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>DualShock comes out in 1997 with two proper sticks
>the same year, Nintendo R&D1 begins working on Sin and Punishment; a game designed to use the stick with the right hand
>also the same year, GoldenEye comes out on the N64 with a dual analog control scheme
>Before a design for the Xbox controller is even settled on, Halo's meteoric hype train makes clear the importance of a second stick
>the C-stick was a bad idea in 1997, even worse when revealed in 2001, and definitely an existential flaw by March 2001
>there is still time to fix the GameCube controller...
>instead of replacing the C-nipple, Nintendo makes the controller WORSE by shrinking the B button so you can't press it and Y simultaneously
Very bold.
even worse when revealed in 2000*
Yet it's still one of the most ergonomically satisfying controllers to use, explain that shitposter?
They always knew that playing shooters with sticks was a bad meme.
I disagree because the d-pad is awful
>one of the most ergonomically satisfying controllers to use
>Shitty dpad
>Tiny and small zone C-Stick
>Misses left bumper
>Right bumper is a tiny purple botton
>4 bottons layout Play-Doh style

Yeah, dude, whatever you say.
Using this to play Viewtiful Joe feels way more natural than any other controller. That goes for basically any other game made for the console. Can you imagine trying to play Smash Bros or Monkey Ball with anything else? Unthinkable.
I've never owned GC and only touched one on a demo stand once. I recently got into emulating GC, and I was shocked to learn just how awkward the controller was.
Now, that big A button actually has some merit—any game that requires holding A allows button combos like A+Y to be done easily. But imagine something like Tekken on it—it simply makes no sense.
And then… there's the absolute retardation that is the Z button. This reminded me of the Mode button on Genesis. A.k.a. shit that no one knew what it was for. Apparently, the best thing they learned from N64 was that Select button was bad and 3 shoulder buttons was the future.
The C-stick? There's not much to say here. I mean, Nintendo went from being ahead of the controller game in 1996-2001, to falling behind hard. How you can fuck up that badly is beyond me. And before you tell me "uh ackshually they won", take a look at Wii classic controller or Switch. Uh-huh.
Don't get me wrong though. When games were MADE for this controller, they worked fine. It's not like Metroid Prime or WW feel awkward on it. But overall, it's just a terrible concept of a controller. Nevertheless, people will still try to prove that when Nintendo does something bad it's actually good.
why do smash players break their hands using it then.
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>Using this to play Viewtiful Joe feels way more natural than any other controller.
Fucking wrong, I actually bought a Hori because playing a 2D action game with an analog is the worst thing ever and the cube's d-pad is hot garbage.
Even at the time I felt like the second stick mattered most for shooters, which I wasn't expecting much out of from Nintendo anyway.
Around then I was playing Unreal Tournament on pc so unless you were playing multiplayer Halo locally with friends I didn't see the point of playing console shooters.
How small are your hands?
Halo was announced for the iMac anon
The c-stick is fine; the most autistic community on earth has focus tested it, and my 200cm big ape hands don't have trouble with it, or the general shape/size of the controller. Quit negrogripping it and your hands won't hurt
As has already been alluded to, the complete absence of a functional D-Pad is an even bigger sin, combined with analog triggers which only felt good/had a purpose in like 3 games.
Great contribution to the thread
This poster is 5'3"
gamecube controller came so close to greatness which is why it's so polarizing
also you are completely fucking wrong OP the c stick is fine, the main issues are the shitty d-pad and only having one bumper
the face button layout is a little questionable but I once you get used to it works quite well
by far the most comfortable controler to hold of its Gen, and probably the best controler Nintendo has put out
>only having one bumper
Stuff like this is what makes Nintendo shit in my eyes. There are so many places throughout their product catalog where you can tell a better idea was discussed but Nintendo chose the worse because "it's too advanced for kids" or "only americans like stupid stuff like that."
...or "I'm going to murder the person who came up with that idea then take credit for a shittier iteration of it."
NTA but I'm 6'2" and have big hands, but the gamecube controller is the best feeling controller I own, and I own a very large collection of controllers. I'm very close to owning every controller and a way to connect it to my PC for emulation.

The gamecube controller doesn't work for any other console and I'll usually play multiplats on PS2 or Xbox if it makes heavy use of the right analog stick. But for gamecube games specifically, it feels so comfortable and I love playing gamecube games for that reason. Its probably my favourite console, and I'm not a console warring faggot like 90% of this board so I have no biases beyond what I actually like. I regularly play on many different platforms, but there's just something special about that controller and the games that were made with it in mind.

Its the same with the N64 controller, while definitely not the most comfortable controller, most of the complaints come from thinking about it as if it were for different consoles. But N64 games on an N64 controller is a unique experience that you can't find anywhere else. Nintendo are good at that. N64, GC, Wii and DS are all unique because of their controllers, they all have caveats that make them not ideal for multiplats, and its probably ultimately a good thing that they've adopted a more standard control scheme for the Switch. But nothing else plays like the consoles I mentioned. Its what the zoomers call SOVL.
I have timesplitters 1 and 3 for my ps2
I have timesplitters 2 for the gamecube
Fuck that yellow stick and shitty trigger buttons and really the whole fucking controller ... works fine for xmen legends
They were thinking "this is a kid's console and the controller will reflect that"
nintendo was thingken "what animal do i sacrifice after my dmt trip to design the worst controllers ever for all my consoles"
It's basically a compromise between the C-buttons and an analog. quick enough to be usable as a method of cycling things like the C-button, just usable enough for slow camera movements.
It's a very nintendo thing, designing it so it's useful in games they publish but not 3rd party ones. It sucks for the sort of camera movements most other companies would want a right analog for.
The D-pad is the real crime, it feels vestigial and useless even as a selection tool. Like an atrophied limb, a lingering remnant of evolution.
I'm 5'11 so by online standards a manlet yeah it's got a shitty d-pad nobody disputes that but the controller itself fits in to your hands like a glove, so yes it's ergonomic in design.
>Monkey Ball
That was an arcade port you fucking retard
Nintendo not allowing playing Smash with the dpad (aside from brawl) is probably what let them not taking care of the dpad.

Even the Wii and post model 1 NDS dpas are just servicable at best, and then of course they fucked up everything with the Switch shitty overpriced Controller that costs more then a fucking game.
The face button layout is the hill I will die on. One primary button, one secondary button, and two utility buttons just encourages well designed control schemes.
C stick is perfect for 3rd person camera movement. Using a controller for a 1st person game fucking sucks anyway. Mouse is infinitely better.
>you can't press B and Y simultaneously
every control scheme will have buttons you can't easily press simultaneously with one finger. The gamecube layout means you *always* have access to the A button, though.
The gamecube controllers only flaw is that it didn't work well for first person shooters. The gamecube controller is optimized for Melee and Mario Sunshine. Unfortunately, fps was the premier exploding genre of the 2000's, the industry standardized around the dualshock template, and so games became designed around that controller sceme.
Never had a problem with the C-nipple.
>2D action games with an analogue stick is the worst thing ever
Zoomer who has never played in an arcade before detected
Larper who thinks an Arcade joystick is analogue.
>Its the same with the N64 controller, while definitely not the most comfortable controller, most of the complaints come from thinking about it as if it were for different consoles. But N64 games on an N64 controller is a unique experience that you can't find anywhere else. Nintendo are good at that.
Bigger brain take. It's exactly like this, there is not an universal "best controller". People argue just for the sake of it.
They play with boxx and frame1 because GameCube controller caused them arthritis
you move the analogue stick using only your thumb while you move an arcade stick using your whole hand/wrist/arm.
also they are two different thing retardo-kun.
>GameCubeposters are short, have tiny hands, and are just outright adorable.
I'm not sure if you want to be making this argument, some might think you're being positive about the GameCube.
that's bullshit (but I am 5'3) the GameCube controller is legit bigger then the ps2 controller, go hold one.
does this have a longer cord?
>there's just something special about that controller and the games that were made with it in mind.
Ok but what about multi-platform games?
>but there's just something special about that controller and the games that were made with it in mind.
you could say the same about PS2 and games like MGS2 and 3 with the pressure sensitive control which i really miss when playing the master collection,it was so fun to master the original PS2 control.
Yeah, a huge part of the fun of playing with a different console is that the controller really impacts the experience. Its a huge part of how a game feels.

I already mentioned that in the comment you replied to. It honestly depends on the game and what feels right for that game. But as I said before, I will usually play multiplat games on either PS2 or Xbox because the Gamecube controller requires that games were made with it in mind. But there are certain multiplats I will play on Gamecube, Beyond Good and Evil for example just feels like a Gamecube game to me, mostly because its basically a Zelda clone. But even though RE4 was released on GC first as an exclusive. Resident Evil is a PlayStation game to me, I even play the latest RE games with a PlayStation controller even though I play them on PC. It just feels right that way. I even use button icon mods to complete the experience.

I totally agree, I use a DS3 with PCSX2 for that very reason. Not many games really utilised that functionality which is a shame, but for the few that did, its an integral part of the experience. It really sucks that official DS3 controllers are so hard to come by these days.
I have large hands and the Gamecube Controller is my favorite.
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>every control scheme will have buttons you can't easily press simultaneously with one finger
Mate, on the prototype controller you COULD press B and Y simultaneously. There is no reason for B to be the sole button that can only be paired with one other button; A, X and Y can all be paired with each other, but B can only be paired with A.
>Arcade sticks are the same as analogue sticks
Now who's the fucking zoomer
>NTA but I'm 6'2" and have big hands, but the gamecube controller is the best feeling controller I own,
Okay, well, I'm 6'3 and have big hands, and I find the GC controller unacceptably small. Anecdote neutralized.
Not really, because why do you need a big controller just because you have big hands? Can you only play Neo Geo?
Also I said that I have big hands and find the controller comfortable because the anon I replied to said the only reason you could find the controller comfortable is because you're a manlet. So my anecdote wasn't neutralised even slightly.
I never understood the hatred the c stick gets. I mean it's not optimal but it's also far from being terrible. Also, I'm convinced that anyone who finds the controller too small is a lard bucket with blubber hands.
no the grip and shape feels great in your hands but everything else is shit.
>t. lard boy
Literally like 3 relevant players use leverless controllers and the entire top 10 right now is on GCC. Try not having godawful grip and your hands will be fine for at least 15 years, as they have shown
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Game Cube's controller suffered from the same as the N64's... it's a neat controller with superb ideas that were worth a shot... but ultimately did some things badly or just way too weird and not very convenient for players and/or developers. I mean, the lack of "Select", a 2nd bumper and a properly sized D-Pad and 2nd stick are just... bad. Nintendo fans hype it too much, it's good, but flawed.

If they had just taken the N64's controller and gave it a more traditional shape, then it'd have been perfect, having both a SEGA 6-button style and a Nintendo diamond at the same time is fun.
It may just be an evolution from the lessons learned from the N64 controller, not only in reducing materials in production, but streamlining. Such as 2 handle prongs instead of 3, or simplifying the 4 C-buttons to an easy to understand stick. I always thought the concept was to reduce the complexity of the ever increasing button count to cater for both younger and elder audiences. A primary button with bean-shaped auxiliary buttons that can be pressed in tandem with the primary button for combinations with a smaller secondary button. With the focus of N64 games primarily praising the analog stick and Z-button, they had to make the analog stick as the primary control on the left and kept a vestigial Z-button after all the praise for z-targeting. Maybe they learned some lessons with their partnership to Hori, reducing the height of the nub, for a more satisfying feel.
I think the idea was that z would be select but in a more accessible spot and for better or for worse the second bumper was put under the analog triggers. That click at the end of travel is an actual physical button, but yes an actual real second bumper would be nice. I really do wish that the modern controller layout was an evolution of the GCN controller instead of what we have now. Either that or a six button if we are going to be all "muh fighters" about it.
feels good in the hands grip wise but
>shitty c nipple
>piss poor excuse for a dpad
>terrible face button layout
>one shoulder button
>no select button
I fucking hate people who defend this thing
The c nipple isn't the best but is perfectly serviceable, quit blowing things out of proportion; the face button layout is the most ergonomic one to date; the z button is your select.

I'll grant you the other two.
the face button layout is awful there is a reason that they never used it again. the snes layout works and shouldnt have been fucked with, its why sony and microsoft use the same layout.
>there is a reason that they never used it again
The masses are plebs.
>The c nipple isn't the best but is perfectly serviceable
James Bond was unplayable on Gamecube
TimeSplitters was perfectly playable on GameCube.
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>I really do wish that the modern controller layout was an evolution of the GCN controller instead of what we have now.
Fair enough... buy why? I personally think we've more or less achieved perfection by now.
and the masses love the gamecube.
Do you know what ergonomics means?
>that z button
Didn't think someone could mess it up more than nintendo but there you go.
NTA, but the answer is because there's actually no such thing as perfection and the standardisation of game controllers only serves to make everything more generic.
>the standardization of hammer just made nailing things more generic.
You know there are multiple types of hammers for different jobs right? Because having different types of hammers means you can do different things with them that you can't do with other hammers. Much like how having different controller configurations means you can make different games that you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
in that case the best controller was dualshock 2 and 3 because of the pressure sensitive face button that allows for such immersive experience as MGS2 and 3.
You might have a case if more than 5 games ever used it.
How did you miss my point completely? Its like saying a sledgehammer is the best hammer because you can bring down walls with it. My point was that you need different controllers to get different types of experiences playing games. In the same way you need different tools for different jobs. It isn't objective, there isn't one perfect controller because there isn't one perfect game. The control scheme dictates what the game can be to a huge extent. Aside from hardware capability, it is the most important factor for what a game can be and what it can do.
>Nintendo babies will honestly say this
I’m 7’9” and I have even bigger hands and I think the GameCube controller is the best ever bro. So the anecdote stands.
The GameCube controller is similar in ways to the Horipad for the N64.
Why is no select button such a big deal?
Now maybe, but certainly not when it was new
because it's one less button which matters when playing these increasingly more complex games. It's why no zl or clickable sticks was shit too. Just fewer buttons -> less options for no reason and it really showed up on some 3rd party games/multiplat
Select shows you the scoreboard in Halo and also changes your FOV in a bunch of games
Clickable sticks were a shit idea and need to go the way of the keypad.
How do you propose I crouch jump in Halo
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the keypad is one of the most useful things ever created and though clickable sticks fall way short of that they still provide some value
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I propose the developers come up with a control scheme that doesn't involve using the worst thing to ever happen to controllers.

Brain Damage: The Post
Okay, so how would I crouch jump in Halo? I need both thumbs on the sticks to control my movement and aim, so I can't take my thumbs off those to crouch jump.
I propose the developers come up with a control scheme that doesn't involve using the worst thing to ever happen to controllers. Alternatively Microsoft could have made a controller with two extra proper buttons in place of the worst thing to ever happen to controllers.
>two extra proper buttons
But bumper jumper is the superior Halo control scheme
I always set up L bumper to jump in console FPS now its the only way to play
Nah that's R bumper. L is a modifier to have weapon selection on the face buttons.
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I get that... though things becoming more standard was ultimately inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing, it definitely makes things easier if you're a developer and want to release something on multiple platforms. I often wish the SEGA 6-button style had prevailed, in the same way many wish the Game Cube style did, but I get why the diamond ultimately won it out.

In the end my use of the word "perfection" might be exaggerated, I'll admit, but I can't help but think that, considering the purpose of controllers in the hobby, being the most generic is the ideal.
Fair enough, I do understand the benefits of standardised controllers, but it basically makes different consoles an outdated concept that Sony, Microsoft, amd Nintendo cling to in order to keep making money. Its bad enough that the PS5 and XSX are just PCs and the Switch just an arm tablet with proprietary OSes. But with the controllers all being almost identical copies of each other with only very slight differences as well. What's the point of having all these consoles now? It just means that there are certain games people can't play because of artificial exclusivity.

That's why I personally dislike that everything has become homogenised, in the past, every platform and the games for them felt different. Having a Mega Drive instead of a SNES felt like they had their own identities. I suppose we still have stuff like racing wheels, flight sticks, fight sticks and VR. But that's all a very niche aspect of gaming.
Button layout looked dumb but worked ok really. Unironically Madcatz controllers were fine.
What multi plats? joking but ykwim and Nintendo doesn't seem to care about 3rd party devs
Fact is that many anons can only pretend they used one and this is all they see when they look at the pics.
Lol and the Master System pad sucked but that didn't make pads a bad idea.

>brain damage: the post
the master system controller just lacked buttons the dpad was great though hitting diagonals in wonderboy in monster land was perfect
Perhaps manufacturing was different between regions bc my MS pads were hopeless. It had mushy buttons and pressing a cardinal direction was a roll of the dice as to what direction would register. Not an issue with my NES /3rd party controllers
Master System pads were a quality issue; keypads are an inherently bad idea and will never be good just like clickable sticks.
Ok well history is mostly on your side there. PC numpads I would argue are an exception.
Obviously a ten key is an essential part of a keyboard. We are talking specifically about game controllers.
Yeah but it is relevant in that it has been used for gaming by many. Perhaps it could have been a viable separate accessory instead though.

Some intellivision games used the keypad well and it was a break from the godawful puck.
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the DUALITY® of men
pressing b and a literally works the same way?
I used to hate the c-stick, but if you think about it, it is precise, the problem was that most games don't let you adjust the sensibility and most developers calibrated it as if it was a digital input. One great example is Geist, Starfox Adventure uses it for the inventory as if it was a digital input too (I can't complain, that is a great usage for the second analog stick), Starfox Assault has a dual analog layout but it does not let you adjust the sensibility, reason why it sucks and the single analog layout is the default one.

C-Stick is good, but developers let it down.

t. a Dreamcast/Xbox faggot.
>Using this to play Viewtiful Joe feels way more natural than any other controller.
Probably because it was designed for the Gamecube exclusively until that Sony/Capcom executive dinner where Sony began guilt tripping Capcom and claimed they were betraying them by making Nintendo-exclusive games.
everyone uses cheat code controllers now lol. the scene is such a joke
The fact that Smash players still insist on using this shit controller today proves that Celda and its consequences have been a disaster for Nintendo fans' mental health.
The gamecube controller handles are just too small to be comfortable. The switch pro controller is the comfiest controller I've ever used.

I've never had an issue with the C stick though.
Most of them use cheatcode controllers that play the game for them now.
What the hell is a cheatcode controller
goomwave/PHOB they mod gamecube controllers and some automatically fix your bad inputs for you. Its a complete joke and every top melee player uses one
So the nerd equivalent to PEDs then.
The fucking C-Nub on the N3DS. I regret putting off getting a 3DS until the N3DS because I get stuck with the shitty stretched XL screen and that stupid nub when I could have just gotten a normal 3DS and that silly expansion pad thing.

Or calling the latter hardware revision of the 3DS the "New" 3DS, which is what we still have to call it a fucking decade later because that's the fucking name of it.
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Gamecube controller is great though, it just needed a second bumper, gyro, hd rumble and a proper second analog while also being slapped into the shell of a Switch Pro controller and then getting a clickler d-pad more akin to what is found in a handheld, what I want to ask is how the fuck did Retro Fighters simultaneously build the Brawler 64, the goat N64 controller and the design this hunk of shit.
Any recommends for an aftermarket Snes controller?
manlet detected
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Brazil got it right with TecToy just using Genesis controllers with their late Master System models.
I don't think they were expecting fps games to take off and become the dominant genre before halo came out.
literally every video game from this gen on used dual analogs
bet those controllers are cheap and toyish as hell and they break.
good luck with dealing with games with B & A
it took a couple of years before third person games started giving you full camera control with the second stick, most of them still only allowed you to reset the camera behind you or had no camera control at all.
This. It really wasnt until the ps3/360 generation when such controls came standard
>shitty dpad
The d-pad is totally fine and I have big hands. I'm sorry that you have the dexterity of a limp noodle.

Smash players are subhuman mutants and should not be listened to or paid any attention to under any circumstances.
Goldeneye was one of the topsellers on the N64, and Half Life and CS also changed the world
I hold the precise opposite opinion: I think that the buttons largely feel good, but the ergonomics of the controller itself are poor. I can't comfortably fit my pinkies on the handles.
Yeah and golden eye didn't need 2 thumbsticks.
>>Misses left bumper
Just WHY
I want to eat this ..
Why did so many 2000s-era controllers have awful D-pads anyway?
It had the option for it
I guess this corresponded with the whole "3D only, analog first" mindset of the era, and D-pad being often reduced to a supplementary button.
X360 D-pad was the worst
The Xbox one actually had an amazing dpad on launch then quickly changed it and is impossible to buy now

Nintendo never thinks
C buttons were barely used to move the camera and were instead used as buttons most of the time. This acts as a stick but can be used as "buttons" easily while still letting some games use it as a stick.
You can fix that blunder.
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Holy basado
Nintendo, hire this man
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>the tiny c nipple instead of start
It really is such a baffling decision. The Gamecube controller is so damn comfortable to hold and use but half of the controller is genuinely unusable. The D-Pad is outright useless and the C-Stick is garbage.
You have to remember that every Nintendo controller is built from the ground up for a game. Not every game, not any game but a singular game. It's usually whatever the hell Miyamoto happens to be working on.
Beyond that one game? Well that's somebody elses problem to figure out how or even if the controller can properly support other games.

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