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Also, comfy Oni tread
I had completely forgotten about this
I remember the marketing blitz and that's about it
Never understood why the game was forgotten. Also is she hot and if so why?
Got this game for my brother's brand new playstation 2 one Christmas. I honestly don't know if he liked it or not.
lol i remember this game
i never played it
it sucks
i was probably playing socom 2 or halo 2
Probably best on PC where fanmade patches could be applied. I remember the marketing emphasized that the stages were designed by a "real architect" and going though the stages I couldn't help but think they're just large open, unpopulated spaces devoid of life (no furniture). I was drinking and only vaguely remember speaking to one of the character artists/designers, her claim to fame was being able to copy famous artists styles.
a solid 5/10 game
This female is attractive.
This game was rushed to shit in order to get Halo out on time. It's a shame because the core gameplay is really fun, but the level design and polish are really lacking. It almost feels like a high quality anime themed mod from the early 2000s for another game.
Definitely a game of its time, capitalizing on when the average Western anime fan was of the "dude they're like edgy cartoons for adults with titties and violence and shit" variety.
I tried the PS2 version first and I thought it fucking sucked. Then I found out the PC version is the original and it plays way better. Just goes to show not every game is suited for a controller.
>also is she hot


>if so why?

She was designed when anime was still being made for cis people
I heard Oni source code was published
So there is no new versions?
>The year's premiere action title
It's 2001. Halo, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid 2?
overrated garbage
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I always thought the portraits had such bad art. It wouldn't feel out of place in a Deviantart gallery made by a 16 year old guy obsessed with anime.
I asked myself why couldn't it look better, like the cover, but now I know that the game cover was done by Jacen Burrows, while most of the in-game art was made by Alex Okita.
Also I wonder if that Acid pool end screen could pass by todays standards.
you didn't played it
One of the times i'm really jealous of other people's stuff is when they show off PC big box games. After college I bounced through like 4 apartments in 2 years and I remeber on like the 3rd move just throwing away 100s of PC games.

Only a few of my favorites did I keep and ripped ISOs of everything else.
Don't throw your games anons! This is why we living in era with no privacy and shity EULA
>dig out physical copies of PC games
>the dogshit DRM prevent them from working on modern hardware
>end up having to crack them anyway
Pisshard difficulty in many levels where there is some insane jump you need to time perfect or encounter that just merks you is why I fondly remember this.
ghost in the shell ripoff
Name 1 good GITS game
yeah i don't understand how it's possible either. all i have with me personally is my 360. everything before it just entered a void called "mom threw it away"
Did Larry bundy crank his fat dick when he drew the lips on?
>I always thought the portraits had such bad art. It wouldn't feel out of place in a Deviantart gallery made by a 16 year old guy obsessed with anime.
Oh yeah, 100%, it was so out of place.
One of the first games on my very first home computer.So nostalgic...
Seem perfect as GameCube exclusive
Still looks better than literally 90% of modern "real" anime
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>Also I wonder if that Acid pool end screen could pass by todays standards.

The box artwork alone would not pass todays standards.

>Jacen Burrows
what? the guy who did Crossed? Seriously?
is there a significant difference between the pc version and the ps2 version?
First game I got with my PS2, no memory card. Good memories also with a feeling of hopelessness. I played the beginning so many times like it was a demo disc. By the time I got a memory card i didn't care to replay the same shit over again maybe it's time to revisit.
Alright. GITS for ps2 not bad too but it’s somehow sad that the GITS universe has all the qualities to be a great game series. How I would like Daus Ex like action game
Play Iria SFC
Good game too but not that I mean
in another universe bungie would never create shitty destiny and we would have multiple oni sequels and other cool anime games
Comfy Ghost in the Shell fanfic game by dirty gaijin nerds
Can this be a general weeb developed retrogame thread?
Shadow Warrior and Oni qualify. Maximo does, albeit to a lesser extent, as it doesn't really have that 90s/00s "westerner watching Bubblegum Crisi and Ninja Scroll, fansubs" vibe
>Shadow Warrior
That's not really a weeb or weeb developed game. It takes after Chinese action and kung fu movies for the most part. I'm not seeing the Japanese element.
It has several anime references. The DFW area was a big hub for anime fandom stuff even back into the 80s.
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The best third person gun/hand-to-hand combat game

the Regional State Building level is a favorite, with how you can get outside and get shot by enemy snipers

>Best way to play picrel?
Anniversary Edition should work
It's funny how Larry Bundy went from aspiring artist to "Top X List" YouTuber. I guess he gave up on his dream.
Shit game, tons of frustrating sequences that you’ll redo a trillion times, only to do some mundane shit like flicking switches. There was a cool level that was meant to be some dream-like surreal shit, but no one in their right mind would play as far.

I agree with the animay manga art being super cringe and low quality, it feels as genuine as Totally Spies or Winx Club or some shit. Even as a kid I picked up on it
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>tons of frustrating sequences that you’ll redo a trillion times
skill issue
>only to do some mundane shit like flicking switches
there's only a few levels where you run from console to console, but they're not switches
>There was a cool level that was meant to be some dream-like surreal shit
in reality it's a really weak level gameplay-wise, it's just: walk a short distance, observe something short and quirky/dreamy, get into a fight with some oddity applied to the enemy, repeat
>but no one in their right mind would play as far
again, skill issue
In the original Shadow Warrior you have a katana and there are half-naked anime girls all over the place.
I dropped it after a couple hours.
>Levels are way too big and empty
>Combat is repetitive and takes too long
>Literally an endless cycle of kicking an enemy onto the ground, waiting for them to stand up, repeat
>Art quality and story are on the level of a 14-year-old's fanfiction
If you really want to scratch that GitS itch just play SAC for the PS2.
>Big empty levels and shity art
But it's fun!
Can we call Daikatana a weeb game too?
>Anniversary Edition should work
Thank you sir
Probably GitSsac will be my next thread
I enjoyed it as a kid but always dropped it on the highwire acid pit part.
>Jacen Burrows
I went with first thing that I saw on the wiki. If you check the art, then organized by artist, the cover art shows up under Jacen Burrows. But now I see that it also shows up under Lorraine Reyes, so I don't know who really takes the credit for drawing the cover.
It is mentioned that Lorraine Reyes built up on the art that was made by Alex Okita, and then Jacen Burrows built on the art of Lorraine Reyes.
At least the Mission Complete art is shown only under Lorraine Reyes, so she drew that famous acid scene.
Lewd taste
The main character is like the dirty old man character from Dragon Ball but buff, and the anime girls doing stuff like bathing will shoot at him if you stare at them too long.
I liked it as a kid, but now I think it's very cringe. Poor level design, ugly Western animay art style, the combat is the best part but objectively very slow compared to something like DMC. Sucks that the multiplayer got cut, but you can still play as the other characters via official cheat codes, which is pretty cool.
Forgot to mention, if you want a badass female MC game from the same era, try Heavy Metal FAKK2. It's on the Quake 3 engine so still runs perfectly on modern PC's and even supports widescreen via a couple console commands.

It's got parkour, dual wielding, melee AND ranged weapons, swords and shields, even a fucking chainsaw sword. I thought it was THE shit back in the day, but it's a licensed game, so it will be memory holed forever.
between this and myth bungie have a (pobably not very profitable) goldmine of untapped franchise revival potential
>memory holed
just say forgotten you massive faggot.
Whoa, I had that EXACT same experience. How funny.
Stfu faggot
Didn’t Guru Larry do some artwork for this game?
Yeah they can make all of those into extraction shooters too
Wish there was more mods for this game.
Fuck you I liked it even if it wasn't so good
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The anime girls had that unique 90s anime fanart drawn by a westerner look to them. The Sailor Moon knockoff actually looks pretty good though.
There's also a full-on Slayers poster in the game, iirc.
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Fuck Red Strikers and their insta grabs
That HUD is sexy
Does this style of game even exist anymore? Something more than just simple third person melee combat.
Warframe? Guns, melee, 3rd person, seems like it ticks all boxes.
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I learned my lesson, I regretted like 10 mins after the trash track came and picked them up. This is more or less what I have left, have a few more games in the attic that I gotta dig out to display. Only original childhood games are Icewind Dale, Nocturne, and Drakan and they only got saved because they are some of my favorite PC games. The rest are thrift shop finds.
>Sailor Moon
Where some Saint Seiya trap?
Nobody cares about Saint Seiya
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Can't believe this game actually predates DMC1 by a few months
If this game get's a remaster what are your hopes and fears?
Everything that happens in modern games
This and SHOGO are my comfy western anime games. They evoke that late 90's, early 2000's wonder I had as a teenager discovering sci-fi/cyberpunk anime for the first time.
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Roshi? He's always been buff, lol
*America doesn't
Cope Saintpaco, the world doesn't care about your homolustful show, male sailor moons crap.
Shows like Yuyu Hakusho are ten times better and more relevant.
How did Bungie go from making nothing but great games to... Destiny
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Have you tried the sequel's prototype?

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