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This game was more fun than half life.
It wasn't made to compete with half life.
It was a decent FPS in an alien setting.
And that's enough, and that's good.
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I like the first one more.
But they have a very similar gamplay too it, in between boomer shooter fast paced action and the more slow CoD style fps of the later generations.

Damn i want more games on this style.
Still the best Aliens-themed FPS. The expansion sucked ass though.
Half life is incredibly overrated. The game is fun because it was made by monolith. Avp, nolf, blood, tron, fear, condemned, the list goes on...
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this game is pretty good

I have it installed right now

I think I got it from that magipacks website
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Where can i find some good custom levels for this game?
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>Half life

Why not mix the two?

3/4's of the Marine campaign were kino, then shit the bed towards the end. Predator campaign sucked. Alien campaign was marginally better.

AVP 1999 was far superior.
I actually liked the Predator campaign a lot. At least the first half when you're in the alien jungle.
Maybe honestly. Played Half Life recently and it was fun, but its not an even experience and Xen is a mess at the end.
AVP2 is also a mess, frankly, but it might have higher highs and the lows might not be as bad.
It's the best of the FPS AvP games, though I have to admit the Sega published one (last one to come out) is underrated. People hated that marines could block against melee attacks from Preds and Aliens but fuck you it made for kino gameplay.
I remember the /v/ threads at the time, when anons were playing online and going HISSSSSS at each other.
I played 1, 2 and Colional Marines but only as the Marines, I never gave a fuck about the rest
First one has superior gameplay for the alien but a convoluted story. AvP2’s story—and uncovering it through playing the game—is what makes it truly great. I like how they litter the story through pda’s and compute terminals, though you don’t have to read them.
>the expansion
Was a big letdown. I liked the corpo story, which filled in some (not all) of the loose ends from the base game, but the Predator campaign was just ok. Predalien was ass, hated that.
I hate that one because it’s so scripted and on-rails so often.
It made it easier to play Predator as he's portrayed in the first movie, hopping across tree branches. In the first AvP game Pred plays like you're the Terminator or something, just walking down corridoors blasting everything, in the second one it can be tricky to platform across tree branches and because the branches need to be normally walkable surfaces (instead of a script sticking you to them) they look ugly.
>Predator campaign sucked

Juat admit you played it like the marine campaign and died all the time, anon.
>boomer shooter
You're too young to post here.
funny how both had a big custom map scene, but I guess goldSrc was just more flexible in the long run
That's why he likes '99, Predator was just a tank version of the Marine in that one.
That’s the first few Predator levels of AvP2: you’re cloaked, jumping between trees, and picking off WY corpos just like in the movie. It’s really well done and not like AvP at all, which >>11096253 is right about. The 2010 Sega AvP does that unfortunate thing games began doing around that time, where they look great but are weak on actual gameplay. I just hate stupid scripted events and rail-shooting in fps game, they ruin them. If it was done right, I’d play a tile-mapped AvP rpg and be enthralled.
It was cool how all the stories intertwined without reusing entire levels like the sequel did.
I think reusing different levels from differing character perspectives was a pretty creative way to tell the story.
>First one has superior gameplay for the alien but a convoluted story. AvP2’s story—and uncovering it through playing the game—is what makes it truly great.

>playing an aliens and/or predator video game for the story and not for the cool aliens killing people and/or each other in gory and cool ways that we thought was bad ass as kids
Is there some hidden grenade launcher or do you really only have it for 2 missions?
Also the Predator campaign was cool as fuck, though it had a few problems, like the AI being bad and marines only using EMPs once or twice.
fuck the face hugger
Nah, I was more into playing as the marine and wasting aliens in gory and cool ways that I thought were badass as a kid.
I remember collecting a surprisingly large variety of grenades that I never used 'cuz I always stuck to the guns from the movies.
None of you normies would know, but you can't mention AvP2 without mentioning THE BEST multiplayer mod, which overhauls the whole gameplay and even adds new abilites to each species, called AJL MOD R2.

Seriously, it's one of the best mods ever created for a game, because it adds 200% more enjoyment to AvP2's multiplayer.

Such a shame, it isn't active anymore...

I stared playing the expansion yerterday, and good lord what the fuck were they thinking on the last part of the third corporate level, that shit is just bad.

Is there any way to jump that machine gun part?
Its the last stretch man
>direction brain toddler can't make a thread without calling something worse
go the FUCK back to your shithole and STAY

But its literally broken, the aliens just start to get invisible at one point.
never saw this before but i loved avp2 in its heyday
Disagreed, I found the descent into Engineer ruins while you're finally geared up in your Exosuit to be kino, especially with Tomiko whispering what little info they got about the ruins to you. The final moments with the dropship airstrike were amazing, even if to this day I'm not sure what was going on with "Operation Savior".
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The exosuit was pure kino, its a shame its too short, plus they go and take away your exo0suit when you are about to fight the alien queen, retarded decision.
Nah, Alien Isolation was better, and this is coming from someone who's an AVP fan.
No, the Predator campaign sucked. Saying it was "good" because the first level is you running around a """jungle""" is a cope. AVP3's predator campaign was significantly better than AVP2's campaign, and they had an emphasis on stealth far more than even AVP2's predator campaign, but the thing they did in it was gave the predator a shit ton of versatility where he can easily overpower singular enemies.

You can only run around tanking all the enemies as the predator in AVP1 if you play on the easiest difficulty. The point of the predator is that they're tougher than the humans, but lack as many long-range weapons, so you have to get in closer. AVP2's predator campaign sucked because half the game had you hiding from gay ass turrets that made the predator feel like a wet pussy, and also, the human enemies lacked the same dynamic feeling as AVP1 (AVP1 human enemies would spray surrounding areas, get terrified and run away, drop their weapons out of fear, none of which was in AVP2), and the level design for the vast majority of the campaign was a bunch of linear cramped corridors, while killing a bunch of boring android enemies that simply either stood there akin to sentry bots, or ran right up to you and blasted you, just like humans.

Just admit you only liked the Alien campaign and pretended the Predator campaign wasn't shit to cope with the fact that the game was shit in most other aspects.
Kid down the hall in college had this on his PC. I used to play it all the time.
Alien Isolation wasn’t a FPS
Twas a first person walker
This was one of the first games where I said I'd play the hardest difficulty just to try it out when I was younger. I still have nightmares from the Marine campaign.
Still a great game. I never got into MP matches because I had a weak, old PC and no decent connection, so I should try that the next time I install it.
The levels are a little too long for me to be playing on hardest.
Those snipers in the Predator campaign are way too quick to react, and they're always at the end too...
Still, I always limited myself to 1 quicksave per mission to not trivialize the game.
Any good server recommendations?
>nightmares from the marine campaign
Same here bro. I made sure not to play that in the dark when I was younger. They nailed the atmosphere and feel of the films in that campaign.
The snipers are androids, they’re supposed to be too fast.
It was first person, and you shot stuff.
Half-Life IS more fun ;)
That's like calling RE4 a third person shooter.
It is?
It's a survival horror game. Although the shooting is done really well, you'll notice the game doesn't let you move while aiming and there are hardly any enemies with guns. This was deliberate to keep the game horror, scary, instead of an action game. Compare that to a game like Max Payne where you have many movement options you're always in shootouts.

I agree, but the >>11105753 is a little weird, RE4 is like one of the quintesential over the shoulder third person shooters.
Are you genuinely retarded? How is a game where you're gunning down hoards of enemies and suplexing them for droppable loot and ammo a fucking SURVIVAL horror you mouth breather, the only resemblence RE4 had with the previous actual survival horror RE games is the tank movement and that's about it. as it stands it's a text book definition of an action shooter slop you don't have to pretend it's anything more than that.
if that was true then why did it redefine the RE games, which are THE definition of Survival Horror? I think you're the mouth breather.
You're very stupid, as expected from a RE4 slop eater
Valve in general is terribly overrated.
Half Life - yeah why not but everything else they have ever released afterwards has been popular only because of some former Soviet/Eastern Block countries. Valve is actually a horrible company.
To an extent I almost agree but the predator campaign I always felt was lackluster somehow so eh I think HL still beats it
Avp2 is pure kino.
Play the game as a xeno.
Play as predator.
Play as human.

Then use cheats to play as a xeno in the predator campaign etc.

Why hasn't this been brought to steam exactly when the 1st game has?

Based NS poster.

Also I just discovered another mod that mixes the two in another thread. It's singleplayer only though.

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