pretty good setup to use in the Colosseum to ensure a victory over many of the enemies there.
Is that so? I vaguely remember hearing that was a thing in the nip versions.
Fourth "screen". NOW we're hitting the deep shit. L. 90 Magic is VERY dangerous. It can cast Meteor AND Merton, which can fuck our party up something fierce. Thankfully, it has a very nice weakness in Stop, which we have to bounce off of one of our Reflected characters since it is itself Reflected. This has to be done ASAP, or we'll most likely be toast.
Yeah... that was not fun. I had to change my strategy up a bit, namely by foregoing Max MBlock and instead donning Ice and Flame Shlds to nullify Merton, as well as Wall Rings to bounce back other shit. Once you hit it with Stop, you can just wail at it.
japanese ff6 is cool in general, if you ever decide to pick up the language for whatever reason. i don’t even hate woolsey or anything, the tone’s just better in the original, but that’s true of pretty much any translation i guess. though i think uematsu (and sakaguchi’s general direction) does a lot of the heavy lifting as far as the game’s vibe goes. also celes’ singing in the opera matches the syllables in japanese
Yet another treasure room. This one contains a Force Armor. Very nice! We can always use more of these.
I do hope to learn some day.
At last... after many grueling battles, we reach the top. What could be here that is so wondrous?
We venture inside, and we find... a Gem Box! This is a truly powerful Relic that allows its wearer to cast two spells in the same turn, thus doubling the damage that a spellcaster can dish out. That said, we're going to put it aside for now.
We attempt to leave, but we're immediately surrounded by cultists. They demand we return the treasure we just procured. We can't do so even if we try, however.
Just then, a shrouded figure approaches, circling around...
...before coming down upon us.
His name is MagiMaster. Fought straight-up on his terms, he is BY FAR the hardest boss in the game. He attacks using level 2 and 3 elemental spells, which hit HARD, since he is level 68 and has a Magic power of 50, so his attacks are no joke. He also counters EVERY SINGLE ATTACK with WallChange, which makes him weak to a random element but also makes him absorb all others. This CAN be circumvented in a number of ways.
He can, for example, be assaulted with Flare, which is non-elemental, so his WallChange affords him no protections whatsoever. You can also equip Wall Rings and just NEVER attack him, so he hits himself with his own spells without triggering WallChange. Unfortunately, we have fucking SNEEZE here to fuck absolutely everything up (as soon as he attacks, he'll also use WallChange even when hit by his own Reflected attacks), so we'd have to kill him to make that strategy work. Finally, if you REALLY wanna cheese him, he's vulnerable to Berserk, so he does pitiful physical damage only.

Unfortunately, even if you go with the cheesiest strategy, there is something that makes him deadly beyond belief...
However, I have a plan to circumvent his bullshit.

See, when he loses all his HP, he does something catastrophic. So, all I have to do is slowly whittle away at him, while keeping a close eye on his HP with Scan. And when the time is right...

The tactic here is to equip SLAVE with the Atma Weapon and a Dragon Horn, then summon Palidor when he has less than a thousand HP left. See, MagiMaster has sky-high defense, which the Atma Weapon cares not about. It's not very strong at this level, but it still deals about 700 damage per jump here.
So uWu comes down, dealing negligible damage, followed by SLAVE, who deals two jumps worth 700 damage each, with SNEEZE still in the air. This does the trick and kills MagiMaster, while triggering his ace in the hole.
Ultima, the most powerful spell in the game.

in MagiMaster's hands, Ultima deals well over 6000 damage to the entire party. There is NO way to survive this without some kind of preparation unless you level like crazy. There are easier ways to deal with this, but they are not available to us due to our choice in quests.
BUT, because SNEEZE was in the air, he doesn't get hit by Ultima, and so we're home free! MagiMaster is a goner. Time to get out this bitch.
Well, I say that, but we actually have to climb alllllllll the way down this fucking tower, since Warp isn't available for some reason. So, gotta take maximum precautions, especially in these higher levels where L. 90 Magic lurks. This place truly is pretty brutal.
Is this Ultima's first appearance in a FF? I don't remember if FFV had it, but I know the 1, 2, 3 and 4 don't. Also can you learn this spell in this game?
FINALLY, we're out. Let me tell you, that was fucking GRUELING. Had I had my way, I would've used KEK and his Moogle Charm, as well as a certain spell we may obtain later to make this MUCH MUCH MUCH easier. But we survived.
It first appeared in FF2 actually, with this being its second appearance. And yes, you can obtain it here. I'm not sure that we will, though!
Wait, it really appeared in FF2? Wow, I don't have any memory of it at all, but that may be because that game wasn't memorable to me, so I only have faint memories of it. But hey, thanks for the info. I always end up learning something new in these threads.
And so, we've taken out yet another challenge, and our efforts were most handsomely rewarded. We now have but a few things left on our list. Here they are:

- "The treasure is hidden where the mountains form a star"... so reads the Emperor's message, revealing the location of his "secret treasure". Most likely this is the treasure HUNTER is after. Shall we look for it, and hopefully find him along with the treasure?
- North of the Veldt, there's a triangular island that's home to a monster that is able to suck up an entire ocean. What would happen if this monster were to suck us in?
- Ebot's Rock is apparently above sea level for the first time in fifty years. KALIVA once mentioned that he hunted a monster named Hidon there. Shall we go back to Thamasa with him and see if anything has changed?
- A juicy tip tells of an ancient castle resting beneath the sands of Figaro Desert, supposedly full of treasure. Even if true, how could we possibly investigate this? Perhaps we should go back to Figaro Castle and look for clues.
- Inside Narshe's Weapon Shop, an old man is waiting for us. However, said shop is locked. We may be able to open it, but we'll need a certain Treasure Hunter to help us...

As usual, I leave it up to (You) to decide where we go next, as well as which characters will handle it. Next post decides these matters.
Take SOOGA with you and visit LOLA again!
That's right, we never DID follow up on that!
Checking up on Lola, we find out that she knew the truth all along.
Poor girl.
She is very receptive, too. I suppose when you know the pain of loss, you can spot it a mile away on another person.
Here's your chance, SOOGA. Time to make things right.
The party starts on his behalf.
SOOGA intervenes, however. It seems he wants to deal with this in another manner.
He decides to impart some friendly advice instead.
Lola appreciates the advice. But one can only wonder if SOOGA gave something up here. They are kindred spirits, after all. Perhaps someday...
You can also exchange the letter that was previously on the table for the last one SOOGA wrote. This doesn't change anything, though.
That's the last of SOOGA's loose ends. So, where shall we go next?
don’t take KEK
I leave the party choices to you otherwise
Cheeky breeky, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Well then, time to explore the place where the mountains form a star. I do believe I've found it, and man is it obvious.
We place ourselves over the opening in the center of the mountains, and it's clear we've found an entrance.
I wanted to get HUNTER ASAP because after my first playthrough I went mega-weenie and leveled up my characters to 1000 or 5000 HP doing loop-de-loops on the Lethe River or whatever it’s called in 3US
Locke never got any of this, so I didn’t touch him after that in the WoB
And then I tended to postpone getting him for reasons
And of course I’d take Mog
So I wanted the opposite of what I did
After much internal deliberation, these are the teams I'm going with. The plan is to have a Magitek Knight, a pure Mage, a Tank, and a prime damage dealer on both teams. I think this works out nicely.
Actually, I changed my mind. I swapped a few characters around. This seems a bit more balanced.

Ok, we're ready to go, I think.
The two teams jump off. Time to see what we're up against.
They land outside the entrance to a cavern. What lies within? We can only explore to find out.

The mechanic here is we will be controlling two parties, with the ability to switch between them at will. Coordination between teams will be required to progress at certain points.
Entering the cave, we see now what we're dealing with. One party must go in, press the button, and stay there so the other party can go forward. We ought to expect lots of "puzzles" like this going forward.
There are spikes here that will hurt us if we try to walk over them. Let's ignore them for now, and instead go south of them, where we can press another switch.
The other party finds a switch that lowers the spikes. Now the others can go forward.
Lots of switches to press, which open up new paths. Along the way, we also find a lot of chests, but surprisingly, they're all empty.
One thing I made sure to do before going in is buying a bunch of Blizzard swords. Most enemies here are weak to Ice, so Throwing such a sword can deal MASSIVE damage.
After a ton of dicking around, we encounter our first chest which ISN'T empty. This contains a Wing Edge, which is one of HUNTER's best weapons. It's a ranged weapon that randomly insta-kills enemies, and also gives some nice stat boosts. Pretty nice.
Lotta hopping around.
More pressing of switches to lower spikes. Nothing too exciting. We ARE gaining quite a few levels, though. Perhaps I should stop so as to not make what's left of the game too easy.
Here's yet another switch. This one drains the water seen in this screen, as well as cool the lava in a previous screen. More pathways should now be open to us.
With the lava cooled, we can move in and get some things here.
For instance, another Ribbon. One more of these will certainly not hurt.
After some exploration, we find the only thing we can do is press this button to open a path for the other team.
The other team looks around, and finds... well, a dragon guarding a treasure. Welp, time to knock off another one, I suppose.
Red Dragon. I'm going to guess his element is Fire, because of fucking course. Well, time to unleash icy Hell upon him.
Man, buying all those Blizzard swords was SUCH a good idea.
And now for the mother of all Ice attacks.
9999 damage, and he's ICED.
Our reward for beating the Red Dragon is the Strato, SOOGA's second-best sword. Cool, I suppose. As for the chest it was guarding, it contained a Dragon Horn. We already have one, but I suppose now we can have both PEDO and KEK serving as full Dragoons.
More hopping around, and now we find both teams together again.
Two switches pressed at once by both parties, and the way forward is opened. Let's proceed.
Finally, we reach the end, and... we reach HIM.
The one and only.
Yeah, ok, nice to see you again after all we've been though, or whatever. Cool relic.
Oh, it's Magicite!

Ok, hold the fuck up, this brings up a question. So this is Emperor Ghestal's legendary treasure, but apparently he didn't have the slightest clue as to what it was? Because evidently he had no idea as to the existence of Magicite until we revealed it to him. Yet here is one that was so renown that rumors about it spread far and wide all over. Fucking WHAT.
And there's even a whole legend about it COME THE FUCK ON
Well shit. We all know what you wanna do with it. Hopefully it'll work.
Well, not to spoil too much or anything, but you best start searching for said meaning now.
The party sympathizes enough. Let's go to Rachel's side.
And so, HUNTER arrives, Magicite in hand. Time to see if it works.
He places it at Rachel's side. Nothing happens, at least so far.
Even the voodoo nigga is thinking this has all been for nothing.
But then...! A reaction!
a silhouette appears. This could only be...!
Something happens to the Magicite. Oh no!

Thank you, Rachel...
Time to say goodbye.
Again, this is far more closure than most people get to have.
You did well, HUNTER. Time to let go.
Runie may have something to say.
But it seems HUNTER got what he wanted in the end.
That's the spirit!
And on the way out, he remembers something. That is, all the treasure that was on the Phoenix Cave we just left. This includes the following:

X-Potion, Fenix Down, X-Ether, Elixir, Flame Shld, and most importantly, the ValiantKnife.

This last one is truly HUNTER's most powerful weapon. It is a knife that ignores defense, similar to the Atma Weapon, except it GAINS damage when HUNTER's HP decreases. At his current level, it far and away surpasses anything else he can equip. You can exploit it, too, by equipping a Red Cap, which will raise his max HP, while keeping his current HP the same. This will add an HP differential, which will be reflected in the ValiantKnife's damage.
Anyway, HUNTER joins us once again, and now we have the entirety of the old team together again.
At last, this is where we shall stop. Once again, I leave you with a choice. Where shall we head to next, and what party will be responsible? Here, once again, are our leads:

- North of the Veldt, there's a triangular island that's home to a monster that is able to suck up an entire ocean. What would happen if this monster were to suck us in?
- Ebot's Rock is apparently above sea level for the first time in fifty years. KALIVA once mentioned that he hunted a monster named Hidon there. Shall we go back to Thamasa with him and see if anything has changed?
- A juicy tip tells of an ancient castle resting beneath the sands of Figaro Desert, supposedly full of treasure. Even if true, how could we possibly investigate this? Perhaps we should go back to Figaro Castle and look for clues.
- Inside Narshe's Weapon Shop, an old man is waiting for us. Perhaps HUNTER can now help us gain access to him.

Once again, (You) decide.
Call the Repair Guy, TRAIN and his sidekick MknFck!
Then, find that old man and fix that DAMN DOOR already!!!
Right, we've yet to do that bit. That'll be first thing.
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I been trying to think of a cool handicap to plat again... but meh. I think ill do 5 since i only played it once and dont remember much of the story besides meteor boko tella leena faris is a pirate in that cove xdeath world xdeath castle tree boss. Job system is cool too.
Also go get GoGo but name him GaGa then go cucu for coco puffs.
Have you played T-Edition?
no. just reg old snes. i assume its better translation but i never realy care about things like that.
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It appeared in FFII as a sealed, forbidden magic that's supposed to be your ace against the emperor, but funny enough, it SUCKS! This was totally Nasir's fault, but he had a rationale for it. Truly he was ahead of his time. Oh, the most valuable spell in FFII? It's Toad. All hail Toad!
Of course, this bug was probably fixed in a later version.
Might as well do the triangular island afterwards since it's right by the Veldt, no?
It uses the GBA translation as a base (both the LUA and Mato versions do this) but with original translations on top of that for all the altered and new content.
why not head for the Dino Forest and auto-grind with the Yeti/SNEEZE?
or at least the Magic Tower?

i always thought overlevelling made this game easy , rather than abusing the Colosseum Xchange.
>L. 90 Magic is VERY dangerous. It can cast Meteor AND Merton, which can fuck our party up something fierce
i remember Flame Shields were pretty easy to exchange in Colosseum
>This last one is truly HUNTER's most powerful weapon. It is a knife that ignores defense, similar to the Atma Weapon, except it GAINS damage when HUNTER's HP decreases. At his current level, it far and away surpasses anything else he can equip. You can exploit it, too, by equipping a Red Cap, which will raise his max HP, while keeping his current HP the same. This will add an HP differential, which will be reflected in the ValiantKnife's damage.

i got him to duo-wield VK and Atma, with Genji stuff so the damage he does it always "stable" no matter how much HP he had.
I highly recommend T-Edition if you get the itch to play FF6 again. Hell, I was actually on the fence about making this playthrough with that mod instead, but it has MUCH more content, so it would've taken a lot longer to finish. Also, I didn't want to deal with the shitposting that inevitably comes with playing ROM hacks (hurr durr tranny edition etc).
kek, fucking Nasir.
>Might as well do the triangular island afterwards since it's right by the Veldt, no?
That's a good idea. I do believe we'll go there next. Who shall we bring?
I'm definitely shooting for not overleveling, although I gained quite a few levels in the Phoenix Cave, maybe too many lol
Ice Shields also do the job, as they nullify Fire, funnily enough.
Problem is, the Atma Weapon doesn't become strong enough to warrant seriously using until you get above level 40-ish. Also, recall that it's really only the Atma Weapon that has an issue with damage stability. The ValiantKnife is plenty strong even at full HP. It's not like it's weak then grows strong with HP loss. Rather, it starts strong and gets stronger. Meanwhile, the Atma Weapon (until you get to get to higher levels) is mediocre to decent at full HP, then gets shittier with less. I'd argue the dual-wield combo isn't actually worth it until the Atma Weapon actually eclipses the ValiantKnife, which doesn't happen until past level 50.
Good shit as always OP!
Hopefully the repair guy can fix his garbage ass house!
OP here, sorry, no time to play tonight. I'll see if I can make some time tomorrow, if possible.
I'll have a bit of free time in a couple of hours, so I'll play for a bit then. We're visiting that one old man first, then we're doing Triangle Island.
Ok, I've got a few hours to kill, so let's pick things up again. First, a word on the Phoenix magicite we just picked up. It's another banger, this one. The summon itself is nice, as it allows us to revive any fallen party members, but the real value is in the Magic it teaches. It is the only Esper that teaches Life 2 (which revives party members with full HP) and Life 3 (which sets an Auto-Life status on party members, so they revive automatically upon falling). This last one would've been SUPREMELY useful against MagiMaster and his Ultima bullshit, but oh well. It also teaches Cure 3 and Fire 3 at better rates than Starlet and Tritoch, so that's also nice.
Now, I had a mind to check out an old tip from our time in the Veldt cave, something about a dragon in a forest north of the Veldt. This is the only one that matches that description. Can there really be a dragon here?
Well, not sure if this classifies as a dragon or not, but it is a Terrible Lizard nonetheless.
This is actually a pretty strong monster, all things considered, but there are ways to bring it down relatively easy. MknFuk has access to the Nightshade Rage, which uses Charm, an utterly unblockable attack that makes the enemy attack itself and its allies until it dies, like a perfect Muddle, essentially. This attack is utterly broken, working even on all bosses.
It also gives a buttload of experience, among the highest in the game. This is, in fact, the game's prime leveling spot.
That battle also gave TRAIN enough experience to level up, and earning him his second-best Blitz, Air Blade, a multi-target Wind-elemental attack. This effectively replaces Fire Dance for crowd control.

Now, on that same continent, close to the forest we were just in, we happened to spot a lone household. Let's check it out.
Ah, fucking hell, I know this house.
Yep, it's the old schizo, and he somehow survived the end of the world. He looks quite pleased to see TRAIN again, but the latter doesn't much care for it.

I actually remember rumors from way back in the day floating around there being a way to fix the chair and get onto his roof and find... something or other, I think a new Tool for PEDO or something? Been a while.
The team leaves the old crazy fuck to his delusions. However, TRAIN starts putting two and two together.
It does make sense. His whole story is that he left a baby in the Veldt thirteen (fourteen now?) years ago, which is MknFuk's age.
TRAIN decisively declares the old guy to be his father, and the prospect excites MknFuk. This implies this may be something he wondered about for years, which is understandable.
So they decide to do the sensible thing, of course. He needs to know his son is alive and well.
I... guess? I mean, he IS dressed in literal tatters and animal skin and whatnot. Not the best way to present a long-lost son, perhaps.
Montage time!
First, time to teach the boy some table-side manners. The poor kid has no idea how to comport himself.
Cut him some slack, he's used to literally eating meat caught out in the field with his bare hands.
Yeah... they've got a LOT of work to do.
Ok, next, time to get him LOOKIN' GOOD. The girls are, of course, behind the counter picking out outfits.
Someone said "Oh... well...", and apparently this pissed SLAVE off. Yeah, best to keep quiet and agree with the girl's choices, I guess.
This sounds kinda lewd.
Again, someone expresses doubt, and Runie ain't having it. Fuck's sake, last time we take you two out to shop.
Now SOOGA gets in on the action. Perhaps a straight-laced gentleman like him could be of help here. But really, a hat? On MknFuk?
...? This made no sense. Feels like something got lost in translation here.
TRAIN takes matters into his own hands and dresses him up in a martial arts getup. I think the top line is supposed to be MknFuk's, though? The dialogue here's a bit messy.
Ah, yes, time to get a SIMP eye for the beast guy.
Christ, no. Last thing we need is for MknFuk to start edgelording around.
Thankfully, everyone else agrees. Go be a trench coat-wearing weirdo somewhere else.
PEDO's turn. Jesus fucking christ.
Complete fucking clusterfuck. The poor guy doesn't even know what's going on anymore.
I mean, the kid already barks like one, so...
HUNTER does NOT like this comment, and lunges at PEDO. Yep, we're ending this segment with a literal fist fight. Great work, everybody!
And I do mean it. Despite all the tomfoolery, it seems they managed to actually make him look presentable. Well, time to tell the old man the good news.
Uh, the repair man? Forgot about me already?
Whoa, tone it down, TRAIN.
Moment of truth.
Oh, no.
This was a terrible idea.
Fucking hell. He really DID lose his marbles completely.
Noble effort, TRAIN, but he's too far gone.
Enough, TRAIN. It's probably best that we stop prodding.
Oh, geez...
Yeah, best leave it be.
Only madness can result in a person unironically praising and insulting his own child in the same breath.
That comment went way too far for TRAIN, though. He readies to deal with it the best way he knows how.
But in a rare moment of maturity, MknFuk stops him. This is not the way.
MknFuk exits. No doubt he is devastated.
TRAIN can only apologize. It wasn't supposed to go like this.
And yet...
And that's the end of that sequence. We get nothing for it, but it's still one of the game's more memorable moments.

Now, before we go to Triangle Island, there's one other loose end I'd like to quickly take care of.
Now that we have HUNTER back, we can finally go back to Narshe and unlock the doors there. Just approach them, and he'll do his thing. That said, most of them are completely empty.
Not all of them, however. There's this house up north, for instance.
Inside, we find an old man evidently sick in bed. He gives us something.
And that something is the Cursed Shield. And it lives up to its name. Equipping it lowers ALL your main stats by 7 points, makes you weak to most of the elements, and inflicts a whole ton of status effects. So why on Earth would we want this, let alone equip it?

Because of what he says. This shield's curse can be broken, and he believes doing so would turn it into a powerful defensive tool. How to break the curse? He does not say. In truth, you gotta fight 256 battles with it equipped to lift the curse. I MAY do this, but definitely not now. It'll take FOREVER.
And then there's the Weapon Shop. That one guy at the Fanatics' Tower said the old man here was looking for us. Let's see what he has to tell us.
This old man looks fine and healthy. He, too, wants to give us something.
I heard the best way to fix the shield is use the ribbon to negate most of the status effects and equip it onto MknFuk since he can use rages or some sort of build for him that makes him nigh unstoppable.
And it's Magicite! Hooray!
Make it into a sword, you say? A sword made of powerful Magicite... hmmm, most intriguing.
Oh, man, tough fucking choice you're presenting me with here. Both sound like something that's gonna be absolutely busted in their own way. I'm gonna have to think about this...

And by think about it, I mean to let (You) choose. Just in case you're not aware, here's what they each do:

- The Ragnarok Magicite summons a sword that randomly turns enemies into items. Nothing too exciting. But it teaches motherfucking Ultima, the most busted spell in the entire game. This spell will completely and utterly trivialize the rest of the game if we were to get it now.
- The Ragnarok sword is a powerful weapon equippable by SLAVE, Runie, PEDO and HUNTER. It has 255 Battle Power, gives massive stat boosts, +30 MBlock, uses MP to deal autocrits, AND randomly casts Flare. Pretty fucking nice! BUT. If we bet it at the Colosseum, we get something EVEN BETTER than that, the most busted weapon in the game bar none. Not as busted as having Ultima on every character, of course, but whoever equips it becomes a total offensive beast.

Now, I personally have my own preference the sword, but again, I shall respect your decision. This time, even digits decides.
When I played it, I chose the Magicite, so I 'd say go for the sword! you do you boo!
And we have our decision! We can always get Ultima later from the shield we get by uncursing the Cursed Shld, if I ever get around to it.

Already, as you can tell, this weapon is insane. Let's hit something with it!
Let's get Runie to demonstrate it, since she's one of my most powerful Fighters at the moment.
It has a pretty cool sword graphic, and indeed, it insta-crits. Only snag, if it can be called that, is that you gotta be in the front row to do full damage.
And with it equipped, she's powerful enough to one-shot these critters. Not bad at all!
But... we can do even better.
If we bet the Ragnarok, we go up against a pretty strong monster called Didalos. He has some strong attacks, but VERY little MP, so as long as we tank a couple of spells, we'll be alright. I'll be sending in Runie here with her max MBlock setup to make sure she survives.
And survive she does. She whittles it down, eventually taking it down, as it lies helpless unable to cast spells, until it finally falls.

Our reward is the mighty Illumina.
And what a wondrous weapon it is. It gives even MORE stat boosts than the Ragnarok (this one gives +7 to all four main stats, whereas the Ragnarok gave +7 to three of them and +3 to Speed), +50 (!!!) MBlock, and it still deals auto-crit damage, BUT with full damage from the back row this time. Best of all, instead of casting Flare, it casts Pearl, which unlike Flare benefits from the 2x auto-crit multiplier (similar to the Pearl Lance), so the random Pearl casts do pretty massive damage. Runie and SLAVE can now reach 129 MBlock setups and have plenty of room left over to choose Relics other than White Capes. Runie can now become an extremely potent physical fighter with full invulnerability, while SLAVE can equip a Gem Box and nuke everything while being immune to most things. PEDO and SLAVE can equip it, too, but IMO the girls make better use of it. Shame that there's only one to go around.
Now that that's over, it's time to head to Triangle Island, though I'm gonna stop for the moment because I have some things to do. That said, we'll need to choose a team to go down there and see what's up. Next post decides who our party will consist of.
- anybody but KEK
- MknFuk
You got it, bud. I decided to put SOOGA on point since he hasn't gotten much love lately. Unfortunately he doesn't have much going for him at this point, though that may change soon.
And here we find this thing that looks like a prolapsed anus. Good LORD this thing is ugly.
Suddenly, it starts engulfing the party, taking them out of battle. I'm sure it feels nice.
And just like that, we're gone.
Imagine if we got slowly digested then pooped out the other end hahaha wouldn't that be gross and nasty haha
Only to find ourselves inside some kind of cavern. What IS this place? And what will we find? Should we wish to escape, we can head toward the light, and it will take us out.
We soon find ourselves in this curious area with bridges we can jump between. There's these strange green dudes who will knock us over if we don't time our jumps right, however.
Sure enough, we fail it and get knocked over by the first one. However, there's chests down here, so it was for the best.
This chest contains a Red Jacket, TRAIN's best armor. It's really nothing super special, however, only granting some minor stat boosts and Fire absorption. TRAIN pretty much got close to the worst equipment draw, which I suppose is balanced out by his bonkers offensive prowess.
Back to the bridges, we find a Magical Brush (a meh weapon for uWu, especially useless now that she has the Magus Rod), but most importantly, a Genji Armor! This is one of the better armors, granting higher defense than the Force Armor as well as some very nice stat boosts, but ultimately I think it falls short of the Force Armor as it gives no MBlock and no elemental resistances. It IS, however, the best armor PACMAN can equip, so he'll most definitely appreciate it.
We also find the FakeMustache. This is a Relic for uWu that changes the Sketch command to Control, which literally allows uWu to take control of enemies and use their attacks against the other monsters as if it were in our party. Problem is, you lose control of uWu, as she is concentrating on controlling the monster, and to be frank, most monsters are not worth controlling as they have subpar attacks. It is also similar to Sketch in that it has a moderate chance of missing unless you grab ANOTHER piece of equipment that raises its chance of success. So overall, it's pretty much a gimmick ability you might use once or twice for the novelty of having a little girl mind-controlling monsters, but you're really far better off using uWu's turn casting hard-hitting spells instead.
Next, we come to a room with a ceiling that rises, then falls down with crushing force. There are safe spots we can stand in as we progress, ensuring we don't get splattered, but we need to pay attention. Should it fall on us, it's a game over, though thankfully there's a Save Point just before this room.
Treasures here include a Zephyr Cape, Hero Ring, and Tack Star, so pretty decent loot. The Tack Star is PACMAN's strongest throwing star, though there aren't many of them around. We CAN bet Ninja Stars for Tack Stars at the Colosseum, but honestly, the store-bought Falchion is almost as strong anyway, so it's probably easier to just stack up on those. If you're wondering, the strongest throwable weapon you can get en masse is the Imp Halberd.
Here we have a bit of a puzzle area. We gotta hop across these chests, trying to find our way toward the switch here.
That wasn't too hard. Pressing the switch opens a path to this chest, containing another Thunder Shld. We can get even more at the Colosseum, and I probably will sooner or later.

There is a door as well. Getting there isn't hard. Inside, we find...
...a weird colorful fellow, just standing there. Who IS this guy?
Well, who knows what's going on with this person's gender identity or whatever, but we get to name him/her/xir! Next post decides.
Well, THAT'S not gonna be confusing!
So, he's a mime. A bit too flamboyantly dressed for that, isn't he?
He asks why we're there, and apparently we tell him everything that's happened thus far. That's enough to convince him. UMARO joins the party, making him the fourteenth, and last, party member. We've done all we can here, so time to skedaddle. Warp can take us out in a jiffy.
So, what's the deal with this guy? Well, this is what he comes equipped with. His stats are, frankly speaking, absolute trash, pretty much the worst in the game all-around. Like SNEEZE, he cannot equip Magicite, learn spells, or gain Esper stat boosts, either. However, he makes up for it with his special talents.
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Well, when I first played the game (after having seen all the Nintendo Power stuff for it) I thought Umaro was going to be the name of the mime and Gogo the name of the yeti.
Turns out, not quite.
I only wish I had the flair of the guy who came up with the rationales for naming the Figaro brothers.
You mentioned you try to not over level to keep it fun. Do you just…run from fights?
His special command is Mimic, and it does what's on the tin: with some exceptions, he copies whatever the previous party member did, whether that's Fight, cast a spell, summon an Esper, use an Item, or use a Skill command. This can be VERY useful in some situations. He also has another special attribute: he can use almost ALL Skill commands. You just go to the Status screen, press, select a blank slot, and you'll be presented with a list of all available Skills. Yes, you get to customize his commands. He can Blitz, use Tools, Steal, Rage... it's all there. Whatever Tools, Blitzes, etc. are available to the other characters, he can do. He can even use Magic, drawing his list of spells from everything available to the rest of the party. Now, he most likely won't perform the skills as well as the original characters due to his shit stats, but it's still pretty amazing having a character that is THIS versatile.

As for his equipment, he's basically a shittier Strago. His best armor is the Tao Robe. BUT, he can equip the Magus Rod! As such, he can actually obtain a 126 MBlock setup, close to perfect, which is quite good.

Overall, a jack of all trades, master of none. Definitely a much more interesting character than the likes of SNEEZE, if you ask me.
And with that, I'm done for the night. For next time, here is the list of leads we've yet to explore:

- Ebot's Rock is apparently above sea level for the first time in fifty years. KALIVA once mentioned that he hunted a monster named Hidon there. Shall we go back to Thamasa with him and see if anything has changed?
- A juicy tip tells of an ancient castle resting beneath the sands of Figaro Desert, supposedly full of treasure. Even if true, how could we possibly investigate this? Perhaps we should go back to Figaro Castle and look for clues.

As you can see, there's not much left to do! Again, next post decides where we go and who we'll take.
>You mentioned you try to not over level to keep it fun. Do you just…run from fights?
Once I get tired of fighting randoms, yes. Admittedly, though, I haven't been running much in the last couple of dungeons, though in this last one that's partly because half the encounters couldn't be run away from.
It took me too fucking long to get the “as you might guess from the name” joke, and I even went and didn’t get to train properly because the fucker didn’t throw it at me. Thamasa.
Gotcha. Who shall go? Besides KALIVA, obviously. I THINK uWu is only necessary to trigger the event, but doesn't have to be present at Ebot's Rock.
You're just trolling me with the SNEEZE inclusion, aren't you? No matter. The others I'm more than happy to take.
I have no taste in rages so I keep spamming MknFuk
I would have relented and not said “no KEK, I don’t like his drip” but we only have three slots to fill and I want to see what you do with the mime
…sort of. I think having a party with one too many autopilot characters is interesting…when it’s someone else dealing with it.
Oh man, just WAIT until we do the Ancient Castle. MknFuk becomes MVP at that point.
It's not even the auto-pilot part that's annoying. It's the fact that SNEEZE isn't even that strong (despite the fact that I have a Rage Ring and Gauntlet on him for maximum damage), and since I can't equip him, he dies to so many things the other characters are much more protected against.
By the way, in case any of you were wondering... the Tyrannosaur Rage lets MknFuk cast Meteo. This is about twice as strong as the Meteor spell, although it does have a chance to miss some enemies sometimes. Still useful as fuck for clearing randoms.
Doesn't he only mention that part in WoB?
This is getting me flashbacks of that time Celes remembered Setzer bringing up Daryl that one optional time she wasn't there for.
Never went for the Magicite myself, but a neat trick is that you can steal another Ragnarok sword from one of the final boss tiers (the lady). No Illumina/Lightbringer though. However, in the Advance/delisted remaster, this is busted, because the game saves after the final boss to account for postgame. That means you can steal, and keep, as many Ragnarok swords for as many times as you're willing to beat the final boss and sit through the ending.
>Doesn't he only mention that part in WoB?
Yes, or rather, an old woman in Nikeah does.
I've always felt like Ragnarok was a bit of a waste because there's no reason not to trade it in immediately for the Illumina. It's like 'here's this awesome sword' and then they take it away for a better one. Might have been more interesting if the swords were both great but in different ways so you really had a choice to make.
When I first played this game, the mimic was my favorite character class. I loved that you could customize his skills and have him copy all the best moves from the other characters. I didn't really care about stats or equipment because I'd just level up a bit if things got tough. As I revisited the game, the mimic lost his novelty somewhat.
There's got to be some way to make SNEEZE into a beast without just over-leveling him. Could his weaknesses be compensated for with buffs? Could some combination of relics allow him to exploit the rules? What if he was undead? Imped? The Green Cherry he uses during your battle with him has always intrigued me. What if it's a clue? I've read that giving him a Green Cherry does nothing but maybe there's something missing and there was a purpose for it.
>Could his weaknesses be compensated for with buffs?
You can cast Safe and Shell on him, mitigating damage somewhat. Regen too, I guess, but it kinda sucks in this game. A Pod Bracelet or Marvel Shoes would be "ideal" for this.
>Could some combination of relics allow him to exploit the rules?
About the only thing he "exploits" is the fact that, since he doesn't have a shield and you can't equip one on him, he can use the Gauntlet with no defense penalty whatsoever, thus raising his physical damage a decent bit.
>What if he was undead?
With the Relic Ring? Now I can't heal him or he'll die. As a Zombie? Now he attacks me randomly.
It makes him weaker. Imp status nullifies the equipped weapon's battle power and the defense of whatever armor you haven. So it'd be like he's naked.
>I've read that giving him a Green Cherry does nothing but maybe there's something missing and there was a purpose for it.
There's nothing there m8. The yeti is just an afterthought of a character.
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>he's a mime
more like meme
OP here. Probably gonna have to pass on today as well. Way too much work to do.
One fun thing I like to do is have either Celes or Terra with a Genji Glove+Illumina and whatever other weapon, along with Locke (or Gogo with Steal), and steal the Ragnarok, so they wield both weapons at once. One interesting thing I discovered is if the first weapon casts its spell, the second weapon will not auto-crit for some reason. Not sure if that's intentional or a bug.
Who is he really though
A lot of people back in the day swore it was Daryl for some reason, purely due to the line about his gender being ambiguous or whatever.
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I liked the Adlai Stevenson joke, even though the quotes turned out to be near-totally fabricated (no really, what WERE those pushy guys swaying back and forth on bridges?)
Gogo might've been connected in some way to the "impostor Siegfried" plot that goes nowhere...
But in all actually, Gogo is probably just Gogo. I'm pretty sure the devs said he's not meant to connect to any other character. It was most likely the similar Final Fantasy V character, who also slipped between dimensions. Seems Gogo was prepped to be the series' "Gilgamesh" figure before Gilgamesh's popularity resurrected him.
Yeah, he was just a FFV reference. He looked weird as fuck in that game, though.
I've been thinking more about Umaro and how much he sucks, so I did some research, and discovered something interesting about him. He can act while Cyan's swordtech meter is charging. He's the only character who can do this. Additionally, Cyan's 'Empower' swordtech cures undead. So, a Cyan/Umaro team with Umaro wearing the Relic ring and Cyan using 'Empower' on him when needed could be an all-physical force, give Umaro a Wall Ring and now he's immune to magic as well.

I also had a thought, though I don't expect that it would work. Could Relm's 'Control' ability be used on Umaro? According to lore, Mog became Umaro's boss by giving him food. Maybe the secret is that you need to give him a Green Cherry before you try to control him. I know it's wishful thinking, but I like to imagine that there are arcane secrets hidden just below the surface of all video games just waiting to be discovered. Sadly, you usually need a game genie to make that fever dream corporeal.
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>Umaro's spellcasting animation (not used in game)
>He can act while Cyan's swordtech meter is charging. He's the only character who can do this.
I did notice this.
>Additionally, Cyan's 'Empower' swordtech cures undead. So, a Cyan/Umaro team with Umaro wearing the Relic ring and Cyan using 'Empower' on him when needed
This won't work. You cannot manually target Cyan's Swdtechs or use them on allies. Not to mention even if you could, what you suggest would harm Cyan.
What if they were both undead and he hit him with the drain blade?
Cyan can't equip that without the Merit Award. I don't know what happens when they're both undead, but at that point we've geared an entirely functional character just for the purpose of propping a dysfunctional one up, and that's just silly. You want an Umaro that is actually useful? Play T-Edition, where you can actually equip him and he can do a bit more than just unga bunga.
Thanks for chatting with me about this.

Oddly, Umaro's inability to equip anything is the source of my obsession with him. He's not the only one with this limitation. Vicks and Wedge, General Leo, the two playable Ghost characters, and all the Moogles (except for Mog) all seem to have the same basic design. They get Fight/Item and maybe a special skill. None of them can have their normal equipment changed but relics are a possibility.

Based on some experiments I've done, I believe that the game first loads the Moogles with basic character design and then alters them to create all the characters in the game. Their equipment seems to be held in a static list that gets replaced with a customizable list and their character portraits and sprites are loaded AS the characters join. That's why a random Moogle joins your party later instead of Celes if you do the glitch to escape Figaro without her. Her final profile never got loaded over the Moogle base.

I want to do a playthrough without Celes using that glitch. But what interests me most are Vicks and Wedge. I managed to get them out of the Narshe tutorial with Terra using a Walk-through-Walls game genie code. They have magitec armor for a while but as you progress in the game they suddenly stop having it and they have only Fight/Item and their basic equipment. I want to get as far through the game as I can with them in my party. The game glitches out pretty bad at certain critical plot points, particularly when a new party member joins.

My goal is to figure out a way to strengthen them so they're more useful. They can't use relics but it may be possible to get some into those slots with save state editing or game genie. They are the most useless, weakest characters in the game and that's why I like them.
I know there's some actual in-game glitches you can exploit to get certain characters in your party, including Leo. They seem like they're a huge hassle to activate, though, so I never even tried.
OP here. Again, work and a bout of indigestion prevented me from resuming today. Hopefully tomorrow We'll finally tackle Ebot's Rock.
Ok, found some free time to play at last.

Now that we've recovered both uWu and KALIVA, we decide to let them visit Thamasa again. uWu certainly appreciates it!
As does KALIVA. Just like old times.
But not all is well.
Gungho, KALIVA's old friend, seems to have gotten himself into some trouble. KALIVA demands to know who did this to him.
Hidon, eh? Looks like KALIVA finally has a reason to hunt it down.
Gungho gives him his mission. I don't think he needs to tell him so.
Yet something is holding him back.
Really? We're gonna play the age card now? This sounds like an excuse to me!
In the end, however, he resolves to do it.
He was actually gonna go solo it, the madman.
I mean, sure, but you could still use help!
Tell him, uWu!
KALIVA relents, I think?
Get it? Hidon? HIDDEN? I'm pretty sure this one's on the nips, though.
This one, however, HAS to be Woolsey, as this is a blatant lie. KALIVA merely has to come ALONG, not go ALONE. Hidon will perfectly show himself with a fully party so long as KALIVA is present. I wonder how many poor saps actually took this line seriously and attempted the dungeon with the old man alone.
Anyway, we have our next assignment: Ebot's Rock. As promised, the designated team will be KALIVA, MknFuk, UMARO, and ffs SNEEZE. uWu isn't actually required to complete it much as I'd have loved to bring her.
I decided to make a quick stop at Maranda Desert to catch KALIVA up on a couple of spells he may want to have. We now head inside Ebot's Rock, the entrance to which now appears.
This dungeon is very dark, and we can only see a few steps ahead. It is also full of switches that take us from one area to another.
We press the first switch, and we find ourselves staring at a talking treasure chest. A VERY HUNGRY talking treasure chest. And it wants coral. Yeah, I've no idea what they were smoking. Anyway, this is the central gimmick of this dungeon. We gotta go around finding chests with coral, then going back to feed this talking chest. Only then can we pass.
Some chests will have as many as five pieces of coral, while others will only give us one. Truthfully, it's all completely random, as is where you'll go upon pressing a switch. The goal? Get at least 22 pieces of coral, then feed them to the chest. But it's gotta be all at once (i.e. if you feed him less, he'll ask for more, and the counter will reset to zero). So yeah, we actually have to keep track of how many coral pieces we're gathering. Pretty annoying tbqh.
I finally gather enough, and meander my way back to the talking chest. We feed him all our coral, at which point he scarfs it down and literally burps at us. Disgusting, innit?
Yeah, now git, faget.
Then something weird happens. The chest changes color, then starts hopping back, but it seems surprised? Is something pulling it away? I always found this strange.
Eh, whatever. We walk forward, and we come face to face with the object of KALIVA's youthful obsession.
And man, it's ugly. It accompanied by Hidonites, which are annoying pests but can be dealt with easily. We shall do so.
A bit of the ol' Dragon King's wrath should do the trick for the little fuckers.
Once it's alone, Hidon prepares his ultimate attack: GrandTrain.
This attack HURTS. It has a spell power of 84 (though half that when applied against multiple targets), is non-elemental, and cannot be reflected or avoided. As you can see, it nearly wipes us out. Good thing I used UMARO to Steal the rare Thornlet off of him before he did it, which means it's time to go all-out on his ass.
The name of the game now is to have KALIVA target his Fire weakness with Fire 3, while UMARO comes in clutch with Bum Rush.
It doesn't take long for it to go down. Our reward for defeating it is KALIVA learns GrandTrain, by far his most powerful Lore. It's basically a weaker Ultima, which is to say it's pretty fucking strong, but just short of overpowered.
KALIVA rejoices. He has finally defeated the monster that has eluded him for so many years, and avenged Gungho as well.
Giddy with excitement, KALIVA rushes back to tell Gungho the news of his victory.
Gungho easily steps out of bed, more annoyed at KALIVA's outburst than anything. Almost as if...
Yeah, dancing around a bit too easily there for someone who got dealt serious wounds, aren't you? Well, whatever the case, he decides to share in KALIVA's excitement. This was his passion, too, after all.
uWu with the backup.
KALIVA takes all the digs in stride. This is his victory day.
Yeah, how ARE your wounds?
And so, later that evening, KALIVA does what old men do best: tell the story of his triumph while embellishing the SHIT out of it.
Was that before or after UMARO Bum Rushed his fucking head in?
He's like an overstimulated little kid, but can you blame him?
Some more time passes, and Gungho steps out to meet uWu outside. Apparently KALIVA finally tired himself out.
Yes, what about them?
But first, uWu decides to thank Gungho. Evidently this was something he very much needed.
However, she makes sure to let him know that SHE knows what's up. Yep, Gungho was faking being wounded all along.
Gungho, don't you even DARE.
Seems she saw through him right from the beginning.
The digs just keep on coming. Never change, uWu.
uWu runs off, leaving Gungho flabbergasted. So ends the evening. We now take control of KALIVA and co. once again. Nothing left to do here, really.
And that marks the end of that quest. We have but one more lead to investigate:

- A juicy tip tells of an ancient castle resting beneath the sands of Figaro Desert, supposedly full of treasure. Even if true, how could we possibly investigate this? Perhaps we should go back to Figaro Castle and look for clues.

Next post decides who will embark on this quest. However, I'm sorry to do this, but I'm preemptively vetoing MknFuk and SNEEZE for this next part. The former I love to use but he's been in my party a bit much lately and I'd like other characters to see use, and the latter I'm just plain tired of. Please choose any four other than those two.

Of course, this also marks the end of this thread per the image limit. I may just let this one die before I do the next one, but we'll see.
All good choices well, SIMP not so much, though he'll very soon get his chance to shine. Again, I cannot promise when I'll play again. I'd love to play more tonight, but seeing what happened last time I made a new thread so quickly, well, one hesitates.
>I may just let this one die before I do the next one
Yeah, you know the retards will keep bumping the thread until it auto-sages like with the previous one.

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