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>for a game released in 1997
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That’s too much. I’ll just take that 1 protoman plush, that’s it.
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post some UFO catcher plushies, these are neat and there are specific themed sets for holidays or different attires
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The Nights Collection was pretty dope.
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sonic sports set, incredibly crusty image quality because a lot of these old sets have fuck all for promotional material, with many of the plushes being incredibly rare nowadays
I love Eggman's old design. He just looks like such a funny menace.
Anon who posted his rare Bark the Polar Bear plush from the 90s, this thread made me remember you
Man these are great
Honestly all of the plushies except for the >_< servbot one look like shit. Sad servbot's eyes are kinda too small. Okay, Protoman and Metall are kinda alright
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Not my photo, but I got this set of Tekken 2 mini figures a while back.
Nice if not for the fecking big heads
Where the fuck is Eddie Gordo?
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I fineshed my ps1-ps2 platformer collection with Jak. Many years I wanted spyro and crash figure.

F tier, you paid for a funko pop
in Tekken 3
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Back in the day, some bands under the Sony Music label got some exclusive Playstation merch during their tours. Inside is a Playstation disc that was for the Light My Fire event.
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Here's this DMM Scratch Lottery Klonoa I got. Apparently you have a 4/100 chance of winning the red or blue variants.
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Thinking about buying one of those busty Morrigan statues.
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I’m not into this shit because I’m not an incel but I once in a blue moon come across some tempting /vr/ shirts on eBay. If you wanted a retro print shirt, what game would it be?
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I wanted these so bad
Starcraft plushies, where are they?
Same, I was lucky to find Zell at a thrift store.
Nice Spyro on the right
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I have one of those, nicely detailed!
I definitely had Squall and Zell, and I think I had Rinoa and/or Seifer.
>some band
Laruku is one of the biggest rock bands in Japan.
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I dont know if other countries got these toys but in the 90s in Argentina there was a vidya magazine called TopKids that after getting famous as THE MK magazine they started selling these toys with the magazines. The articulations are pretty good except for the sholders. The faces are usually a hit or miss depending of the paint work. But they had a big cultural impact in the gaming community
I remember owning this fifteen years before playing any of the Resident Evil games myself. My only experience with the series at the time was watching my neighbour play the RE2 demo.
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I have the full set of the Coca Cola FF9 figures.
Nice. I have a few Rockman 6 keychains that I got as a set for quite cheap (standard Rock and the two Rush armors). They were pretty grimy but seem to be cleaning up well; they still have the original tags too
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The Retro Roto line from Jazzwares was short lived, and had very limited articulation (they're basically sofubi), but if you wanted a Mega Man figure that actually looked like the lineart in the 2000's this was your best bet.
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I had almost all of them. I think I don't have any left sadly.
IIRC these were only sold in Argentina and they were made by using the Rambo figures template, since Jocsa had the license for it and Top Kids was basically sponsored by Jocsa.
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Best Sonic plush right here
They seem to do better than the Jazzwares Sonic figures that I keep finding broken apart. I named my penis sofubi.
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Wild to think Top Kids were the only ones in the whole world to release a Killer Instinct figure
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I remember hearing them in the early 90s, and most fondly remember them for the DNA^2 TV miniseries song. I think they fell out of favor because I remember one of their cooler songs was only on a few episodes of the Rurouni Kenshin TV adaptation before replaced by a song by a different band, although just as good, the series already used just prior because the drummer was caught for possession. A shame too, since I remember surprising a friend when he was listening to "Good Morning Hyde" I said that's English. I do wonder how these bands get started since I don't think many would appreciate the loud noise of band practice when they are just starting.

Anyway, I remember a lot of games had companion comics that were maybe commercialism to expand the reach of the games, but still a nice bonus for those wanting to see more of a game.
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For me? The Banpresto Mother figures
There is this weird Wario wallet i saw that was in promotion for Wario World with that title on it, but an image of warioware biker wario on it.
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Love this fucker.
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butt sauce
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Mexican bootleg figures. Probably made of poop and ebola.
>full of poop and ebola
Friendly reminder that EVERYTHING is made on China and Africa sweatshops in current day
They had the license so nope
Also >Mexican
>Posts mentions Argentina
Burger education everyone
Isn't Laguna Squall's dad?
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/vr/ model kits?
i have what i can only assume to be vintage sonic plushes but i think they may be bootlegs; anyhow if anyone cares i could share them when i'm not feeling so sad
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Have plenty. Waiting on my plush of Rocket Knight to arrive as well.

Also have one of Max from Sam & Max.
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New lego smw kit dropped
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Pretty sure I have this fucker (or a similar one) somewhere, won him in a crane machine. The best part was that it wasn't even time for the machine to pay out, his overalls just got caught on the hook. I still had 3 turns left in the machine and I got a DK "legit".
Still devastated I broke this when I was younger, I was a very careful kid but this figure was super flimsy. I can at least balance the body on top of the legs so it can be displayed though.
So cute!!
Upcoming Contra figures.
I don't think they're too expensive to get on Ebay right now if you still feel like it.
I would really prefer if you would be quiet
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>I named my penis sofubi.
What does that have to do with the broken Sonic Jazzware figures?

My sides have left the galaxy.
>get kind of into toys and collecting
>decide I'm mostly drawn to minis and that I'll focus on that
>turns out that's one of the most in-demand markets for toys and often a nightmare for prices
Very cool.

I have the Mega Man and Guts Man ones from KB Toys back in the day. The QC on the paint on them was terrible.

>I can at least balance the body on top of the legs
Is there a reason you can't or won't glue it, goofball?
>Is there a reason you can't or won't glue it, goofball?
Yeah, I'm retarded, that's the reason.
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