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>36 years old
>STILL chronologically the last game in the series

what the fuck happened?
retards crying about the timeline for no reason in 3, 2, 1
> questioning the mess that is the timeline of Zelda games
why are you retarded?
I thought BotW was at the end?
There is no chronology. They are all reboots.
If you MUST have a chronology, the older games being the newer chronologically is kinda elegant, idk. And I am saying this as somebody who fully believes the notion of a coherent internal timeline in the Zelda series is 100% pointless.

I think the newer open world games are supposed to be basically "soft reboots" for the whole series as a whole, and could be understood to be placed at the end of any of the timelines they ass-pulled for their official chronology.
Oh, you know, I actually thought this was going to be a thread about how Zelda II is the greatest 2D action game, but instead it's lore nonsense. How disappointing.
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>Oh, you know, I actually thought this was going to be
um sweetie has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
>Random word salad
Did your parents drop you on your head when you were a baby or something?
I played it a lot as a kid, then as an adult I acknowledged that the Famicom Disk System is superior, besides audio quality, in the FDS ver. you can level up attack, magic or life at the same cost, at the beggining you could level up life instead of magic, which is pretty useless at the beggining.

I am thinking to learn N5/N4 just to play retro games in Japanese. Games used to be harder in US/EU than JP because rentals and guides were a thing in here...

I want to play the FDS version...
I get why they backpedaled to the original game as basic template for the rest of the series, but AoL is a solid game if you don't compare it with games that, after all, have nothing much in common with it. It tends to get a bad rap unfairly. Sure there's some artificial difficulty going on and it's excessively linear and straightforward, but there's a charm to it if you get past those defects.
translations is 4 pussies man
the story's located in the manual anyway
>it's excessively linear and straightforward
It's not though. You get extreme freedom to explore most of the map very early on.
>Make prequel
>Make prequel
>Make either prequels or AUs to that second prequel
Gee, I wonder.
In FDS you can't save/keep a stat level that goes above the lowest of the three when you save or get a game over though, so there goes your efficiency (unless you're savescumming your way through the game, of course).

Anyway, the NES version is more flexible in that regard, since you can do playthroughs using different min/maxing setups to make things interesting.
There's some sequence breaking shit you cal pull off in AoL based on memorization and/or brute force, but calling it "extreme freedom" is kind of an extreme stretch, specially compared to the sort of freedom you got in the original TLoZ.
Didn't know that.
>release wind waker, explicitly state it's a sequel to MM for some reason and it takes place in post-apocalyptic hyrule
>at a time when ppl expected ps2 graphics so it killed the gamecube
>reggie realizes gay cat-eye sameface art style still wasn't working, remembers OoT has a plothole to milk
>n64/oot owners still don't buy gamecube, TP character design is one-off
>story went from "oot and lttp link and zelda are the ancestors of loz link and selda" to an inferior version of cell saga just because the gamecube flopped
>Wants to criticize a pointless and incoherent timeline of events.
>Concocts a pointless and incoherent timeline of events in the process.
Saved the best for last.
Wrong. The international version is literally a direct upgrade because they had more dev time.
>he doesn't know
>I care so little for the game I think is good
Nah, that was always a retard take. The new Zelda games can't be in the child timeline because Ruto became a sage (written about in the Zora domain) and the story of Ruto is how she faced Ganon alone and lost, which doesn't match the adult timeline.
The game is 100% downfall timeline set extremely far into the future. His green tunic design you can find in-game matches Zelda 1's design, because its meant to be an homage. Totk implies there were 2 Zeldas at the same time, an homage to the downfall timeline. The downfall timeline is defined by the hero losing to Ganon and Botw opens with you finding out Ganon defeated you and won 100 years ago, etc.

The only reason retards (Read: Redditors) think the game is a soft reboot is because characters make some cheeky references to other Zelda games like mentioning the hero defeating the twilight or being skyward bound. But they were just cute references, people took it to mean the game was at the end of multiple timelines because they're retarded and take everything literally.
>Zelda 1 Link
>passing the Master Sword
wind waker wasn't even that bad but the art style ripped zelda into multiple timelines
>bottom left is the zelda 1 map area with the lost woods and the giant graveyard and the 2 rocks for where ganon hides.
Wind Waker (original version) was dogshit because of the lack of magic sail from the later versions and having to constantly change the fucking wind direction.
Well the "open to interpretation" thing was certainly Nintendo's intention, which of course was a big mistake because people who care about canon to begin with tend to be like this >>11090224 lol

In a way it's fitting and kinda funny how, just as they failed to make a coherent body of "facts" for the established timeline, they also failed to ensure there were no facts to debunk the part of it they intended to not be decipherable.
There's no chronology.
At this point it's pretty much a reboot.
Because it was the logical endpoint of the "storyline". Hyrule collapsed into people living in caves, Ganon is a mindless monster. The only game that could logically follow is BotW, and TotK fucked that up so now it can't.
I was firmly in the camp of BotW being post-AoL as explained above, but while I haven't played TotK, I suspect it fucks that up. More importantly, I just don't give a shit about this weird sandbox spinoff so I can't be bothered placing it.
There clearly was early on. ALTTP was a prequel to Zelda 1/2. And then OoT was the summoning war talked about in ALTTP's intro.

With WW they stopped and made the story & settings of the individual game take priority of any overarching continuity.

By BOTW they completely stopped giving a fuck and just reference/recycle elements left and right. Regardless of if it makes sense in relation to the timeline (e.g. both "the hero of wind" and "the hero of twilight" being referenced in the same sentence despite WW and TP being in separate timelines. Or Zoros and Rito being in the same game when Ritos are supposed to be an evolution of Zoros after WW's flood).
nintendo does not give a fuck about the lore, or even the worldbuilding. why would you?
because ganon is dead duh
>"soft reboots"
please fuck off back to >>>/v/
TotK doesn't really care about lore at all
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Yeah man just look at all those caves
I still think it's a goddamn shame we didn't get any items to use during combat.
Lore nonsense isn't the game. It's stuff that was retroactively created later by other games and does not really affect me.
The whole "Hyrule is post-apocalypse in the NES games" is the weirdest shit people keep claiming.
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not in my game he aint
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Look, there’s a simple solution that makes everything work; it takes place after Hyrule Warriors and the timeline convergence
Zelda's story is really deep bro
might as well make an alternate timeline chronology for star fox at this point
>star fox 64 takes place before star fox snes
>the fallen timeline where the hero defeats fake robot andross splits into star fox 2 and command
>andross brain defeated timeline is star fox adventures and assault
>the timeline from star fox snes route 1 and 2 leads into the wario ware minigames
>star fox zero is an alternate universe after the slot machine boss credits roll
I wish they keep it this way. I like when timelines are very different from release order, makes things more interesting.
>zelda lore
It unironically is. Zelda has the best story-'telling' in all gaming, in that it uses every means a game has to present a story to you (including environmental storytelling, building up a world and letting you discover things about it in various ways, cutscenes, clever use of music etc.) in ways that make better use of these things than any other game series.
Who cares?
Only Zelda 1 is canon, there are only 2 triforces and Hyrule has a christian religion.
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epic story bro
link saves the heckin princess and beats ganon
it doesnt get any better than this
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>Noooo only this specific part of this videogame story is REAL
Actually i hate the concept of canon (which was made by jews for their religion). Everything should always be viewed as its own thing and not bound or limited by other stories or ruining them retroactively.
They adopted the Final Fantasy model of just shitting out a different random story with the same general themes and features because it's way easier to do that than put a chronologically consistent neverending story of 'save the world' together over and over again.
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Tears of the Kingdom is the last one...
>And then OoT was the summoning war talked about in ALTTP's intro.
Which was the original plan, but by the end became a series reboot instead.
BotW is pretty much a new continuity. Especially since TotK rips off the OoT setting with visible retcons.
Jesus died between OoT and LttP
>OoT was the summoning war talked about in ALTTP's intro.
unfortunately that's 1 of OoT's 3 endings due to wind waker's artstyle and then reggie's attempt to fix it
That sword is so cool its lame no game has that sword in it
OoT had one ending.
the timelines generated during OoT's ending is determined by the sales numbers of future games
Why do niggas care about Zelda timelines? I met a bitch in a college English class who admitted she wrote fanfiction to try to reconcile the Zelda timelines. What's the point to all that gay shit?
only retards even acknowledge a Zelda timeline.
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Thats hideous man
You're on the retro video games board of 4chan surely you can empathize with caring about something nobody gives a fuck about
As a kid I don't think I ever cares about a games time line.
>what the fuck happened?
Link won.
Botw/Totk are soft reboots. Evidence by totk including a completely different origin story for the founding of Hyrule, as well as a reimagining of ocarina of time. With a Ganon sitting underneath the castle, producing a calamity Ganon through his built up bad stench.
Who cares that James Bond constantly changes as an actor?
Unironically would be more interesting than discussing whether Link #17 or Link #23 came first chronologically
>everything pre-OoT takes place in an alternate universe triggered by... a game over at the ganon fight
>all because they needed an official excuse to backtrack from WW art style
I would love to be able to do that because that would mean we'd have more games.
I started playing this on my iPhone (can't believe Retroarch is available on app store now). Looks really great on an OLED screen with shaders. It's pretty hard though with touchscreen dpad controls, I'm not sure if I'll be able to beat it this time around but I always enjoy the adventure.
I thought it was a new timeline. It really doesn't fit anywhere.
Everything was going so well until they replaced the triforce with the elemental stones. And Ganon just stole one of those. That part was weird and makes everything confusing.
This is how I always saw it. Then one day I discovered the Zelda fandom, and I never understood why I was the only one to ever have that conclusion...and also never give a fuck about a timeline.
Timeline trannies are the worst form of children.

>"I-is there a Zelda timeline?? Are the games connected?? Did Zelda XYZ come before ABC???"
>"Uh... will it get you to buy the new cartridge? Then sure whatever you say kid"
Fuck off. You know damn well I was referring to the first game. I didn't mean literally all of Hyrule. Besides, given the geography, I don't by that anything north or east of Saria Town is even part of Hyrule.
Anyone who believes a timeline convergence is somehow simple or the most logical explanation or really just logical on any level is completely and utterly stupid.
Art style has nothing to do with timeline, moron.
Timeline deniers are the flat earthers of gaming. It's not like it's some shoestring retcons. If you actually pay attention 90% of the games basically tell you where in the timeline they fall.
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this and reggie is the reason your timeline split
Why were you referring to the first game when the OP image is Zelda 2?
Surprised Aonuma gave Link the dignity to say it was a game over at the Ganon fight, and not something like an Octorok spitting a rock at you resulting in a game over.
>dumbfuck zelda trannie ranting about how important his bing bing wahoo timeline is
Don't even try, your life is a joke. There's no shitpost you can craft that makes you sound like a competent adult.
>my retconned timeline bullshit of 1980s video game "stories" made up on the spot is serious business!
Timeline clowns lol
Read a book
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This thread certainly illustrates how embarrassing it is when a certain kind of mindset obsesses a little too much about Zelda.
>Zelda II is the greatest 2D action game
Zelda II is the Dark Souls II of the Zelda series
That might be the most cringe edit I've ever seen posted on /vr/. Zoomers have killed this board.
Just try and go easy on the asspain balm, gramps
Zelda has been terrible since cuck of time, why you nerds cope about a "timeline" is pathetic. Zelda II rules, well you drool. Later losers
50% of this entire board is bitching about zoomers. You'd be lost without them because you wouldn't have someone to feel superior to.
whatever makes you feel better.
this board was great before 2020
now it's just /v/ but even less funny.
Breath does fit at the very end. Tears doesn't fit anywhere.
>The only reason retards (Read: Redditors) think the game is a soft reboot is because characters make some cheeky references to other Zelda games like mentioning the hero defeating the twilight or being skyward bound.
i thought it was because the devs said so
>better use of these things than any other game series.
metal gear mogs it
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Bro they dumped the idea of a timeline in OoT, as a matter of fact that game exists solely to fuck with timelinefags, same with MM.
Trying to timeline Zelda games is like trying to timeline Final Fantasy games, you can do it but it's just a goofy thought exercise.
All that said, you MIGHT be able to piece together a timeline out of 1, 2 and LttP
Mario 1 is the last game of the series and Mario kills bowser by throwing him in lava
>dumped the idea of a timeline in OoT,
>All the sages named after towns in AoL
what Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the director of BotW and TotK said in an interview with Famitsu was that the game is so far into the future the previous timeline(s), aka the Age of Myth, don't matter anymore. Hyrule simply just fell and got re-founded several times in the Interim and Zonai Rauru's re-founding Hyrule is just one more of those instances.

>[If I'm just talking about this as a possibility, even if there is a story about the founding of Hyrule, there is a possibility that there is a history where Hyrule was destroyed once before that.]"
>— Hidemaro Fujibayashi, An interview with the developer of "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" that can still be talked about. A marvelous sequel completed through "play priority", Famitsu.
Incidentally this is what Creating a Champion has to say about the "Age of Myth" (aka the pre-BotW Zelda games)
>"It is impossible to tell which myths are historical fact and which are mere legends."
>-Creating a Champion pg. 360
how convenient
some reboots are rebootier than others
That pic looks like if Link was a Planescape Torment character
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>bro wind waker and its related shovelware had nothing to do with nobody buying zelda, in fact it was foretold in ocarina of time that it split into two timelines; wind waker and twilight princess
>the original games? oh right, there's actually a third timeline split from a game over screen
>also we're making more WW shovelware to insert into the other timelines
>now it's just /v/ but even less funny.
/V/ is still way worse. Most of that board is either rage bait, or wank threads. At least here people talk about games.
This is defacto a soft retcon
Even without Wind Waker, OoT and ALttP were fundamentally incompatible
>In ALttP, Ganondorf stole the whole Triforce
>In OoT it was only the Triforce of Power
>In ALttP, The Seven Wise Men are all Hylian
>In OoT, the Seven Sages are from various races and most of them women
>In ALttP, the Seven Wise Men had to perform a sealing rite in order to seal Ganon in the Dark Realm after he had attained the Triforce and become too powerful
>In OoT, Ganon was sealed at his weakest
>In ALttP, the Seven Wise Men were being defended by the whole army of Hyrule Knights, most of whom died during the conflict to keep the Wise Men safe
>In OoT, it's only the Hero of Time and he's not protecting any Sage except maybe Zelda while they seal Ganon because they've already ascended to an astral form of existence, no longer having physical bodies.
>ALttP is a descendant of the one of the survivors of the Hyrule Knights
>OoT is the Hero of Time, not a knight.

Even back in early 00s forums people ignored these facts for some reason.

Oh, I absolutely agree.
That pic >>11090570 looks like something somebody really dumb would prefer to what they actually got circa 2002, and it would have looked terribly dated already even by that point, not to mention merely a couple years later.

I remember fondly the ground zero of the collective ass-nuking:

Edgy teens may have absolutely hated the look of Wind Waker but, to phrase it in a way that everybody can agree with, it looks now exactly as good (or bad) as it looked back then. It was a perfectly realized art direction, regardless of how arguably misguided it was considering its audience. Shame they missed the point of it with the re-release adding shading and bloom out of the ass.
Soulful and charming.
No it's completely in line with what they always said since they made the timeline. This is the introduction to the timeline in Hyrule Historia.

>•The Cyclical History Surrounding the Triforce

>…This is a tale that was passed down by humans such as yourselves…

>Within these pages, the history of Hyrule which spun many entries in the Legend of Zelda series into different branches is introduced. Why is it legend, and why does it represent a cyclical history? In due course, you will read everything from the reason why Skyward Sword is said to be the first story right up until the later eras. Because what is being spun is the flow of history right up until the end of time, we wish for you to touch true adventure with your own hands and try to ascertain it for yourself.

>Before We Unravel the History:
•History is Still Being Spun

>This chronology is not limited to information that is currently confirmable. It also contains much that is unclear. The history of Hyrule is known to change with the times and the person telling it, and will continue to unfold. Even if none of the important points waver by much, new legends will continue to be born and history may yet be rewritten.

It was never supposed to be concrete fact. It was an in universe historical account of what historians could figure out, like real life history. But everyone ignores this page for some reason.

This also accounts for every inconsistency here: >>11097608
Link isn't even his name unless it was.

>Naming the Hero Link

>The heroes that appear in this chronology are all known as Link. It may have been their true name, but perhaps they were called something different. Some are the same person, but most were Links of their time: either different people entirely or the descendants of their heroic ancestors. Many Princess Zeldas also appear in Hyrule’s history as leaders, but this is because they, too, have taken on the legendary moniker of Zelda.
I do agree, prior to botw/totk, they did try to have games generally follow one and the other and link up in ways, even if they did tend to contradict (and filled with their own retcons of course), with this being the way to explain it.
Botw setting itself 10,000 years after every other game was the painfully obvious indicator that they wanted a break from the prior games. Totk contradicting them at every turn and doing its own thing was just the icing on the cake.
WWslop was in full swing before WW HD, nintenpaypigs didn't cause the bloom, color slider and vaselining - the company was built on smoothing, filtering and implementing industry standards even more incorrectly
If this is satire, good job. If it isn't: also good job in a different way, but maybe step outside for a bit until you can express actual thoughts.
n64fag detected
Yeah, WW introduced that Links/Zeldas aren't literal descendents and the Ganon alttp triforce thing is officially explained by OoT Ganon gameover. (shows nintendo had nothing)
Zeldas are, royal bloodline and all, but Wind Waker Link certainly isn't. He had to fight Gohdan and assamble the triforce of courage to force the gods into acknowledging him.
There's been arguing that Toon Link therefore is the "better" Link because he wasn't chosen by destiny, he had to see shit through on his own terms.
>an easter egg for OG niggas proves my timeline
At the end of the day it's all headcanon.
"Downfall Timeline" is just Aonuma saying "I'm not canonizing this game." At best, it's just a dumping ground for all the 2D throwback games, up to and including the upcoming Echoes of Wisdom.
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>alttp is told in manuals and the back of the box that it's a prequel to the first two games
>links awakening is also told to be a sequel to alttp with the same link, as told in the manual and the fight with nightmare featuring agahnim and ganon forms
>ocarina of time is the origin story of ganon and the sages
>majora's mask straight up tells you in the first 10 seconds that it's the same link from oot looking for navi
>wind waker has the intro in the very first 2 minutes of the game telling you ganon from oot busted out of his cbt imprisonment and link never returning because of time-travel displacement, the koroks being descendents of kokiri, the stained glass windows in the master sword room being oot's sages, etc. etc.
>twilight princess is the same ganondorf from oot before he got up to his bullshit due to time traveling link, the temple of time, etc
>phantom hourglass and spirit tracks are blatant wind waker sequels
>skyward sword is a blatant prequel to the series with hyrule's origins, where the master sword came from and the evil god promising to reincarnate as ganon
>albw is yet another obvious sequel, this time to alttp
>"hurpf durpffff there's no timeline it's all fanfic bullshit"
I have a feeling this sentiment only began with BotW being a soft-reboot but Nintendo insisting it's part of the original story despite there being no way in Hell it would fit anywhere.
you can kinda fit it after zelda 2 even if it is a stretch. i want to say people pretend it doesn't exist because of redditors acting like it's more complicated than it is but most people here are also dumby so
For the scenario to match a Link to the Past's back story, Ganon needs the complete triforce then seven sages need to trap him in the sacred realm. OoT is only close to matching this at the end of the game.
And it fucks up at the last part. "Downfall" was literally made to cover up the plothole of why Ganondorf is still human and only has one Triforce at the end of OoT.
You're still missing the core element of ALttP: The knights of Hyrule having a massive bloody conflict with the demon clan (or Tribe of Evil in ALttP's english translation) in which most of them die, all to protect the seven wise men who are physically there to deal Ganon, rather than being ascended astral beings that, as Saria says, can't exist in the same world as Link anymore.
And that's not to mention that ALttP specifies the King was who commanded the Seven Wise Men to get working. In OoT, Ganondorf killed OoT!Zelda's father off screen when his followers took over Hyrule Castle and Zelda escaped with Impa.
Outside of introducing Ganondorf himself which is only named in ALttP, OoT never fit with ALttP
Part of me feels it should've been against Twinrova seeing how they show up in the Oracles.
>>alttp is told in manuals and the back of the box that it's a prequel to the first two games
Iirc that wasn't the case in the japanese version, where it's treated as its own world with no connection to the first two games.
Aside from direct sequels, back then the timeline fuckery didn't begin until either ocarina or wind waker.
>Tfw when Four Swords Adventures was going to be the imprisoning war mentioned in alttp but then Miyamoto came and forced everyone to remove the already fully written (and possibly already inserted in the game) plot. Causing the whole downfall timeline bullshit that would have been set in the child timeline if not for Miyamoto.
The Famitsu interview with Miyamoto in 1990 for the release of Triforce of the Gods does have the commentary that while Miyamoto does not consider plot important when working on game design, he conceded they couldn't halfass it either and thus it was decided the game would be about the "distant ancestors" of Link and Zelda from Zelda 1.
It also seems like the start of his woes with Koizumi who wrote the whole lore about the three goldes goddesses, the triforce as a divine relic with their essence and the creation of the world which he wasn't keen on but had to once again compromise and accept it as overt Christianity wouldn't fly with NoA
I don't think that's possible when Ganondorf was given (some) backstory in alttp.

This checks out. The problem isn't a timeline, it's that the classic series is no longer canon according to >>11092583 ie: alttp, loz, aol, la, etc. became the alternate universe games to make way for ww/tp.
Tbf, MIyamoto sometimes lies like how he did with the way he said he came up with Pikmin.
I remember reading somewhere that he views the zelda stories the same he does with Mario, as a recurring cast of actors that get thrown in different situations/plays.
So maybe the true vision of the games is like that while Koizumi (not the original creator) views it in the connected timeline way.
>MIyamoto sometimes lies like how he did with the way he said he came up with Pikmin.
>Bro they dumped the idea of a timeline in OoT, as a matter of fact that game exists solely to fuck with timelinefags, same with MM.
No, Miyamoto straight up said in an interview that they tried really hard for the OoT story to connect to previous entries. They did a bad job, but they weren't in "fuck it!" mode as of yet. I think it was post-Wind Waker/Twilight Princess when they completely stopped caring (which makes sense since not only was Miyamoto less involved but so was Koizumi)
I don't get why my post made these dribbling morons seethe so much when >>11101310 clearly proves I'm right. It's not some retroactive deeplore, it's right there in the text. These people aren't just ignorant, they're actively hostile to information the games explicitly present.
BotW fits, but TotK doesn't.
You guys create things that looks like ass and that pic is one of the better ones. Sometimes it looks like a bot made it.
I think the story is the weakest part of Zelda games. It's about 3 characters that always reincarnate in different time periods and always reprise the same roles

The worst part of The Legend of Zelda are Zelda and Ganon, only Link matters
The only Zelda games that have good stories are Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask, who escape the Zelda Link Ganon triangle
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WW is the last game in the series and takes place after AoL because I didn't buy Zelda games after that and don't want to.
>It's often said that Miyamoto got the idea for Pikmin from watching ants in his garden. But in a 2011 Japanese TV interview, he admitted that never actually happened -- the story was just a marketing gimmick
From what you posted Miyamoto pretty much stated that it was actually like Mario with the same characters in different settings with the timeline between games matching being more like the stories could be related but in reality they're not and he doesn't view it that way..
Your life is a joke and your greatest adult achievement is learning to wipe your own ass, assuming you ever even accomplished that.
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Breakfast is ruined.
He's saying that it would be easier if fans didn't care about the setting like Mario and they could just plop Link/Zelda/Ganon wherever, but he's lamenting that fans do care and that he as a developer also cares to not disappoint them since they expect a good story, hence why he says there that they tried to connect Ocarina of Time, even though he admits that they don't always match up.
>He's saying that it would be easier if fans didn't care about the setting like Mario and they could just plop Link/Zelda/Ganon wherever
Well, now they're doing exactly that with Echoes of Wisdom.
nah. if link time travelling back to the past after defeating ganondorf branches into atwo alternate universes,one without link in it (wind waker timeline [WISDOM] and twilight princess timeline [COURAGE]), then his time travelling back into the past BEFORE defeating ganon should also leave a third universe without link where ganon simply gets the whole triforce because there is no one to resist him (aLttP timeline [POWER]). so assuming that link canonically only makes one trip back to the past before defeating ganon this leaves 3 timelines , one for each segment of the triforce or whatever which is what im assuming they were going for with their poorly cobbled togetherv timeline
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backstory on picrel: he's a link from an alternate timeline who got seduced by the dark side of the triforce and became dark link
dm me miyamoto for the rest of the story i can wrap up the downfall timeline
I remember that before Hyrule Historia was a thing i didn't think about the possibility of timelines and just thought that when Link went back to the past at the end of oot he just fucked off somewhere with the rest of oot still happening the same way while he was away and making it a stable loop.
>Zelda II is the Dark Souls II of the Zelda series
So better than the first one then?
Nobody even thought of "timeline branches" until Wind Waker came along to literally make all the games that released before OoT impossible to reconcile with "and then Link destroyed Hyrule" ending.
I didn't think about timeline branches even after wind waker and twilight princess. I simply thought wind waker was after all the others and that the hero didn't appear to fight ganon simply because unlike ganon link isn't inmortal, so there was no hero alive at that time.
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The split timeline theory arose shortly after the release on Wind Waker in various Zelda forums like Zelda Universe back then. A lot of people engaged on massive flame wars over it, some in favor of OoT causing a time split and some against it because "OoT is totally the Imprisioning War" despite this: >>11097608
yes nowadays they don't care, but he was recounting the thought process back during the OoT days when they cared more
Isn't Zelda II a favorite of the Nintendo staff?

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