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Homebrew devs are slowly chipping away at a tech demo / poc of GTA running on Dreamcast. Right now just in the very early stages but will be neat to follow how far it gets.
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holy shit
But why? Once you get it running, you'll say "huh thats neat" and then not play it anyway. If you wanted to play gta3 you easily already could
this mindset makes countries poor
why people like gta again? it's barely a game
The opposite really, it's a conversation on people throwing their most precious resource time at inane shit and having nothing worthwhile to show for it. Decompilation projects however have huge value.
I wonder how much shit will be needed to fit the game on a single GD-Rom.
>ADX instead of plain .wav files
>PVR textures
>Softdec for FMVs
for use in forum console war shit
I'm glad zoomers missed out on the progression of video games and their tech. They don't deserve it.
This. I don't understand this at all. And what gets me is that it's often younger people obsessed with hacking things before their own time, which is so odd when these efforts would surely be better put to use in preservation and modding, instead of these novelties that nobody has any reason to play seriously.
Stop licking fecalies off your fingers and tell me why you like this game?
I would play it. I beat Half Life on Dreamcast and Tomb Raider Unfinished Business on Saturn.
I actually don't understand either. I love the *idea* of GTA, of a big open sandbox that takes things like the gang wars of GTA2 and then extends that out into a 3D world where you can do what you want and your actions screwing around with shit naturally influence what's going on, which you try to exploit however and with whatever you can.

Instead the games have oddly almost static worlds where close to nothing you do means jack shit or has lasting impact on anything unless you do a designated mission given by a flashing circle, in which nothing that happens in the mission actually affects anything outside of it, or find a random collectable. It's disappointingly limited and far from what I thought a game like it could or should be, driven by hype.
A boomer (real boomer, not fake internet 30 year old “””boomer”””) is far more likely to have that opinion than a zoomer though.
Have you considered that some people just like coding and do it for fun?
I've developed some stuff for the WonderSwan Colour using 16-bit x86 ASM just because I thought it would be fun.
>I actually don't understand either.
Because you're gay. Whether or not the next-gen sequels were good playing GTA in full 3D was amazing. If you weren't there at the time, it will never make sense to you since every other game is now open world.
It's great for experience too. Anyways, more time is wasted on wondering what other people are doing.
Also this. You're basically practicing a skill that could get you a job, so yeah.
No, this game always sucked
They bought it for retarded children who couldn't get any game, but at least they could drive cars with no reason
That's really cool, I wonder how it will turn out. I've been keeping an eye on what's happening with the Dreamcast scene lately and while it's not huge it's interesting seeing what these guys are throwing at the thing.
>I beat Half Life on Dreamcast
How? I tried playing it off a burnt disc but the saves would corrupt and the game would crash on me. Is there a fix or patch?
>proves he's a zoomer
GTA isn't an RPG or a Shenmue clone, it's a driving game with some tacked on shooting and on-foot gameplay.
You play it for the atmosphere and the exploration / emergent gameplay due to how the missions are designed. You are dumb.
>Because you're gay.
Stop being homophobic.
>it's a driving game
It's not but let's say it's like this so it's fucking bad driving game
>grand theft auto
>not a driving game
good one anon
I only know of the recently hacked version that optimizes wince and takes advantage of gdemu speeds
According to Rockstar «former DMA» GTA III was planned as Sega Dreamcast game, but everybody knows what happened. So they moved its development to PlayStation 2.

I would love to see Gunvalkyrie and Panzer Dragoon Orta too, both were planned as a Dreamcast titles but both got released on Xbox.
Because it's cool? People have been arguing about if GTA3 could run on the Dreamcast for years, now we can settle that argument once and for all.

stop being homophobophobic. he was probably just born that way and it's our responsibility to respect his life style.
Not now
why? just why wasting your life on this shit? you are not solving any problems, you are not making your life better, and no it's not "cool"
it's the gayest the most tranniest shit ever after speedrunning
"It's about the journey, not about the destination."
And i'm sure you learn a thing or two while building this.
seethe on pajeet
There's a ram expansion mod for Dreamcast right? Wonder if this can use that. And it sounds like a stable overclock is as simple as replacing a few resistors and it just werks
It's about sending a message.
>it's the gayest the most tranniest shit ever after speedrunning
I'm almost certain there'd be less trannys if gaming stay just below the popularity it had in the 00s. More nerds would be coding miracles and wonders instead of wasting time and trooning out.
To see if it's possible, to challenge yourself as a dev, to show your love for your favorite console, you aren't white and you wouldn't get it.
exploring the sciences and understanding everything and achieving everything is literally gnostic you fucking faggot. You can call this Dreamcast port pointless yet it will still impact humanity more than you, CUNT
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Why go to the moon why climb that mountain why live
Porting gta3 to dreamcast will be as relevant as your shitpost, that is to say, nobody will remember or care. Smell ya later nerd.
Didn’t know this, any chance you can post or find any info about it? Seen an Xbox 1.4ghz cpu upgrade that looked to smooth out a few games nicely!
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The xbox mod requires some crazy ass skills but luckily the dreamcast mod is pretty simple if you can solder
>purple blurry shit
wow, great "homebrew"
Dumbest post I’ve seen in a while.
I know a place on the edge of the red light district where we can lay low, but my hands are all messed up, so you better drive, brother.
I doubt any esoteric knowledge is hiding in a Dreamcast port of GTA3.
Therein lies the proof
The PS2 game is already ~1GB, possibly because it was meant to fit on a GD-ROM to begin with.
Also, if this project ever finished, who the fuck would be burning it to a GD?
My guess is it will run with a good amount of pop up but will be mostly playable
The game shipped on a CD (blue disk) for the PS2.
Claude arguably has the most impact than any other GTA protag because the entire town turns into a warzone because of him.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong
You might never know.
I'm happy this is actually happening so snoys can just shut the hell up for once.
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It’s progressing.

There’s a lot that the video probably explains.
When I was 14 I liked to turn on the riot mode cheat code and the code that gave every citizen a weapon and it made the city feel much more exciting
The current version is emulating on a dreamcast that has double the ram like this video shows >>11092810
I don't know why, if this can't be played on a regular dreamcast even with downgrades what's the point
Maybe they will target lowering ram usage after getting the game working. If not I'll still take it since there's pretty much nothing to do with the mod as of now
Isn't there a full decompile they could try to work with?
>work in progress
wow, great "point"

Mario 64 on the GBA must really hurt you

Dev kits typically have double the ram of the retail console to help ease development and debugging. Easier to get something running and optimize the memory after the fact.
it could run better than the ps2 one with enough code/compiler dickery, then you have 1 system that runs the gta trilogy
Pretty soon the GameCube will be the only 6th gen console without GTA3.
This port is based on it.
Probably simple curiosity to even see if it's possible based off the game starting development for the Gamecast.
The retail version shipped on a DVD but there's a pirate version out there that was down converted as a bin/cue for CD-R. They had to strip some of the radio stations to make it fit.
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It's an exercise, something you apparently aren't familiar with.
Let people have fun and enjoy things, you miserable fucking leeches.
I had this thought around stuff like porting Simpsons Arcade to Mega Drive. I quickly realized that it's probably mostly just an exercise and practice for aspiring programmers and game designers. By making a port of an existing game they can re-use assets and focus on the technical side of things, while also getting more assistance/ attention die to it being a famous IP.
Makes sense, even if there's little to no reason to actually play it, it would be a great experience/ skill builder for the person or people doing it.
>Mario 64 on the GBA
stop it
seek help
>while also getting more assistance/ attention die to it being a famous IP
Or, you know, get Take-Two shoved up your ass
dreamcast was too weak to runs PS2's killer app. It's not possible
Nintendo, or Take Two, basically gotta stay away from both of these companies IP unfortunately because they are dicks.

If it runs even some modified, optimized, scaled version of it. Neat.

I don’t know why people get upset about what people dedicate some of their time and energy towards. It’s really cool to pick these type of projects up. Every once in a while something breaks through too, becomes successful or makes it far along enough to be playable. I mean, unless you can tell us about what you’re doing on the side that’s super productive please hold onto your critiques
Writing cutting edge homebrew aids preservation. Commercial games often only end up displaying some subset of hardware behaviour in obvious ways (especially for more niche hardware), and the more software exists that tests edge cases and limits, the more possible it is to validate an emulator or gateware reimplementation.
The proof that nothing's esoteric what you're glorifying.
haha cool
*overwrites your only save file*
When is someone going to port Mario 64 to the PS1?
I think it would be more a total rewrite than a port. Also, n64 has potato textures, way too low resolution to be used without filtering.
Someone attempted
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That's not even close
I too would love the see Thunder Force VI ported to Dreamcast.
TechnoSoft went bankrupt before a proper prototype was showcased

Someone was bound to attempt it. Same thing with GTAIII on the Dreamcast. I wonder if they are trying to make a whole new engine that functions like GTAIII's? If only there was a way to get the original windows (x port of GTA3 on WindowsCE and downscale everything. Kinda like Super Runabout is running on WindowsCE. GTAIII would be a lot more taxing.

I always knew it was possible with enough autism.
With this mindset we'd all still be living in caves throwing rocks at each other. Fuck off to some rain forest somewhere
>ported to WiiU
Every single time with these faggots, they port to the system no one fucking bought but when you ask if a Wii port can be made you get autistic mumbling or hoop jumping about how devkitppc is sooooo bad to work with to get out of even looking into making one
It's because the Wii U has an OpenGL 4ish GPU with unified shaders. A lot of these reverse engineering projects lack a fixed-function rendering back-end since they're designed for modern PCs. Ocarina of Time still hasn't been ported to anything interesting like the Dreamcast or the Xbox because Ship of Harkinian has too high system requirements.
Why don't you do it then anon? If you got time to post on imageboards, you got time to learn.
>And what gets me is that it's often younger people obsessed with hacking things before their own time
As a zoomer who grew up watching shit like AVGN and GameTrailers, it's weird as fuck seeing us 6th/7th gen babbies become the "adults" of gaming discourse.
The kid you're responding to has no fucking idea what any of that means.
Holy fucking shit no way
>3 instead of vice city
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Ask not what your console can do for you
Ask what you, can do for your console.
raj, you will never be white. it's time to accept that and move on.
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I don't get why people thought it wouldn't run on Dreamcast. It was an early PS2 game, an era where most devs didn't know jackshit about the PS2 hardware and they pulled out mostly unoptimized stuff. The only reason they didn't port GTA 3 to DC was mostly due to business decisions, not hardware ones.
There were storage reasons and memory reasons and development reasons. It may now seem trivial but GTA 3 was quite the technical accomplishment, the PS2 had more than double the RAM of the Dreamcast and swapping discs in an open world game is an idea that appealed to no-one.
All of these technical hurdles are good reasons why this project is so H*CKIN' cool.
lolwut GTA III can easily fit into a gigabyte
GTA III is a 1042mb game, anon.

At the beggining, it was a planned as a Dreamcast, but... everybody knows Dreamcast fate.
this kind of retard should be shot on sight
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nah its cool to see dreamcast actually getting 3d homebrew games...real games

instead of more low effort neo geo romdumps
Weren't some dev kits emulators?
There's a lot of dummy files
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the .iso is 4.7gb, the whole DVD. This screenshot (>>11095779) is a compressed file too. And by the way, .chd is lossless.
hey anon, what is the disc capacity of an empty DVD?
No, that screenshot (>>11095779) Shows the contents of the compressed file, the size is before compression. Compressed with 7z it's around 990 MB. The compressed size is irrelevant to this discussion, unless the dreamcast somehow magically integrated on the fly decompression.
Hey anon, what's the disc capacity of a GD-ROM?
>unless the dreamcast somehow magically integrated on the fly decompression.
The Dreamcast already has that, is called texture compression.
PVR textures are way more smaller that the ones found in GC and PS2 games.
The old Android port of GTA3 is around 1.5GB depending on the GPU.
>what's the disc capacity of a GD-ROM?
Nobody knows actually. Marketing says about 1GB (no idea if it's 1kB = 1000B or 1024B, and whether or not the CD section is included), and GD-ROM is one of the most stillborn formats ever so no research went to this problem.
An iso file is a copy of the whole disk, which includes those 0s to fill the empty space. For example: Ikaruga's GDI file is 1.2GB but if you convert it to CHD or you unpack said disc image you will have a 26mb for the total game. The same happens with fucking GTA III on PS2.
Play Wii U
Even the dev said the PC data files are 600MB without radio stations. So depending on what sort of compression he's using for textures and sound files then at worst we're looking at some radio stations being cut, just like the pirate CD rip.
>An iso file is a copy of the whole disk
No, that's wrong.
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Texture compression, in the Dreamcast's case, means it takes less RAM, not less storage, i.e. a texture file takes 2MB on disc and 1MB to load into RAM.
On the fly decompression is like modern consoles where it takes less storage, but not less RAM. 1GB in drive, 2GB in RAM.
Look at all of my oddly-shaped ISO files.
You can store textures in compressed form on the disc. All modern consoles support texture compression and they've done so since 6th gen except for PS2. This is different from generic compression which is lossless, unlike texture compression which is lossy.
Ok, before we get more pointless retard-o drivel.
MOST games back in the day used dummy files and/or duplicate data to help with disc seeking - e.g. improve load times and streaming.
The reason now why some retards also do cherry picked screenshots is that a lot of those .iso rips are not full dumps, but instead trimmed down releases (like look at Espgaluda on PS2, with real DVD dump with dummy files being 4.7GB, while the slimmed down version is 300MB iso).

Back on the topic: GTA3 isn't fucking 4.7GB nor 1.3GB if we're counting only game data.
This is correct.
Video games do not have value. They are children's toys. Your precious decompilation projects are completely meaningless. Go outside you filthy NEET.
the cheat codes and rpgs. the real game is getting as many stars as you can and then start the clock on how long you can survive.. a faggot tranny zoomer like you wouldnt understand
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it's the only GTA i haven't tried and im going to play it on my dreamcast if they get it fully working on hardware.
>You can store textures in compressed form on the disc
You can. But making them decompressed and readable is going to be a problem for those CPUs and those RAM capacities.
>and they've done so since 6th gen
Sixth gen not retro. Fook off op.
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. Compressed textures are decompressed by the GPU on the fly. They're stored in compressed form in VRAM.
>real-time hardware texture decompression (S3TC) (6:1 ratio)
>texture compression
And of course
>Vector Quantization is a lossy texture compression. The Dreamcast graphics chip has special hardware to decode it, so you suffer no performance loss for the decoding step when texture data is read by it for drawing. Textures will use less video memory.
>Back on the topic: GTA3 isn't fucking 4.7GB nor 1.3GB if we're counting only game data.
That's kind of my point, there is no image with the dummy files removed. A CHD is not that. GTA 3's audio took a large amount of storage. If there had been a Dreamcast release, it would have had less radio stations or tremendously reduced quality of audio.
Shut the h*ck up, you donut.
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The Dreamcast gets a pass.
Or keep being homophonic, because if you try to be nice to fags because they know more women or you're attracted to one of their friends, you get accused of being gay too. Not worth it
Controller still sucks for it. Otherwise it's not that bad o
It's a white people thing. You wouldn't get it.
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Great! Is the purple hue because of non-map objects being unlit at the moment? It's unrelated, but I also always wondered about the "blue" hue that you could see when you fell through the map, I'm guessing it's due to a slight blue tinge accumulating and summing over and over when there's nothing to actually render.
this actually looks somewhat like a n64 dark fantasy game

going to the moon and climbing a mountain are actually cool accomplishments

playing shitty openslop on even worse hardware is neither cool, nor an accomplishment.
I think it might be a texture format issue.
Why do you care about how one chooses to spend their time? Nobody is forcing you to work on this. If someone wants to waste their time on something like this, it's their problem, not yours. Why do you get all riled up about it? Are you niggardly?
It shows you didn't played the PSP ones
Or GTA 3 on PS2, for that matter
>can't run on unmodified dreamcast hardware
So what compromises are going to need to be made to get this running on an actual, stock Dreamcast?
I imagine the work involved is going to be fucking immense.
Mostly just texture compression and reduction of background props and peds.
Maybe adding extra loading zones to cope with the above if we want it more accurate to PS2 version. Also probably cutting out some extra processing effects like motion blur, DoF or similar stuff.
Rest is retrofitting controls into DC controller, since it lacks extra shoulder buttons, R stick and L/R clicks. Some of it is easy to just move to the d-pad, but sometimes it will be awkward and sometimes you still won't have enough buttons.
Just wait until you learn how devkits work
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Get hyped!

Talking about relaying the beeper messages to the VMU and what other purposes it could serve. Might end up being a quite a few neat mods to this specific version.

I have no idea why this upsets the one guy, but I appreciate you keeping our thread alive in the meantime. I’ll post all the progress I can when I come across it while this is alive.
Was the original GTA ever ported to the DC?
No but it had been in development for it. The devs looking at it now concede as well the same sacrifices that will be required as what would have had to been in any original development release like different models, some radio station edits but the energy in the chat right now seems to be generally positive on it. And it’s neat seeing the considerations into reworking models and textures as well as new enhancements like customizing vmu stuff.

The maintained community sdk seems to be pretty powerful. Stuff like this makes you wish we had longer console gen lifespans
Does this already use compressed textures?
They need to be reworked into a different format completely I think.

Basically they are in the process of also replacing the PC models with the PS2 ones which seem to have less vertices and triangles so will improve performance as well.

It’s catching fire. Ppl are already contributing ideas and artwork like vmu icons and stuff. Get involved if you can lend any hand
Pic fail
I'm just wondering how much of a disadvantage Dreamcast really has because of its smaller RAM. According to https://dcemulation.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=103369 the compression ratio is about 1:8 so depending on how much RAM is used for textures it might actually not be that bad or even better.
Also that's assuming on PS2 textures don't actually fit into VRAM and are swapped in and out of main RAM. If that's not the case I guess texture compression wouldn't actually help much.
Join the discord if you got helpful comments - I think it’ll be on the git link, I don’t want to post or break rules
Anyone have ideas on optimizing the animations? animations take up the most space, even more than models, the streaming interface reads entire file to memory and preallocates max file size

Other than reusing animations where can, is there ways to reduce the movement in a walk cycle or take frame out? I’m not sure
oh man that's lovely

happened to be alive and a raging dreamcastboo at the time GTA3 released, I remember
>searching the internet for news on GTA3 for DC
>coming across a GTA3 fan port news in some sites
crazy how everything comes around
>Vice City instead of vice city stories

Double yawn!
Youre telling me no one's ever analyized the GD-ROM file system?
Yeah it's possible, it would take someone making a tool that reads the model files and animation files proprietary format. It would need to be a robust tool in order to edit single frames of model animation, but I suppose you could just use hex to do that as well. Seeing since its going to be needed for tons of animations, a tool seems appropriate. The other ordeal would be making sure other parts of the code know you took out animation frames. Say the game is looking for a specific file size for the animation, but you changed the file size by tinkering, so now the game does things that nobody wants, like crashes. Or perhaps all human animations have a hard coded cycle number. Just the little things.
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Did someone say controls?
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They managed to get it running on 16mb ram but it runs out of memory

But they managed to get in game on that which is a neat triumph alone. Exploring other ideas in cutting it down.
This is epic
No, that's Rockstar
No, that's DMA Design.
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I played the GTA games for the first time just a few years ago and thought the maps and worlds felt alive and amazing compared to unreal engine 5 slop
Passionless anons
This is a PS2 game you don't need shaders kek
This is sick, iirc it was supposed to come out on Dreamcast originally back in the day. I think MGS2 was supposed to be a Dreamcast game as well, at least if the magazines I was reading weren't bullshit. Im always down for more Dreamcast ports.
The guy who built the Dreamcast homebrew demo of a mgs2 level is on this project now too
How capable is the DC with vertex shading textures ala N64? I had the idea last night of saving on VRAM by vertex shading a lot of the concrete textures since it's an urban environment full of them and grayscale will take less memory than color shades.
It is the ram not vram so much. But I’ll put that out there,
GTA 3 already makes heavy use of vertex shading via baked lighting.
>The guy who built the Dreamcast homebrew demo of a mgs2 level is on this project now too
does this mean this wont be released to the public? that guy hasn't released dick all.
He is helping, his stuff was poc not full games but this will be
>I played the GTA games for the first time just a few years ago and thought the maps and worlds felt alive and amazing compared to unreal engine 5 slop

I think it has been some engine licensing issues that caused the GTA III remasters to use UE4. Even before the UE5 remasters, Rockstar swapped the original PC versions of Steam with ports that were using mobile wrappers. Those versions had removed audio tracks.

It is neat to see GTA3 go this far o the DC. Are the devs just rebuilding the renderware engine for the DC? The assets are pulled from the PC version. There have been a few Renderware engines on the DC, like Trickstyle, Stunt GP, and Dave Mirra Freestyle? I would imagine that Rockstar had a license for Renderware and were going to use it for the DC game. But the PS2 probably seemed a lot more preferable for Renderware. Trickstyle was a NA launch game. Also, one of the first renderware releases:

pretty awesome, I think the og xbox is really unnecessary anyway since most games have good performance or there are newer versions. I'd like it if ps1, saturn and n64 could be expanded to 8 mb or more.
The ps2 models have successfully been brought in I think
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>I'd like it if ps1, saturn and n64 could be expanded to 8 mb or more.

That's what the N64 RAM PAK did. It adds an additional 4MB of memory to the system.
Sounds like something monkeys play to get treats in a lab. Suits you well.
On real hw

For something that is being made on non official Dreamcast development tools, in the span of a short period of time. This looks pretty good. The fact that they already have it running at all, is a milestone. It looks like a lot of optimisation and sorting out the way polygons render.
>On real hw
>https://youtu.be/W0Ebbf-6VlE?si=mCw8WExnzrJX8SXv [Embed]

I have to say: some of the best retro gaming news in a while. It is awesome to see an attempt at a GTAIII port for the Dreamcast. The GTAIII that was initially planned for the Dreamcast hardware would have been a different version of GTAIII, I would imagine. It seems like moving development to the PS2, they may have made lots of redesigns and changes. I think the Dreamcast could do a somewhat downscaled version.
Huge waste of yime


GTA3 is an overrated, boring and ugly game
Performance looks worse than the earlier builds. Is that because it's real hardware or is that the price for the improved visuals?
Previous builds were made for RAM-expanded Dreamcasts. The current build is running on the stock 16 MB of RAM.
It looks like absolute shit though. All this work for an useless, piece of shit that serves no practical function.
But what specifically causes this regression? Are they constantly streaming from CD? Compressed assets?
Emulated footage was running with OC'd CPU
It had a password system...
I see, makes sense.
I think you have to go lower poly, the ps2 was fast at pushing polygons
oh boy, an inferior version of a game I already don't want to play
the game doesn't even push as much polygons as shenmue(game with no mipmaps) or sonic adventure
but it has more shit going on in the logic side
are you the dev?
>the game doesn't even push as much polygons as shenmue(game with no mipmaps) or sonic adventure

Because Shenmue II and Sonic Adventure 2 were both technically better games than their first entries. Sonic Adventure 2 was less bugs. In game models and cinematic models improved a lot. Textures were on par with the first game. Shenmue II also showed off some large environments on the DC.
Great contribution, homosexual.
No put it pushes them out much, much faster due to the city having cars and people around and the environments were much more complex. Shenmue has loading screens everywhere, as well.
It's time to settle this...
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I'm whiter than this whole thread combined
The last time I heard about re3, the devs had decided to oppose Take-Two in court. Has there been any new news on that front lately?
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my Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 is laughing at this pathetic Japanese crap box
I approve this hand.

that's a true and honest european kid

The polygon culling seems really messed up. Like, things really far below the player are visible, while the road under the car has severe pop-in/ pop-out.
Settled out of court in early 2023.
Bet it would feel real soft against my dick.
Yeah they’re still trying to reduce memory and strip the models down to as bare as possible. For what it’s worth, the dev channel is incredibly positive thinking a playable frame rate will be possible after some of the latest developments
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If push comes to shove they can limit the graphical ambition to the beta version's
I don't think it's the taxing part. Locking it into top-down view would be more beneficial.
Its a little annoying that guy doesn't release anything but the stuff he makes are literally just single screen tech demos, really nothing to play.
These types are always “the information is there” which it kinda is, but you need to have genius levels intelligence to do anything with it from scratch, and most of us learn a lot better from getting hands on and looks at the inner workings.

If you pressed him in a channel I bet he’d share it, but maybe there’s issues with it being copyrighted works for the art and stuff that they don’t bother for legal
That actually looks better than the final game.
Looks too clean to be Liberty City. Making the environment grittier really added to the atmosphere
Any updates?
Not from what I can tell
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>all these WHY BOTHER??? posts
so why bother restoring cut/beta content to games either?
Patience, son. These things take time
Why do anything?
it's over
GTA has a different audience than most Nintendo franchises. Tendies clap and cheer when similar projects happen to their games, because they're passionate (if autistic) about vidya and curious about their different forms and platforms. Can't expect the same from ultranormalfags that play GTA.
Probably. That's what makes NYC the best place for this game, the level of detail they added made it more fun than anything else.

Always wanted to see them make one somewhere else or a larger map that goes off into random states around New York, similar to how they put desert areas in the others. West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont would be awesome to see in extra DLCs but they're lazy now so probably won't happen
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Old vid, colors are being worked on, textures repacked -
Nerds like wasting their time on inane shit.
This is cool, but I'd prefer to see someone attempt to port the GTA games to GameCube.
You could enter cheats to skip to specific chapters, sure, but that's no proper replacement for playing normally and keeping your health, weapons and ammo.
That would be really cool. But due to a severe illness known as “I’m gay” I can only program the Dreamcast. I’m sorry.
>Mario 64 on the GBA must really hurt you
No, because that's at least a handheld. It gives you a portable version of the game. Putting GTA3 on the dreamcast gives you the exact same experience that already exists.

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